Is It True That Boredom Can Lead To Antisocial Behavior

Does porn contribute to anti-social behaviors?

Of course it does, it makes people into objects only there for your pleasure.
Its about the most degrading thing a human being can do, many woman and children
are forced into these industries not for the money but in for fear of being killed.
Children and women are in a huge traffic ring that people are just not aware of or they
are just trying not to notice.(there have been women that were able to escape and
tell their story.. its horrifying in Europe..)
The media only shows the few that think its fun or for the money. This isn't what the
porn industry is about its all about using people .. their power trip and of course for their money.
Anyone that thinks porn is a victimless industry isn't paying attention.
Why don't you find the anti porn sites and do something about it.. you will never be bored!

Is it true that people with antisocial personality disorder often have depression?

Thats a very tricky thing to answer. Antisocial personality disorder often means and is another way of saying Sociopathy. Now, Sociopathy typically includes lack of emotion and depression for sure means something is bothering someone deeply. Which would be an emotion of sadness. And therefore is not felt easily by a Sociopath. But there are exceptions to this. Seeing how not everyone is the same. So maybe a Sociopath has slight depression because they overtime became a Sociopath on accident because of a troubled past. And therefore could be depressed from their past. But who knows…we are not in every sociopaths head.

Why is my cat so boring and antisocial all of a sudden?

I don't get it. It started with her refusing to sleep on my bed. I know she sleeps at night, at least through most of the night, but she refuses to sleep on my bed. I have a king size bed with a lot of room for both of us, so it's not like she doesn't have enough space, and I put a blanket at the foot of the bed for her. She won't go on it or on the bed at all. She seems to prefer to sleep on the floor next to the bed or under the bed. I've never seen a cat who would pick the floor over the bed. My former cat I couldn't keep off my bed.
Also, she has stopped sitting on my lap. When I first got her she would come up and cuddle and purr and sleep on my lap for a while, but she will never do it anymore. I haven't done anything to make her fear me.
It feels like I have no relationship to her except feeding her and occasionally playing with her. She used to be so cuddly and now she will just sit and stare at me from a distance. If I call her over she just sits there and stares. She will only come to me if I offer her a treat, which frankly I think is insulting.
Nothing has changed in the house or in the way I treat her. I live alone with her and nothing has changed aorund here. I give her the same type of food I've always given her. She eats and uses her litter box like normal. She is not ill.

I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I'm starting to resent her. All she does is bathe herself a million times a day, stare at me, sleep, eat or use her litter box. To top it off she has stopped covering her poop and since my 2 bed room apartment is pretty small and I keep all doors open for her, it quickly stinks up the whole place.

Part of this is me venting, but I honestly don't see the point in keeping a cat that offers you nothing in terms of companionship. I don't plan to get rid of her, but like I said, I'm starting to dislike her. And don't tell me that she can 'sense' that I dislike her and that's why she never comes to me anymore. My resentment started AFTER she became boring and antisocial.

Is antisocial personality disorder related to depression?

Absolutely not. People with APD may become unhappy and frustrated because they are not getting their way, but they do not get depressed in the conventional sense of being despondent, even if they are on death row. They lack the capacity to experience anything but short-term (never chronic) anxiety and depression.

So treating them with antidepressants would be useless.

Now your second question is not so easy. People who become chronically and seriously depressed do not become a sociopath, BUT they can become emotionally numb so they don't care about themselves or others, and a lack of empathy is one feature of a sociopath. But the sociopath never experienced empathy; and the depressed person has always had that capacity--they are just hurting so much that they emotionally shut down for a while, as a defense against that pain. But I see what you were getting at!