Is It True That Some Of Your Muscles Are Being Destroyed Every Day And Updated With The New

How do I destroy myself and create a new me?

Dear friend,Just look at the ridiculousness of this question. You want to destroy yourself and create a new you. As far as I think, you want to do this because you are not happy with the current you. The desire of creating a new you is of the old you and as you can clearly see that this old you is an idiot and hence must be destroyed, you must not listen him to create a new you.What I am saying is, you’ve done a great job identifying that this “I” needs to be destroyed but do not fall into the traps again. This “I” is posing to create a new “I” which this “I” thinks would be good. Instead you should just see the stupidity of this “I” and give it no importance whatsoever and in doing this, it will be destroyed automatically. At the same time, you also are not creating any new “I” and hence you’ll be slowly entering into the realm of “I-less-ness”. This realm is what is proposed as heaven in all the religions and philosophy.Do not fear because it is the ego that is getting destroyed and I assure you, you need no new you. What you need is freedom from you. Become a witness to the process and enjoy the movie of life, watching it as if it is not yours.Wishing you an entrance to spiritual realm.

What is the number of new cells that are generated every day, hour, and minute in the human body?

To my knowledge, the cells with the most rapid turnover in the body are WBCs called neutrophils.  They are the "first responders" of the immune system, with a lifespan of ~24 hours.A healthy person has at least 1,500 of these cells per MICROLITER (10-6 L) of circulating blood.  It is estimate that we replace ~40-50 billion of these cells every day.In total, estimates of cell turnover in an adult human is about 50-70 billion per day.  Most that are not neutrophils are the epithelial mucosal cells that line our GI tract from mouth to anus.  Divide 70 billion by 24 to get the number per hour, and divide that by 60 to get cells per minute.  You've got to do some work, right?

I drink at least two of those 2-Liter bottles of mountain dew a day. Will this shorten my life span?

It's not doing you any good but it won't shorten your life.

If it was real Mtn. Dew, all that sugar would really be harmful. Mtn Dew has more sugar than any other major soft drink.

But I don't think nutra-sweet is going to hurt you. People say it's harmful because huge amounts of it caused cancer in rats. It's probably as safe as any of the artificial sweeteners we used today.

If it is true that every cell in your body is replaced every 7 to 10 years, does that mean we aren't the same person we once were?

Let’s look at the numbers. We have quite a few different types of cells in our bodies, we are complex organisms after all. From this table I got here we can see that fat-cells take a long time to replace, heart muscle even longer (that’s a new finding, the 7–10 year thing predates this). Other cells get replaced faster, like the cells in your stomach and small intestine.Then we have a few types which this annoying notation of “lifetime” next to them. These cells don’t get replaced at all. I’ll focus on the brain. The brain is composed of a lot of different cells, all connected to each other. Who you are, what you do, what you remember, all in that vast network of cells.Image that those would get replaced every 10 or 20 years. You would lose cells and the connections they made. This means that over time you would have to relearn everything over and over and over again, each time those memories suffer from too much degradation as neurons die off.Instead we found that neurons are pretty much immortal as long as they are maintained. There is no self-destruct, at least none that is shorter than several times the organisms lifespan.A lot of the body gets replaced, and some parts stick with us forever. But the question remains similar to that of the Ship of Theseus. If you keep replacing parts, at what point do we have a new boat? You as an organism, as a person, already changed. You are not the same person you were when you were a child, or last year. The person you will be in 10 years is not the same as the person you are now.We are already always changing, gaining new skills, learning, making memories, making mistakes, pain, happiness, they shape us and alter us everyday. Are you not the same person you once were? No you are not, but that has nothing to do with cells being replaced but how we function as living things.

What's better: Push-ups throughout the day or a lot at once?

I am trying to gain upper body strength, especially in my upper arms, chest and abs. I am a "skinny guy" with a fluctuating diet, so I realize I need to start eating and sleeping properly. The gym at my college is very convenient and I'm just beginning to utilize it.

Should I do push-ups throughout the day or a lot at once?

Is cardio and weight training on the same day bad for my mucles?

No it's not bad for your muscles, cardio works your heart and metabolism, weights work your muscles.

As to the order you do it in, what is the most important to you? One will wear out your effort on the second. I prefer to do my weights first and then cardio, some people prefer cardio than weights, but if you do cardio first, you will have less endurance and strength for weights after expending all your efforts on cardio. Ditto goes for vice versa, so you decide personally where you want most of your effort. That's not saying you'll have no effort left, just less.

Interval training is great for cardio, but not in place of weights themselves. It all depends on your specific goals.

The only rule to follow is dont exercise the same muscle on consecutive days. Give at least a day of rest between working a muscle with weights. If the muscle is still sore, dont train it again until it goes away. Or you'll just be tearing down the same muscle fiber that's still rebuilding, pointless.

The above poster cant possibly comment that you are overtraining either since you didnt even say how many days a week you are working out.

Cardio and weights on the same day are fine. Good for you. He should be breaking your routine more specifically than arms and back on the same day, these muscle groups need specific training. Try a three day split instead. Work abs back shoulders and cardio on day one, legs butt and cardio day two, arms chest and cardio day three, repeat each twice a week or just do them once a week. There are other splits too, I split mine into five.
This is very imporatnt though, working more than one muscle group will create fatigue in the second muscle you start working in a workout because alot use the same muscle group. For example, workig chest will fatigue your biceps, working back will fatigue your shoulders, etc. So splitting them up even more can be more beneficial depending on your goals.

If you are going to work more than one bodypart per day the pick the important one first, is your chest weaker, arms weaker, shoulders weaker? Then do your strongest bodypart last. Then in a few weeks, change the order to keep your body guessing.