Is It Rude To Decline Your Friend When They Are Going To Take A Picture Of You

Is it rude that I don't like taking pictures?

Um.. I don't like other people taking photos of me. I am introverted that way. I hate photos. I only will take a photo if I do it myself.

I hate when I go out with my friends they think they have the right to take photos of me. A lot of people think I am mysterious and rude because I generally dislike people taking photos of me. I feel that I have every right to tell people "no." so what if they get upset? Why does that make me rude? If anything people are rude for assuming it's okay to take photos without my permission.

Does that make me rude?

Is it rude to crop a friend out of a profile picture?

i can understand both sides. if she gets mad, just explain that you didnt want to have the same picture. for all she knows maybe its the best picture you've ever taken! regardless, you are in the picture, and i don't think its rude if you just want it to be you in it.

Is it considered rude to decline a gift/present in America?

There are three cases here - personal gifts from friends or family, professional gifts, and gifts given to you by strangers or acquaintances.A personal gift from a friend or relative- it is considered slightly rude to reject a personal gift from a relative, friend, acquaintance, etc. When your 3 year old niece draws a big scribble on a paper, and gives it to you, you should accept it and say thank you.A professional gift - you have to be careful here, because you have to be sure that the gift is not seen as a bribe. Most companies have a monetary worth limit on gifts you can accept from a client or vendor, and anything over the limit should be politely refused ("I'm sorry - it's against our corporate policy to accept gifts like this, but I appreciate the thought")Then there is the third case. It is not considered rude to refuse a gift from someone you barely know or don’t know at all. If that creepy guy tries to give you a flower, you can say “no thank you”. If someone approaches you on the street - “No thank you”. Etc.

My best friend hasn't taken a picture with me and we've been friends for years. She takes multiple pictures with her friends she's only known since last year, why doesn't she want to take pictures with me?

Well I don't know if you are a guy or a girl, and what is your intention toward the relationship.Please forgive me if you are a girl and skip the question, because I wouldn't know what is going on with girl's bestfriend' relationship.But if you are a guy I think I can answer a bit.1./ If you are a guy's bestfriend of her, and you both know and intent to keep it so, then I hardly think of any reason for her to do so, beside she doesn't want her boyfriend or crush see a guy who is close with her in the same picture.2./ If you like her, then believe me, she knows. Then she would refuse to take pics with you because she doesn't want it to gets weird between the 2. Girls are sensitive, and she might scare you will grow your feeling more, with the result of her loosing a friend. Let her be.3./ If she likes you, then it has even more reason to avoid taking picture with you, especial if she is shy. She might be feeling not confident about her outlook, or just simply feeling weird. A quick way to test is when you hang out with her just casually take your phone out and take selfie with her. If she took, then you were wrong. If she reluctantly take, then it might be 1 or 2. If she take but ask you to not to post it to FB, then it is 1. If she push you out or hide, it can be 1 or 3. If she gets red and says no, it might be 3. In anycase, you can ask her why directly then.

Is it rude to ask for food/drink at a friend's house?

When my friends come over, the first thing I do is offer them something to eat and drink. If they're there around lunch or dinner time, I always make them a meal. But often I'll go to my friend's house and she doesn't offer me anything. When we were in high school, I'd sometimes go straight to her house after school and ask for a snack when she didn't offer me one because I was always starving after school and she would always seem offended when I asked. So I started just casually mentioning "I'm hungry" instead of outright asking for a snack and she's just sigh and say "Let me guess, you want food?" or something similar. After awhile I started declining her offers to come over after school because I wanted to go home and get a snack. She'd tell me we could eat something at her house, yet when we got there she still didnt offer me anything. Again, when I asked, she seemed offended. There have even been times I was there all day and was never offered any meals, or stayed overnight and didnt get any breakfast unless I asked. All these times I was invited by her and some of them I asked her to my house first and she said no, we should hang out at her house. I know it's probably not the most polite thing, but is it really THAT rude? If she hasn't offered me anything to eat or drink, is the correct thing to do to suffer in silence until my stomach starts making weird noises? I don't go over to her house quite as much anymore since I finished school, but a couple months ago, she invited me and another friend over for a couple drinks and didnt give us anything until I asked. So it's still happening. I just always feel really weird asking for food and drinks, but at the same time, a girl's gotta eat. I'd just like to either be reassured that I'm not doing anything too impolite, or at least know what I should be doing in a situation where I'm invited over for food or drinks and am not offered any. Thanks. :)

What are your main reasons for rejecting friend requests on facebook?

