Is It Weird To Not Feel The Instinctual Desire To Reproduce

Is it a natural instinct for all women to want to reproduce?

Humans usually have a reproductive drive. That's different from wanting kids... it's just that the two have been pretty tightly linked for most of our evolutionary history. Not everyone wants kids, or that people who don't want kids are abnormal - and this includes women.

I think there could be some psychological justification involved, too. Raising kids is tough under the best circumstances. Your friend could think that it's an ingrained biological drive to want kids as sort of a justification. Also, it's sometimes hard to look at the situation from other peoples' perspectives. Raising a child is tough, but for me at least, it's the most rewarding thing in the world, and I wouldn't trade it for anything... and I sometimes need to check myself, and not assume that everyone else feels the same way. Also, bear in mind that you might not be seeing the positive side of your friend's situation. As much as I love being a father, it has its frustrating and infuriating moments, and sometimes I just need someone to complain to.

But yeah, the idea that all women have a biological drive to reproduce is complete BS. In many species, the opposite is actually true - carrying a fetus to term, and raising a baby is very costly from a resource standpoint, so the females actively *avoid* being impregnated. In the end, we're human. We can think abstractly and plan ahead, and aren't governed by pure instinct. If you don't want to have kids, then people should respect that choice.

Can an atheist explain why organisms reproduce?

I’m not an atheist.But had I been one, I have an explanation for it. All the life in our planet, could be explained by one simple hypothesis, and if you’ll allow me, I’d like to refer to the research done (which is a very promising one) by Jeremy England, a professor at MIT.What he essentially says in his paper, is that the difference between a random clump of carbon atoms (say diamond for example) and an ‘organized’ and a living object, is that the latter tends to capture the energy from its surrounding, and dissipate it in the form of heat better than the former.The formula, based on established physics, indicates that when a group of atoms is driven by an external source of energy (like the sun or chemical fuel) and surrounded by a heat bath (like the ocean or atmosphere), it will often gradually restructure itself in order to dissipate increasingly more energy. This could mean that under certain conditions, matter inexorably acquires the key physical attribute associated with life.-sourceIn simple terms, animate objects tend to follow and impose the second law of thermodynamics (which basically says that each and every form of energy favors dissipation, or spread out as time progresses) better than other objects.Hence, life favors expansion of entropy. This expansion is needed till an instance when we reach thermodynamic equilibrium. This of course, stands valid only when we assume that the universe is a closed system (a valid assumption to be honest).Self-replication (or reproduction, in biological terms), the process that drives the evolution of life on Earth, is one such mechanism by which a system might dissipate an increasing amount of energy over time. As England put it, “A great way of dissipating more is to make more copies of yourself.”-same source as aboveHence, it becomes important for the universe to create more such ‘objects’ (in the crudest sense) that could carry out the second law, and hence, there lies a need for ‘manufacturing’ more such objects, which we call it as reproduction. The more the number of such ‘factories’ that obeys this law, the better for the universe.The messy. the better. That has always been how universe worked.

Is it weird that I have no desire to date someone?

I think I have something wrong with me! It's been 3 years since my last boyfriend, and I can't seem to muster the feelings to commit to someone or get serious with someone. I'll occasionally have someone I think is interesting and as soon as I feel like they are starting to like me more than I like them, I end it completely. I always tell the guy that I don't want a boyfriend and I don't want anything serious if I do end up giving them a chance, but I feel like I will never change. It's not that I don't have anyone that is interested in me, I just can't get in the mind set of a relationship. Lately, because I feel like I have hurt guys in the past, I just don't even give anyone a chance. Everyone is immediately in the friend zone forever.
What's wrong with me? I feel like I'm going to be single forever just because of my mind set, but I just can't stand the idea of having a boyfriend. I know I'm not gay because I don't have any feelings for females (in that way). In fact, I spend most of my time with guys because my personality is so laid back, I get along with them better.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I just want to know if I'm the only one like this. Maybe I have a hormonal imbalance? Idk, any input?

Are our natural human instincts and desires wrong?

You’re referring to two different things in your question description: Human Nature and the beliefs humans create. However, I believe the answer you’re looking for is the interaction between the two.Beliefs humans create are things that are generally important for regional survival, customs passed on from generation to generation, belief systems crafted to explain the world around them etc.Human nature are the behaviors that occur regardless of the law or belief in play. For example, In Machiavelli’s “The Prince”, he writes that if you do not wish to provoke someone do not threaten their resources, their family, or their honor. No matter what law or religion is involved, should any of these threats occur, the chances are very high that someone will react badly. These acts deeply touch us in a primal way.It is my belief that this is applicable to love and/or attraction. What you’re feeling is natural. When you’re near this person and they look at you, what do you feel? Not what you’re thinking. What do you feel? Does your breathing shallow? Do you feel somewhat disoriented or dizzy? These moments will occur regardless of what the laws or beliefs of your culture says.What you’re looking for are the consequences of acting upon these moments where the beliefs of the environment contradict human nature. That can only be answered by you for the details of your situation is known only by you. All I can tell you is that these feelings are natural both the desire for intimacy and feeling the fear of going against the beliefs of your environment. What your individual consequences will be for choosing one or the other, I cannot tell you. You have to weigh the consequences for what you want and what will happen if you move towards what you want but What you’re feeling is not wrong. It’s human nature.

Do people today know how to have sex instinctively or because they are taught?

