Is It Possible To Reverse The Effects Of Energy Drinks

Drank 5 Hour Energy, Bad Effects, Help Please.?

If you have a heart problem and are young, I wouldn't recommend too much caffeine. A little caffeine can help with concentration and will make you more alert. Too much will make you feel sick. Don't worry though, you need the caffeine equivalent of several gallons of coffee to die from caffeine! I've had a lot of caffeine before, it's not all that fun. Don't drink more than you can handle, but don't feel the need to avoid all caffeine for the rest of your life.

You can learn more about caffeine at it's a good site with humor and a lot of information.

Is there a possible reason energy drinks have a reverse effect on me?

My friend has the same problem. Could it be the crash afterward? Try using a 5-hour energy shot or something that isn't sugar,guarana,an caffine.

Energy Drinks have an Opposite Effect on Me?

Energy drinks have no effect on me either except maybe a slight buzzy feeling for a few minutes. Your body could just be so used to caffeine that it built up a resistance. And then there is the infamous sugar crash. Energy drinks are pretty much all just liquid sugar, caffeine, and maybe a few vitamins here and there to make you think you're doing your body a favor. Sugar crash comes after the sugar rush. You take in so much sugar and yes it energizes for a short time then its gone faster than it came unlike more natural sources of sugar, like fruit, that the body can more easily digest.

SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE! Addicted to Rockstar Energy Drinks!!?

I am 29 years old (female) and have been drinking Rockstars FAITHFULLY for at least 4 years. I started out drinking a couple a week, at an accelorated rate I am now drinking 2 a day (minimum). The funny thing about it is that they do not give me energy because my body has a reversed reaction to things. Therefore, I can drink a Rockstsar and go straight to sleep. That being said, I do not drink them for energy, although I have no idea why I contnue to drink them. I am COMPLETELY ADDICTED!!! I crave them, I tried to stop drinking them and can't. I seriously can not explain why I continue to drink them other than the fact that I am addicted.

The issue here is that I have been experiencing serious health issues that I believe are caused from drinking Rockstars such as:

Panic attacks
Loss of short-term MEMORY(can't remeber what I had for dinner last night)
Nervous twitches
Numbness and tingling in my hands, arms and legs
Shortness of breath
Interrupted sleep
Grinding of teeth
My body's ability to heal takes much longer than normal (cut's brusises, etc.)
High blood pressure
Mood swings (snap at the drop of a hat)
The shakes

The list goes on and on...

I have tried doing some research online and found that everyone is really unclear of real life side effects, meaning that not enough information on the side effects, other than the fact that heart palpatations, high blood pressure, etc. are a side effect, although those are a given with any type of caffine.

So I would like to hear from you what side effects you have suffered and experienced as a result of drinking Rockstars or any type of energey drink. Let me know no matter how big or small, normal or weird.

There is not enough research done on energy drinks out there so, I am conducting my own research. Please respond with only serious answers of your experiences.


Can drinking energy drinks affect allergy medications?

I was wondering if drinking something like Monster Energy drink could stop allergy medication (specifically Fexofenadine the generic version of Allegra) from working? My allergies have been very bad and I started taking fexofenadine a couple days ago. I know it takes a few days to build up in your system...yesterday around 6 I drank HALF a monster and about two hours later my allergies began to act up. I took one of the Fexofenadine pills around 8:00 but by 12:30am my allergies were still raging. I went to bed and woke up this morning and took one and now two hours later my allergies seem to be getting weaker. I was wondering if maybe it didn't work last night because I had Monster in my system?

I can't seem to find anything at all on google as to weather or not it can stop fexofenadine from working, I found something that said the use of alcohol can make side-affects of Fexofenadine worst but I cannot find anything that says weather or not an energy drink could stop it from working. Anyone know?

How do I stop my energy drink addiction?

This is a physical addiction to caffeine and you need to step it down, because if you go cold turkey you will have dreadful headaches. Write out a plan to come down to zero over a couple of weeks, and stick to it. Then you have to stay clean of the stuff, no energy drinks, cola, coffee, tea or chocolate. Obviously no caffeine pills, amphetamines or stimulants like Ritalin (Adderall). Else you will have to start all over again. Of course many people have a well managed habit of, say, two cups of coffee a day. You may be able to handle that but since you are addicted to sports drinks perhaps you’re one of those who can’t.