It seems a little rude and snobby to me to do that, and its really hard for me to reject one. No one is perfect and I have always believed you should look at yourself before judging other people. I however will admit though, some people I honestly don't want to associate with.

So I guess you can tell, I struggle at this sort of thing, since I want to be nice person and not have to hurt someone's feelings.

How can you politely avoid having your picture taken?

In this day of facebook, I have quite a few narcissistic friends who take their camera wherever they go and whoever happens to be there gets their picture taken no matter what theyre doing, eating, walking to the bathroom, laughing, with a play by play of the evening posted on facebook the next day. This makes me SICK and has caused me to rudely say "Please don't take my picture!" and people get shocked!

Is there a politer way to do this? Next week I'm going back to my hometown and there is one old friend who was always famous for taking too many pictures and even videos of people without their consent. I'm really not looking forward to seeing her.

How do you reject politely when someone is asking you to send a photo of yours?

“The camera on my phone doesn’t work. Sorry.”“No, it’s never worked. I don’t keep photos on my phone.”“No, I honestly have no clue how to even get pictures on my phone or my computer.”“I mean, the only thing I really use my computer for is to write gay Lord of the Rings slash-fic. I can send you some of that if you like…”

I politely declined an expensive gift from my future mother in law and then she humiliatied me in retaliation?

Just to add, my fiancé had mixed feelings about this incident. He HATED how his mother reacted to me. He was embarrassed and thought it was very inappropriate. However, he didn't really care for the fact that I returned it either. He understands why I did it, but he thinks it would have saved trouble if I had just accepted it. He told me I could have just threw it in my jewelry box and never worn it if it was that big of a deal. But I'm even more uncomfortable keeping $1,000 in my jewelry box and letting it collect dust. I thought if anything, his mom should get her money back.

Is it okay to date a girl who rejected your friend?

This girl does not belong to your friend. She is not his possession, nor does he have any claim to her.If this girl was rude or mean to your friend in any way, then you shouldn’t date her because you shouldn’t date people who are mean to your friends. However, if she simply gave him a polite “no,” then there is no reason why she would be off limits.Here’s some things to keep in mind:This girl already turned down your friend. She’s not going to date him. Even if you were not in the picture, he’s not going to get her as a girlfriend. He needs to accept that.If this girl doesn’t date you, then she’s going to move on a date someone else. Perhaps another friend of yours. She is free to date who she likes. Your friend needs to accept the fact that this girl is going to date someone who isn’t him.You like this girl and she likes you. That’s great! You both make each other happy. As long as you two treat each other well and make each other happy, then your friend should be happy for you. Doesn’t he want you to be happy?I know you’re worried that you’re going to hurt your friend, but your friend already got hurt. He got hurt the day he asked out this girl and she said no. He needed to accept then that he wasn’t going to be with her. If he still thinks he has a chance, 6 months later, then he has a problem. He should have moved on by now.You don’t get to call dibs on people. People are not like a slice of pizza. You don’t get to claim them as your own by sticking a flag on them, and no one else is allowed to touch them. If your friend is under the impression that this girl is his right because he saw her first, then he has some seriously destructive ideas about women, and I can see why this girl didn’t want to date him.I think you should go for it. If your friend is saddened by the fact that you make this girl happy, then he didn’t really care about her as a person, he simply saw her as a shiny object that he wanted to possess. If he feels some jealousy over the fact that she liked you instead of him, then that’s fairly normal, and you can discuss that with him.However, if you decide to proceed in a relationship with this girl, make sure you don’t keep it a secret, and make sure you sit down and talk about the situation with your friend. Make him understand that this girl came to you, because she likes you, and you also like her.