Is It True That You Don

Is it true that we don’t choose who we love?

No. It is true that we do not choose who we are physically attracted to. We do not choose who really rings our chimes and rocks our world when we meet them. Our bodies respond to many subconcious cues that this person is a good genetic match to make strong healthy babies with. But we are also given choice when it comes to mating, a good genetic match may not be a good choice for a mate for a number of reasons.We choose who we spend our time with and invest our emotions in. I have heard some use the excuse that could not control who they fell in love with for having an affair and breaking up a marriage and family. But that is simply not true. They chose to spend time with, to mate with, and invest their emotions in the person other than their spouse.

Is it true that if you don't dream you will die?

No, certainly not. If you are not dreaming, in both sense, either while asleep or thinking big in real life, you would not die. If you do not dream while you are sleeping, that apparently means that you don’t remember what you had dreamed. A modern man does not dream, it is unheard of. So many things are going on and you are bound to capture these things during your day to day life and they will get viewed by you in your dreams, in some or other format but essentially you dream in your sleep. Only when you don’t remember them you feel that you have had any dream but that is not the case.Dreams are must, only those who had been released of their past and have no desire for their future do not dream but a common man is bound to have dreams. And if we take the meaning of ‘Dream’ as thinking big for your future you would not die either but what life that would be. A listless, mundane life where you are not filled with a purpose. Yes, there are some who advocate purpose free life but have we ever seen one? There are very few and far between and it is their saying that they don’t have any purpose in life and they appear to be a beautiful human being but in my experience this purposelessness does not exist. I have a purpose in this life and every morning I get up to meet that goal. I am a common and ordinary person and have all wishes and desires a common man would have and I dream, in both sense.

Is it true that if you don't milk a cow it will explode?

No, it is not true at all. The milk dries up and they quit producing it. It's the same thing that happens to women when they quit breast feeding.

TAX QUESTION: Is that true, if you have 5 kids, you don't pay taxes NYC?

NOT a true rumor for all qualified taxpayers as usual this type of information is never totally correct Information for ever one.
This is possible but only when you have the qualified earned taxable income that you have worked for an the amount is less than certain amounts for your filing status and less than your standard deduction amounts and your exemption amount for each qualified dependent name and SSN that is entered on the income tax return exemption amount for each one all added together and the TAXABLE amount on the 1040 federal income tax return page 2 line 43 would be a small amount of $$$ or even -0- ZERO this might be possible.
Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful 05/24/2011

Is this true if you pregnant with baby boy you don’t have morning sickness??

I was wondering I got really sick with my baby girls. Now I’m only 4 weeks pregnant I’m very healthy with my girls I was this times. Is this true if you carry a boy you don’t get morning sickness

Is it true that you don't have to have a drivers license to drive a personal vehicle in the United States?

This is actually true contrary to popular belief. You only need a license if you operate the vehicle on public roads, on the other hand if you buy a car and just drive it around your property you do not need a license to drive. This is of course helps if you live in a rural area with an abundance of land.

Is it true that you don't have to microwave canned food to eat?

Its true. Its just people prefer heated up canned food then cold is all

Is this true to you, college students don't sleep?

It looks like these other answers all come from responsible, well-balanced people, because let me tell you: I am always tired.I am about to enter my third year of college, so I’ve had four semesters of experience already.As a psych student, I took an interest in learning about sleep. I’ve been fascinated with it since high school. As such, I’ve learned a lot about it. And what did I do with all that knowledge? I straight-up abused my sleeping schedule.I am perpetually exhausted, to the point that I can become entirely nocturnal from being diurnal in about 24 hours. How, you ask? I just stay up a few hours longer on the previous day, go to sleep at 5 or 6 in the morning, wake up that afternoon or evening and am ready to go. I can reverse the process just as easily.My friends stopped reacting in horror to being told I’ve only gotten three or four hours of sleep the night before because it happens on a weekly basis.You can catch me napping at any and all hours of the day. An hour here, an hour there. I’m trying not to pass out into my food.At what point do I stop functioning? Eh, give me a couple of days with under five hours of sleep, or an all nighter with no nap the next day.I have become so tired before that I’ve actually experienced visual hallucinations.What am I doing that I stay up so late? Here’s the excuse list, in order of my favorites:I was on the phone with my boyfriend.I didn’t start on the paper until last night.I forgot we had a homework assignment/project.Um… YouTube?Um… Netflix?Test? WE HAVE A TEST TOMORROW?!I didn’t want to go to sleep yet.Drank coffee too late…I was talking to/hanging out with a friend.Tomorrow’s the weekend. I wanted to watch the sunrise.So, as far as I’m concerned, college students don’t sleep. I will say however, that some of my friends are very responsible at getting to bed at a reasonable hour.My other friends just enable me. It’s a vicious cycle.