Is It Trashy To Kiss My Boyfriend At School

Should i kiss my boyfriend on the cheek at school?

Yeh...sorry...not sure about the love thing...
Theres a difference between like and love...and all we teens seem to want to fall in love too soon...
Seriously, ive been in love, im still in love and the only way you know is when its tested...for me it was having to find myself and my inner strength to fight my heart out for the love of a girl that i fell madly for when we went out, and now im fighting even harder to win her back (long story, dw about it, you can find out from my questions if you want).
Love is when you will fight till your last breath to be with the person you love...where youll go through hell and more for them in the hope of being with them...(seriously, dont ignore me there, been through depression/self harm/suicide for this girl).


Dont give up, if you guys stay together (never know, you might) then after a year or two your might fall for him truly....
Anyway, sorry for harping about that.
But its a good idea, a kiss on the cheek is nice, but wait till youre older (say...15/16) to go for lips, ok?

Best of luck. I wish you guys all the best :)

Edit: just add in that im 17 if you were wondering about that...

Should I kiss my boyfriend on the cheek at school?

I know this doesn't sound like a big deal but to me it sort of is, so please no hate.
This Saturday my boyfriend and I are going to the movies and I'm sure we're going to kiss and I'm also ready to kiss and I'm positive he is because he's showing some signs that he'd like to.
I was thinking would it be awkward if I kissed him on the cheek at school,
He usually likes to sit with my friends ( who in my opinion can be a bit strange at times ) and sometimes his friends joins us ( Like he would be sitting with us and than his friends would be slowly coming over one by one )
When we sit together we're usually pretty close to each other and holding hands and I suppose I'm asking if it'll be awkward, I wouldn't mind if we were alone but we're sort of never alone but I don't mind that because I can get pretty shy when I'm alone with him.

Where should i kiss my boyfriend in school?

I'm 13 and got a boyfriend at the begining of the summer we've been together for three months know we spend all of our time together i pretty much live with him we kiss and make out a lot, and i and sex with him before so it's pretty serious(don't get me wrong we do love each other a lot) . it's almost time to go back to school and we've both been wondering is it ok to kiss in school. so is it ok to kiss or make out in public at school? if not where should we go to do this?
plz help
btw i'm in middle school and everyone already thinks i'm a slut


After schools finished just before you both go home

Is it okay to kiss my girlfriend at our high-school in front of other students and teachers?

There are two possible meanings to “okay” here:First, your “legal” status is contingent upon the rules of your school. You may find out that the school has a rule against public displays of affection.Second, your school may have a social stigma about kissing in public. This is unlikely to be the case in the US, but many countries do.I personally don’t think it’s the worst thing to kiss your girlfriend on campus as long as it isn’t one of those five minute mauling sessions where you look like you’re trying to chew each other’s faces off. That’s pretty horrible for the rest of us to watch. We get it. You’re “in love.” Still, we think you could probably find somewhere else to do it.

How do i kiss my boyfriend at school? without getting caught?

Well, I'm going through the same... What I'm going to do is wait. I know your school is different but hear me out. My grade is having a picnic because I'm graduating this building (my school is weird as hell) and we get to go to a HUGE PARK.. the park is too big for 5 teachers to keep watch... so me and my boyfriend were going to walk around the park with two of my closest friends who won't snitch or make a huge deal of it... so it doesn't look suspicious we are just gonna kiss like behind a tree or something... but for you, you can do it behind a tree maybie.. or maybie you can go to the bathroom at the same time and then just kiss him but not too long though... if all fails by your lockers in the morning kiss him while no one is in the hallway and go into class say you were late. My teacher knows people in my school are dating and he doesn't care really, he laughs his a** off lol.. the only other way I think you can kiss him is at lunch, ask to go to the bathroom and just kiss him there.. I'm sorry if I'm no help... if all else fails then just think, everything happens for a reason and maybie god is planning another time that will be a memory worth while. I won't kiss my boyfriend until he flat out tells me he wants to or he gives me signals.. sorry if this is a bit long or not any help.. like I said.. I am having the same problem lol but good luck ! I hope you and your boyfriend have a happy life together ! xoxoxo

Why does my boyfriend kiss me every 5 minute? ?

Even if he don't kiss me, he hug me tight or sleep on my legs and stuff but mostly kissing.
Why do he have to kiss me every 5 min? He just kiss suddenly.

About to be a senior in high school... never had a boyfriend. is that weird?

listen im almost 18 and ive never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone. its just never worked out. im an average girl, pretty studious but not veryy involved in many extracurriculars. i just usually hang with my friends on weekends and unfortunately theyre all coupled up so i dont hang with many single guys. i feel like im less than them because they all have boyfriends. its annoying. im not desparate but i just feel like i should have had one by now. and i think they look down at me because of it. theres like a divide. thoughts?

I was caught by my teacher kissing my girlfriend in school. What should I do and what will happen to me?

It all depends on your school rules. At some schools in some countries, it wouldn’t matter. At others, it would matter a great deal and possibly result in disciplinary action and your parents being informed. I would recommend that you at very least refrain from physical affection while at school (or for that matter, in any other public place), except perhaps a handshake with kiss on the cheek, or perhaps a modest hug to when greeting or taking leave of each other, even if school rules permit more than that. If school rules are stricter, then follow the rules. For one thing, it is a good idea to cultivate habits of tasteful behavior in public places, and more importantly, you are (I hope) at school to learn.

My boyfriend wants to kiss me and I really want to kiss him but we don't have a way to because my mom won't let me meet up with him or anything. The only way we can kiss is at school. What can I do?

Gosh,you need to make your head very clear. Think over it. Make sure it is safe. Don't get too excited. Go slow and imagine consequences of each and every action of yours. I understand you want to experience and taste the fruits of life and specially youth. But think that you are not even teenager. Let your body grow and let your mind mature.Now you will have to first draw strict lines between you and your boyfriend. Be stern of not going beyond kissing. Once in a while try sneaking out cleverly,with your friends plan something which can let you out to meet him. eg- fake an extra class.Still I will not provoke or promote any kind of such an activity. This the time to control your urges or else it will lead you into trouble.Involve yourself in other activities which you really love other than kissing.You will get opportunities to satisfy your physical needs,but once you reach the right age you will be able to take appropriate decisions. Being strict is your parents duty,don't take it as a boring lecture.All the best dear. Please avoid trouble.