Is It Snobby And Mean To Call Someone A

What is a 'snobby' person?

A snobby person is a snobbish person.Some people like to do coleslaw (i.e. cutting things a bit fine) and differentiate snobbish vs. snobby — but there’s no meaningful realistic difference in word or in life.Thanks for the A2A.

What does it mean when someone calls you a "guppy"?

uh oh the fish

When you are called a 'guppy"? that means you are not a fish on a plate but a fish that is content

It may also mean they are snobby and swim with their back to you

What does it mean when someone calls you hollywood?

Calling you Hollywood is like either saying you have a big personality, or you look really flashy or pretty or something like that.

People Call Me A SNOB?

probably its because you are so pretty and perfect-like?

People call me a snob??!!?

i used to come across a bit snobbish, but not because I actually was, but because i was really shy and conscious and kind of withdrew myself in public if you know what i mean. As for looking really serious/snobby on the bus, I was told that too by a guy who i met afterwards somewhere else, and he was really surprised to find out that i actually wasn't haha.

Just try opening up a bit..Look the world in the face and don't take everything too seriously. Other than that, just be yourself, who cares what strangers think :-)

How does one spot an intellectual snob?

Snob would be a person who thinks people are inferior or superior based on social status, intellect, wealth, education, ancestry, power, physical strength, class, taste, beauty, nationality, fame, etcetera.Intellectual would be a person who engages in critical thought and reflection about all those things.Seems like an oxymoron to me, and a mutually exclusive one at that. A snob would not be an authentic intellectual and visa versa.This kinda put it all on the spotter, doesn't it?The spotter would have an Inferiority complex and Compensation (psychology) that would be spotted by their behavior.The behavior would be to instead of saying, when you said such and such it hurt my feelings or when you said such and such it made me angry, and would resort to name calling because of those feelings. The name they would call is intellectual snob, which does not mean anything.One would be more likely to spot a pseudo-intellectual snob. An authentic intellectual would not resort to snobbery.Thanks for asking me to answer your question, Sarah.Did you have a genuine question or were you trying to hint at something?

I don't like unsophisticated people, am I a snob?

ah hem. no you are not a snob, you just have a preference for a certain kind of behavior.What you describe as ‘unsophisticated’ might to others be normal, so its not okay to judge people based on perceptions.To be a snob you need to do more than just ‘not like’ someones who acts or speaks a certain way.You need to be openly judgmental of them. As in you see some guy dressed in dirty jeans and a roughed up shirt talking like some jackass, and instead of just walking away, you sneer at him call him names or insult his blood line.Now, what we get into at this point is. That guy in dirty jeans and roughed up shirt probably just got done with his hard labor job, and the way he talks may not be jackassery but rather a local accent and slang. (Example. In Boston a Driveway is called a Dooryard. In the south you have ‘grits’ and in the north you have ‘cream of wheat’. which I know they are not really the same, but they look enough alike that people have gotten into long arguments about it.So really, think what you like, but don't act on it okay?

What's your defense against being called snobbish?

I come from an intellectual family (son of two college professors), have a couple of degrees, listen to mostly classical music (and jazz), enjoy reading and discussing Philosophy, and direct Shakespeare plays. And yet I've almost never been called a snob. My defense is not acting like a snob. I don't treat people who would rather read Batman comics than "King Lear" as if they're inferior to me, which is easy because I know they're not. And I totally own my lowbrow tastes. In addition to the stuff I mentioned above, I also love "Lost in Space," "Game of Thrones," Poptarts, and McDonald's hamburgers. I have no guilty pleasures: just pleasures. I never read or watch anything that's good for me: just stuff I like, such as Merchant and Ivory films and Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. I love the Beach Boys and I make no distinction between them and Beethoven. Both made music I love. I think it's pretty apparent to everyone who knows me that I never do anything for show. I don't read, watch, eat, or listen to "things you're supposed to..." or "things that are good for you..." I just consume what I like. And I want everyone else to do the same. I'm not a "Star Wars" fan, but if someone loves it and wants to fill his home with action figures, I think that's awesome! I'll buy him some for Christmas! I never judge people for liking what they like; I don't lecture them about how their favorite bands suck, and they have no worries that I'm going to do that, because it's so out-of-character for me. My other defense is not caring. I treat people with respect, and most understand that. If one guy, who is insecure, sees me reading "Hamlet" and calls me a snob, that's okay. I know I'm not one.