Is It True That If You Earn Under $600 For A Small Job You Don

Which is better, a $600 laptop or a $600 smartphone?

I suppose it depends on your lifestyle and needs. In my case the laptop, no contest.I know this because I do not own and have never owned a smartphone.I have a flip phone. I have had this one for about 10 years. When it breaks I will get another flip phone.I repair PCs for a living. I teach Computer Science at a college. I have (currently) 5 laptops, 3 Desktops, an All-in-one, 2 Raspberry Pis, a tablet, a Roku, a Chromecast, and an Echo. I am not a luddite.It is a personal thing but I hate smartphones (weird eh?). I see no need to get one. I would dump the flip phone but I need it to work. Phones should be in your house, not your pocket (obviously just my preference).

Is $600 a month a good allowance for a 13-year-old?

All depends on what your child is doing to earn the money.Simply giving a child money for no reason doesn’t teach them the right lesson. From a young age they will be trained to think that you will shell out money in any situation where it is needed; no matter the cost. Obviously, this is not going to be the case. Especially in the future when they move out to be on their own.Instead, it would be better to have your child do chores and pay a small amount for them. For example, my father created a point system that we kept track of on a spreadsheet that he printed out each month. Doing yard work for four hours, that is 12 points. Dishes, three points, Vacuuming, four points, etc. You can ultimately set your own point system.The point is that your child earns substantially less than they would at any job. I would do six hours of yard work and get about $2.50. At a certain point I realized I could be earning so much more money at literally any other job. But going through this taught me not to undervalue the simplest tasks in life.As an adult I understand the importance of keeping things clean, and I have no gripe against it. I know that doing dishes is just part of life and it has to be done. When I see a dirty kitchen, I clean everything. See, those who were overpaid to do the simplest tasks don’t appreciate the work and have the mindset that they need to be paid for it. Thus, it doesn’t get done.So to answer the question; no. $600 / month is quite extreme as an allowance, especially for a 13-year old.

I make $600k a year; how much more is Obama going to make me pay?

50% will go just to federal since you're in the highest tax bracket. A great portion of that will be redistributed to the bottom 10% of income brackets, i.e. the unemployed.

So most of you're hard work will go to support those who cannot or will not work. Welcome to the Soviet Union, now don't you feel patriotic?

BARTEND: How much money does a bartender make?

Well I didn't have any certification as a bartender but I was one for about a year and a half and that was the best paying job ever. My tips were always more than my pay. I only worked in a small town bar and I took home $200 easy on a band night. Not meaning to be rude but really there is no way to estimate howmuch you will make. It really does have to do with how you look and if you can mix those drinks with a little show. I've never worked in a hotel but I would think due to the hotel night clubs I have seen that not a lot is paid in tips in those bars. They are paying so much for the room they stay in they don't tip as much. Your hourly pay would most likely be higher, but that's nothing in comparison to tips. At my small town bar I made about $600 a week. Good money as long as not to many men pinched me. I'm sure in a more develped area you can do better. Good luck.

Is FillerUp Club Legitimate or Scam?

The FillerUpClub is a membership-based wholesale club that provides a way for individual consumers to purchase Gasoline at (or near) "wholesale" prices. The Club is based on a similar business model as Sam's Club, Costco, or BJ's in which customers pay a membership fee and then can buy products and services at discounted or wholesale prices. Instead of being limited to only paying retail price for Gas at your local station, you now have a way to recover some of your costs and end up paying almost the same as the oil company paid direct from the refinery! All consumers of gasoline aged 18 and over within the United States or Canada are welcome to join the club. The FillerUpClub is a division of Centrist Society, Inc. The basic concept is you buy your gas normally, and submit your receipts to the company for reimbursement of ½ your cost back.

The reality is a bit more complex. You pay a $10 monthly fee to remain a member of FillerUp Club, and to receive your rebates you also must purchase 'vouchers'. There are $200, $400 and $600 vouchers, which allow a maximum of $66, $132, and $200 respectively, in gas receipts to be sent in monthly. Vouchers pay out the total rebate over a 6 month period.

So here's the great news - the vouchers are perpetual, they never expire. The 6-month rebate period is where they really pay off for themselves. For Example, you buy a $600 voucher, you can send in receipts of $200 per month and receive a maximum of $1,200 in rebates over a 6-month period ($600 mailed to you as a check, $600 placed back in your account). My opinion, for the low-risk of $10 a month, it seems well worth it to get half-priced gasoline.

You'll find more details at

Amazon Mechanical Turk and Taxes?

I plan to work as a Amazon Mech. Turk to pay for a item on my wishlist in the 100-120$ range (I will stop work when it is payed off) would i have to report that work to tax collection as income or not. From what i have read I don t if it is under 600$ per quarter but i still want to be safe as i haven t had a tax mistake yet and want to keep it that way.

How much money do Uber drivers make?

I was making $26,00 an Hour in late 2017.I was making $20.00 an Hour first part of 2018.Now, most of 2018, went down to around $12.00 Per Hour.NOW IN 2019, I am Averaging less than $6.00 Per Hour.GAS, UBER PAYS NOTHING FOR GAS, AND ONLY 0.059 CENTS A MILE.They used to pay $0.89 Cents a Mile. So they killed the drivers there..Now The Criminal Scum Bags at Uber pay 59 cents a mile,But, also “ADJUST” the price, to pay the drivers even less!!!!!!!!!THIS GIANT PONZI RIPS OFF DRIVERS, BANKRUPTS DRIVERS, AND ANYONE ELSE THAT THE CRIMINAL PONZI SCUM BAGS AT UBER TOUCHIN 2019, ALL THEY DO IS LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, AND ROB THEIR DRIVERS.THEY TAKE 60% of what the customer pays, and pays ZERO for GAS…UBER ARE CRIMINAL PONZI PRICKS WHO ALL NEED TO GO TO JAIL FOR BANKRUPTING MILLIONS OF DRIVERS.THEY TELL SO MANY LIES TO THE PUBLIC ABOUT HOW THEY TAKE CARE OF DRIVERS.. You know how they take care of drivers?First they offer 2,000.00 to JOIN, so you go out and by a 10 thousand dollar car..Uber takes 10% to 20% from a new driver..Uber promise all drivers they average taking 20%.In 2019, UBER IS AVERAGING 56% and paying nothing for Gas!Then they give customers 50% off, but that 50% comes out of the DRIVER.Uber will offer other things, like $5,00 RIDE ANYWHERE in the CITY,What happens to the driver? He gets screwed and does not even get gas money!Now Uber hires thousands of people who;s only job is to screw drivers 24/7UBER IS A CRIMINAL GROUP OF SCUM BAG CRIMINALS!

How can I make $600 fast without getting a job?

Mow lawns. If you mow two lawns a week, you can make $40 a week or about $160 a month.

Wash cars. You can get between $10 and $150 depending on how much you do. Detailing often brings in $100 or more.

Babysit. You should be able to easily earn $50 a weekend.

Pull weeds or trim bushes, walk dogs, scoop dog poop for neighbors, recycle cans, do chores for elderly neighbors or relatives, pressure wash driveways or sidewalks, feed pets and take in the mail for neighbors on vacation, sell lemonade or ice cold water at community pools or parks.