Is It True If You Rectally Administer Vitamins They Absorb Better

Why are B12 vitamins still administered sublingually (dissolved under the tongue) instead of swallowed?

Sublingually bypasses many problems. B12 has the most complicated absorption into the body and then absorption onto the cells, very different things, and distribution.I ran thousands of iterations of sublingual/sublabial MeCbl and AdoCbl tablets or powders compared to thousands of injections and included urine colorimetry which can easily distinguish amount of B12 in the urine, 99%+ of injected and passively absorbed B12 will be excreted unchanged in the urine within 48 hours with 75%-87.5% of it being excreted within 2 hours in the urine.Sublingual/sublabial absorbed 15%–25% of nominal MeCbl/AdoCbl in 45–120 minutes, extremes being 10%-33%.If you crunch the pill or suck it down fast or swallow it entirely the absorption is about 5 to 10 mcg via HTC1, IF, and HTC2, if all the many steps work correctly. Pernicious anemia is caused (severe b12 deficiency) by some of those steps not working. In addition about 1% of nominal dose can be absorbed passively.So for a 5000 mcg it shapes up like this; sublingual/sublabial absorbed to serum 750–1000 mcg, basically an equivalent of a 1000 mcg injection.1000 mcg will raise the serum level to 100,000 to 200,000+ pg/ml for a few minutes and then 50% to 75% is in the urine in the first hour. However, that is enough to penetrate the CSF/brain even in many people with problems that normally keeps it out.Oral tablet swallowed of 5000 mcg can typically absorb 5 mcg with IF and 50 mcg for the 1% passive, so 55 mcg is the amount absorbed, and raising the serum to 5,500-11,000+ pg/ml for a few minutes. So sublingually one can absorb 20x as much as same dose oral. MeCbl and AdoCbl has a dose proportionate responses to about 7.5mg subcutaneous injection.

Is it possible to ingest water rectally?

“Is it possible to ingest water rectally?”Yes it is. The colon plays an important role in the body’s maintenance of proper hydration by absorbing water from faeces. This is why faeces become harder and dryer in constipation - they have had, in effect, too much moisture removed whilst sitting in the colon.Intravenous infusions weren’t widely available until the 1950s/60s - despite being invented a century earlier. Until IVs were commonly available, patients unable to take any oral fluids had to be hydrated in some other way.Giving fluids rectally is called proctoclysis. There are records of it being used extensively by medics during WWI, and it was taught to medical and nursing students as one of the ‘standard’ methods of rehydration to consider when the oral route was not available.My nursing textbooks, when I commenced training in the 1970s, contained detailed instructions for the procedure, together with drawings of a smiling nurse holding a smiling infant upside-down by the ankles while she gently inserted the lubricated end of a funnel into its rectum.Definitely not something to try at home…

Can multi vitamins be taken as a suppository?

Very weak troll

Can i use vitamin E pills as suppository?

i got 600mg vitamin E soft gel pills;i know they are not made to be used as suppository but can i use it as one in case?Will it cause Vit E toxicity or dangerous health problem since its not broken down by liver?

Can you absorb medicine through your tongue?

Yes, and in fact there are plenty of medicines that are meant to be ingested through the tongue. I’ve just looked it up and it’s called ‘sublingual administration’. Apparently it has such diverse uses as cardiovascular drugs, steroids, barbiturates (which is a class of medicine that can have effects from sedation to total anesthesia), certain opioid analgesics, enzymes, and apparently also vitamins and minerals.So yes, you can, although I would say that the medication likely has to be designed to be absorbed in such a way. It doesn’t work quite as well when you don’t take it as directed. If you try to take a pill that’s meant to be swallowed and just leave it under your tongue, you’ll probably just end up with a nasty-tasting soggy pill in your mouth. Unless it’s a liquid medication; but well, those tend to not taste all that great anyways, and are usually intended for other routes of administration.Technically it doesn’t go through the tongue itself, it goes through the vein under the tongue.

Does the tongue itself absorb a drug that is meant to be administered sublingually?

Sublingual medications are made to be absorbed into the highly vascular mucosa under the tongue directly into venous circulation. This bypasses first-pass metabolism (where drugs are absorbed through GI tract and sent to liver first) and also allows faster onset of action. So keeping it on top of the tongue will limit this type of absorption and will be more like swallowing the medication. Bonus side note: sublingual (SL) is different from orally disintegrating tablets (ODT). These tablets are made to simply dissolve easily in the mouth and be swallowed. This is helpful in patients where swallowing a whole tablet may be a problem (pediatrics, nausea, physical limitations).

Do you think you could take a pre-workout anally? There would be many benefits to this including: faster actin?

By pre-workout I mean the stuff that gives you a quick boost of energy. Its like Creatine, a bunch of caffeine, vitamins, etc. Its really expensive. Like $2 a serving if you buy the good stuff. An example might be NO2 xplode or Jack3d.