Is It The Less I Weigh The More Protein Helps My Muscles

Can eating more protein help me lose weight?

Right now I mostly eat carbs (bread, pasta, etc.), dairy (yogurt and milk), and sometimes some fruit. I eat a lot of sugary foods, probably fatty too. If I switch my diet to contain lots of protein (lean meats, eggs (without the yolks), adding plain unflavored unsweetened gelatin to my soup, etc.) and more vegetables, along with cutting out most of the carbs and dairy, will I lose a lot of weight? Will it be fast or will it take a long time?

Will muscle milk help me gain weight?

Firstly, you must realize that you are different from the people who use muscle milk and saw the weight gain. Most of them do not have a high metabolism rate like you and me and even if they do, chances of that helping you to gain weight is low. Let me elaborate. The things in muscle milk is whey protein powder which is found in egg whites and milk while the biggest contributor of calories come from sugar. This firstly means that you are actually paying for overpriced sugar. Secondly, a high sugar content will not help you to gain weight as it will spike your blood sugar up and let it dip down by a lot later, causing your body to burn more calories rather than limit it. What I suggest if you are looking to gain weight is to look into eating a high carbohydrate diet many times a day, sleep well and do the right exercise to help you get there. Even if you drink it at night, prolonged use will cause damage to your system like it did for me due to the high amount of sugar and protein in the mixture that your body will pass out in an attempt to prevent itself from being poisoned by too much nutrients.

A high carbohydrate diet in my personal experience is to eat 3/4 of your normal size meals but do it 6 times a day. Make sure that you have at least 50% of it coming from carbohydrates like potatoes, pasta, noodles, biscuits, rice and bread for all your meals. This will provide you with enough calories to help you to gain weight steadily despite your high metabolism rate.

However, diet is only one pillar you need to get right. You will also need to sleep well every night to prevent unnecessary calorie lost. What I suggest is that you look into turning in 30 minutes ahead of the time you usually do so that you can wake up slightly ahead of your alarm clock, thus ensuring that you get the maximum sleep your body needs without being abruptly interrupted by the alarm.

Lastly, you need to lift weights or do exercise that provides you with strength. It is a simple logic really. The more weight you can bear, the easier it is for your body to gain as it gets accustomed to the weight you need. This means you need to look into lifting heavy weights for a short period of time for your workout.

Will Protein X help me build muscles?

Forgive me for the late answer, busy with work today.Protinex + Proper weight training (lifting weights) at least thrice a week will definitely help you to build muscles.Protein without workout is useless and so is Workout without protein.However, Protinex only has about 30% protein. Rest is carbs (including lots of sugar aka bad idea), fat and fillers. It costs about Rs 250 for 250grams so Rs 1000/kg with only 30% protein content.I would suggest you for a supplement that is targeted towards bodybuilding. There are many to choose from and the range starts from Rs 1200/kg and go well upto Rs 3000/kg. All of these have at least 60% protein content. which means double protein and almost no carbs and definitely no sugar. Dont go for any imported ones just now, the only difference between them and Indian brands is import duty. I use Athlor. I don’t endorse it and they dont pay me anything to recommend it, just choose what you think is right.Go for something in the range of Rs 1500 to Rs 2000. You said you weigh 59kg so you will need to bulk up a little too. Most people would suggest a mass gainer but 90% of them are high in sugars which helps to increase weight but isn’t healthy for you. I recommend increase your diet. Eat, eat and EAT!! Eat anything and everything you can get your hands on.Just stay away from sugary and Fatty foods, it may seem like an easy option to gain weight but trust me its better to gain gradually. You will thank me for it. Also, eat at least 4 well-balanced meals a day, 5 if you can manage it. Include lots of veggies. You can even include simple carbs like rice and white bread (maida) if you exercise regularly, because you don’t weigh a lot.Hope this helps. For any further clarifications, just leave a comment.

How much protein should I eat to gain muscle?

