Is It True That Hillary Clinton Wouldn

Gregg Jarrett: The FBI/DOJ “were in the bag for Bill and Hillary Clinton”. True or false?

He also says if there was a serious investigation on the Uranium One deal or the Clinton Foundation, it would be presented to a grand jury and result in indictments.

Is Hillary Clinton a "child of satan"?

Your question piqued my curiosity, so I did some "Answers" research. These questions are a testament to reactionary orginality and Jerry Fallwell, one of your favorite evangelists, may have gotten them started:

-- is hillary really the devil, but worse smelling?
-- Hillary Clinton is the Devil and she is a racist?
-- is hillary clinton possessed by the devil?
-- Is Hillary Satan?
-- is hillary clinton satan's daughter?
-- Falwell compares a 2008 Hillary candidacy to having the devil on the ballot. Was he joking or mobilizing?
-- Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist?
--Would Hillary Clinton be a worse President than Satan?
--Does anyone believe that Hillary Clinton is Satan?
--Would Hillary Clinton be a worse President than Satan?
-- Why can't everyone see that Hillary Clinton is really Satan?
-- Will Hillary serve two terms as president, or will Satan recall her back to hell after one?
-- Do you think Hillary has finished those box of chocolates that Satan gave her for Valentines day?
-- Falwell said Hillary Clinton is worse than Lucifer, does that prove he is more a politician than a Christian?
--Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist?
-- Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist? Or is it Bill?
-- Do you think Hillary Clinton,the Antichrist, sleeps upside down and spins her head around and makes faces ?

Is it true that Hillary Clinton swears like a sailor? Using the "f" word a lot?

I heard that also, from a group of professionals that worked in the Governor's office in Arkansas, while the Clintons were there. No one was allowed in the hallways when she was going to walk down them either. No one liked her at all. Oh yeah...and no eye contact.

Is it true that Hillary Clinton farted during the debate?

Haha I think thats just a joke but its really funny.

Is it true that Hillary Clinton abandoned her cat "Socks" and her dog?

I hate people who get pets and then abandon them or give them away because they are too much trouble to care for. I don't know if Hillery did this but I do believe she is the kind of person who would do so.