Sex, believe it or not, is an instinct. A boy and girl who had never heard of sex or porn, etc I would assume would go like this:

The boy would start to have wet dreams and erections and learn that touching himself feels good. The girl might get horny on occasions from natural sex drive. The boy, if he was heterosexual would most likely, as boys do, become attracted to the female and her body would give him erections and they would eventually figure out they could make themselves feel good..."mutually."

Sexuality is human nature. It's completely based off instinct. :)

Hope I helped.

Because zombies seem to have been reduced to a purely instinctual state, why do they only seem to exhibit an instinctual drive to feed?

It is the aim of all species to reproduce.  Zombies may not be a species, per se, but they still obey this rule.  Because being bitten by a zombie causes one to become a zombie, the zombie's feeding drive is essentially the same as the drive to reproduce.  It could be said that the infection is really what is causing the reproductive drive which is manifesting in the zombie's desire to feed, but it has the same end.  The zombie gets flesh, and the infection spreads.

No desire to drink or consume Alcohol?

Well I am 18 and a freshman in college at a huge party school. I have access to alcohol on the regular, but I always decline because I am repulsed by others actions while under the influence (really irritating). Not to mention that the effects can be negative (I have drank before and one experience pushed me over the edge). Just to let you know I think that planning to drink is lame and means you have no life or need a new hobby. However, if you were to go out and just happen to drink, it is fine

What are some weird facts about kissing?

1.66 percent of people keep their eyes closed while kissing.I think it’s the passion and love for the partner that is making them close their eyes.I don’t know what’s the case with the people who don’t close their eyes.(Write your opinion in the comments section)2.Sensitivity of the lips is 100 times higher than that of the fingers.May be this might be the reason behind it being so arousing and stimulating desire between the partners.3.A sweet and romantic kiss would help you burn about 2-3 calories and if you continue kissing longer it would help you burning more than 5 calories.This doesn’t mean that you can slim down by kissing.4. Kissing helps you in preventing wrinkles as it puts in 29 facial muscles in motion.People who kiss daily would live for 5 more years than the normal life time.5.A passionate kiss for 90 seconds which you see in the climax scenes of movies would reduce life time by one minute as it elevates the blood pressure and also increase the level of hormones.6. According to anthropologists 90 percent of people kiss and we all know why.If someone reading this does not know why,stop reading articles and kiss someone.7. French kiss is the kiss which is called the merging of souls, it involves all 34 muscles in the face and term “French kiss” came into the English language around 1923.8. Two-third of the people tip their head to the right when they kiss.Who would notice this while kissing instead of enjoying it?9.Kissing is also good for teeth.It increases the flow of saliva which disperses plaque.10. What is the study or science of kissing called ?It is known as PHILEMATOLOGY.SOURCE - INTERNETKeshav Jindal ✒Thanks for reading ❤

Am I weird for not watching porn?

"Am I weird for not watching porn?"

Not necessarily. Why watch teasers for a show you will never see?

"All of my friends watch porn, and I even go to a Catholic school."

That has nothing to do with anything. Catholics have sex too. That is how more Catholics are born.

"Not only do I not watch it, but I don t have any desire to. I like girls, I even like a certain girl in my class. But it seems like everyone thinks I m weird for not watching porn."

This is how "enculturation" works. Porn has two functions, neither or which may apply to you:
- it gives you instructions on what works, what may or may not be of interest to your future mate, and;
- it makes you feel odd that you are not hung like the "male horses" they find to act in these videos.

"And like when other boys comment on how hot a girl is, I kinda just sit there and listen, rather than agreeing. I mean I think that girls are pretty, but I don t go call girls hot all the time."

Its OK. Some people go through their whole lives without watching porn, and some of them manage to have normal sex lives in their later years.

Porn does not do a particularly good job of teaching interpersonal skills, but it does tend not to transfer STDs to those that watch the videos. It doesn't teach you to look for the signs that those men and women are really just going though the motions, and don't have any strong feelings about this act.

You aren't weird, but you are in for a surprise when you do finally find a woman that wants to have sex with you, and you have only the faintest clue what that means.

Is rape an instinct or a mindset?

Like murder, rape is a profitless Crime of Passion. It may appear otherwise but there is no rape in Nature. The drive for women to rape men is biological. The drive for men to rape women is sociological. In Polite Society, the logic has been reversed to illogical via the violent abuse of toddler boys, the sadistic shaming of toddler and pubescent girls and the culture of universal deceit to condition (brainwash) children and men to be confused and uncertain. The explicit goal of all Polite Society's child abuse (raising children Right) is obsessive conformity to social norms, all of which are under the exclusive control of women. From cradle to grave, men are controlled and enslaved by women (the so-called "Patriarchy" is just Matriarchy by Proxy, in reality). Men don't give birth. Women control first access to the impressionable minds of 100% of Society.nb. When some humane women who were not selling themselves to men represented a threat to the matriarchal order of male slavery, those women who were not whores were labelled as "whores" and their newborn sons were stigmatised as "illegitimate", "bastards" and "whoresons" by Polite Society's wives and mothers. As there is no sensory advantage in sex for men, the desire to rape is surreptitiously conditioned into (broken) boys by the only people who can control traditional, moral, religious and cultural values. "We need to teach our boys not to rape."Why?"Rape is wrong!"Do you teach boys not to cut off their arms?"No."Then why do you need to teach them not to rape?"Some men rape women. It's important to teach them not to."Some men cut off their arms. Why isn't it important to teach them not to?"Men have no reason to cut off their arms."What reason do men have to pleasure women by force?"..."Every boy has been Rape Cultured by mothers. Motive? Oppressed?