Start out with about 30 grams of protein in a shake or smoothie, work up to 45-50 grams. It takes your body a few days to a week to get use to the extra supplement, at least mine did. also, take your drink within 30 min of your workout for best results.
Always buy high quality whey. I get my stuff from the link below, their forum page also has some good recipes and discussions. good luck

Will whey protein shakes help you lose weight or make you gain weight?

I will tell you flatly and bluntly. I am right now training ``powerlifting style’’ focusing on strengths using the big 3. I was taking whey for a while after workout and also BCAA. BCAA helped but then I was also steadily gaining fat around my midsection. Everyone kept saying you need to work your abs yada yada yada…do crunches yada yada…I can do 250 leg raises and 300 crunches but my midsection is still there…no change, zilch…In the meanwhile strengths kept increasing. I then bumped one day into internet videos of Butter Bob and Dr. Eric Berg. I learned about insulin and its role in macronutrient absorption and obesity. People in the gym struggle for years, change over to low-carb diet, do cardio like crazy and crunches even more. But to no avail. They get lean but not muscular. Eventually skinny fat…back to square one.Long story short, any lean protein — Whey, chicken breast, BCAA, fat free yoghurt, fat free milk, protein bar, WILL make you fat eventually. All these spike insulin. Repeatedly when insulin is high, your body goes to a fat storage mode. Fat releasing hormone is called glucagon which is anti-thetical to the work of insulin which works when insulin is not acting. Only macro which would not increase insulin is FAT. Yes, the scaryI have since given up on whey which I now feel is a marketing scam of the fitness industry. Post workout I take 6 whole eggs which roughly the protein you would get from the 1 scoop of whey. And please stop fearing Fat/Cholestrol. You can read on the Internet there are tons of resources and findings praising eggs and egg yoke.

Why are my muscles not growing????

nutrtion is almost more important than the workout itself.

whey protein is convenient 7 quick but do not depend on that itself, look @your next grocery run & look for regular sources of protein (main staples usu being eggs chicken, turkey, beef, fish etc etc) & complex carbs (potatoes pasta etc)

weigh yourself & look up requirements for your body mass; how many calories are you eating & burning (less in & more output= weight loss)

there are a lot of variables other than above (ie what kind of workout? etc), so checkout

How to Gain Weight and Build Muscle?

okay, so im a pretty skinny guy, i weigh between 105, and 120, it fluctuates A LOT depending on my level of activity, and what i eat. ive got a ridiculously high metabolism, and it doesnt help that im super lazy. athsma is also something that keeps me from exercising much, i get winded, awfully quick.

okay, so heres my question. what is an alternate method to build muscle and weight, without protein powders. im looking for a relatively simple way to modify my diet, and lifestyle, that will help me look a little less like a death camp inmate. i dont have much money either, so something relatively cheap would be appreciated as well.

thank you for your answers!

Should i drink protein shakes while trying to lose weight?

I am hitting the gym 4 times a week lifting weights and after every workout i do a half hour of cardio. everyone is telling me that to encourage muscle growth i should drink a protein shake after every workout. The problem is i'm doing this to lose weight and be healthier. i eat really well now and i'm eating less calories than my body burns at rest. Is a protein shake gonna slow down my weight loss goals? If i drink one I will still be at less calories than i consume at rest. I want my muscles to rebuild fast but not at the expense of screwing up my weight loss goals. there is so much conflicting info on the net

If I eat 20g of protein more than my body weight will I get more results?

Your body will use as much protein as it needs. If you over consume calories (protein included) without the work then you will likely gain fat.The number one ingredient for muscle gain is hard work. Your best bet here, unless you are looking at the Mr. Universe contest, is to just eat a well balanced, healthy, and diverse diet.A shake like the one below has a good balance of protein and is loaded with nutrients from their whole food source. I would rather focus on giving the cells in your body everything they need to function at their best than just focussing on protein intake for muscle building. You will get better resultsBest of luck and let me know if I can help further!