Is It Rude To Be Honest

Is it rude to be brutally honest?

Yes, but it is also rude to be a huge pussy that wish-washes around problems. Id rather have a huge dick for an elephant in the room, than some weak spineless immoral little twerp that thinks avoiding you and lying to you is more effective. Tell me what my problems are to my face! Then, I might actually see the light in the truth of the answer. If you lie to me just to make me happy, it might make me mad if I'm testing you and I know the real answer.I’ve heard someone say to me, “People really have to watch what they say around you. There’s a standard to me.”Yeah, that would be a true statement, that I hold high standards of the peers around me.Since then, I try to be more neutral. Have less opinions, speak less, listen more, yeah I try. It’s hard to listen. You have to say things after the fact that actually apply to what you just heard.Oh, and never be afraid to ask someone to repeat what they said. Tried and true. It might seem rude, but you’re better off being that kind of honest to show that you care. It’s a puddle-deep kind of rude at first. At least, in my head.One day, I’ll die over brutal honesty. I can see it now. Egoes are raging worse and worse nowadays. Hopefully, I’ll be able to catch an ego silently raging before it pulls a gun out of its’ pocket and tries to shoot me dead.There’s only three things people die from nowadays; a weapon, a disease or old age.^That’s brutal honesty.

My crush was 'honest 'or 'rude' to me?

He could have stopped by saying that he has a girlfriend , instead he said quite a few times that he was 'ENJOYING ' outdoor activities and travelling with his girlfriend .Wasn't that rude? Why should he do that?

Is this rude or plainly honest?

A Japanese girl from my class said in front of her other classmates that she didn't wish to join us for dinner next week for several reasons: 1. she doesn't like to join a big group for dinner
2. she doens't like to hear people chattin in English OR Japanese.
This remark made us feel awkward and even a bit uneasy. What do you think of this kind of remarks? Do you think she was being rude or plain honest? Thanks for your input.

Is "just being honest" a poor excuse to be rude?

A lot of times people will say mean or rude things under the guise of "just being honest". It is as if you can't be nice and be honest too.

It bothers me when people do it. If you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything at all. If you have to say something you don't have to be nasty about it to give an honest opinion.

Or does the truth really hurt?

Being honest without being rude or blunt?

I often want to be as honest as possible with family and friends. I try very hard to not be fake and give them my honest opinion if they ask for it BUT I sometimes come off as RUDE, MEAN, and/or BLUNT when i don't intend to be.


Why does being a very honest person make you seem rude?

I'm one who is excessively honest. It's taken time To learn that speaking my honest views is not the same as speaking truths or facts. I would ask for a bit of common sense from the questioners in my life. They know I tend to only speak honestly or avoid answering. It's not a secret. Just ask me and I'll tell you. However, time and again they come, refusing to take avoiding the question as an answer. Getting bent out of shape and feelings hurt. Calling me mean and evil. Then coming back the next day for more honesty that they hate form the one person who's opinions they hate... That's a little mad people!There was another answer I read here about authentic self. That's very true in a manner. But the secret to honest with compassion I'm learning is in what my mother always said I lacked. Growing up as a school child, my words got me in to quite a bit of trouble. Mom would tell me, " You've got no tact, no Jay you don't have to lie, but Damn it learn some tact." tactTranslate Button[takt] noun1.a keen sense of what to say or do to avoidgiving offense; skill in dealing with difficultor delicate situations.2.a keen sense of what is appropriate,tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing; taste;discrimination. thing I'm hear these days is what seems to be a writing and media buzzword of the moment. I'm 'uncouth' and not at all the honest pillar of integrity everyone values for his opinions.Knowing this things, the so called honest person can learn the insight that they are mean, insensitive, and ill-manored. They can come to understand that is not their questioners that need insight in hearing honest, but instead themselves that need insight in tactfully delivering honesty.And that's my honest opinion. ;-)

What's the line between being rude and being blunt/too honest?

Usually in the delivery and tone of voice.
You can say some nasty sh*t to people if you speak in a soothing tone and dress it up nicely.

How to explain the difference between being rude and being honest?

I know someone who is constantly saying rude things about people, gifts, etc. whenever I confront her about her negativity, she says she is "just being honest." I've tried explaining that being honest is not an excuse for saying insulting things to people. To me, that is just a bad excuse to get away with rude and insulting behavior, especially since her "observations" and "opinions" are not being asked her

What is a good way to explain the difference between rude and being honest.

Is there a difference between being honest and rude?

I hear it way too often, people will insult others and say "Well, I'm just honest." When I think of honesty, I think of benefiting someone. You shouldnt have to apologize for honesty. Someone also made a Facebook profile purely to insult and hurt people and call it Honesty *My city*. They hide behind their computer obviously, so ironically, they are not so "honest" themself. But I believe there is a complete difference from being blunt and being rude. If you say something like "You have really bad acne" or "you are pretty ugly.." thats rude. If you tell someone they have a peice of food on their face or their shirt is on inside out, thats different. I feel like people dont want to sound bad by saying that they are insulting someone so they say they are honest. Thoughts?