Is It Wrong For A Young Woman To Feel Depressed/awkward About This

What would you like to say to a young woman who feels plain, at times ugly, unaccomplished, average, awkward and unappealing most of the times?

I’d say that we all feel plain, ugly, unaccomplished, average, awkward and unappealing at times. I mean, unless someone has superhuman levels of confidence, they’re likely to have dips in their sense of self-worth occasionally.I suppose the important thing to do, during such a period, would be to take stock of all the good things such a person has to be proud of. All the little accomplishments that, although may not add up to that much, are still of worth.Besides, there’s no such thing as being ‘average’. We’re all on the spectrum of averageness. If you look at pictures of supermodels, minus all the warpaint and fancy clothes, they resemble divine beings less than they do normal people. And that’s fine, because we’re all normal people. Anyone who doesn’t think so has rather an inflated sense of self worth, and it isn’t a good idea to hope to emulate their confidence.As a young woman, I know that when I feel unappealing I feel like the ugliest creature known to man. Like the Blobfish’s less attractive cousin. Yet, during a period of self-loathing like that I try to remind myself of all the things I’m good at. It doesn’t always work, but it works well enough for my mood to improve.

I feel awkward around my dad.. im a 14 year old girl? is this normal?

Your feelings are normal because anyone other than your father making these moves would be considered a child molester. that being said what is happening is not abnormal for a girl your age. You are coming into womanhood and your feelings for men in general is going to change. Have you talked with your Dad about whats going on with you if not it sounds like a good time for the talk. Let him know how you are feeling and that it is making you somewhat uncomfortable. As a young woman you are learning about respecting yourself and in the years to come you will have privacy issues with him too. Keep the lines of communication open with him and as a good father he will understand and respect your feelings. Just remember that as you grow and distance yourself you will feel like your losing some part of being daddies little girl but you aren't and he will understand there is a distancing you will go through but remember he will always be there for you good or bad in the decisions you make given that you and he discuss your feelings and don't just build a wall against him as your father. Check out these sites from yahoo talks and Fathers for good to see if you can find more answers on talking with your Dad. Hope this helps.

Good looking but awkward as hell?

I'm 17 years old senior in high school. I don't have many friends. I have about 4 good guy friends who I have been friends with forever. I suffer from social anxiety disorder and OCD. Girls don't take much interest in me. The thing is I'm not a bad looking kid at all, not the be cocky but it's true. I'm about 5'10 an a half, brown hair, brown eyes, and really long eyelashes that women have complimented me on before. I'm pretty muscular too, not huge, but muscular. I've realized though looks only get you noticed, what gets you the girl though is being able to exude confidence, which I don't and can't do because of my anxiety. It's really frustrating because I always think about what my life would be like if I wasn't so awkward. Sometimes I just wanna die, I feel trapped and can't get out.

Why are young people with Asperger syndrome so self-pitying?

I think people who are self-pitying are probably more likely to think something is wrong with them and self-diagnose once they come across something that sounds like them. If their problem is social difficulties of any kind, then Asperger's syndrome tends to be what they think describes their problems best and they start thinking they have it because a couple of symptoms fit.

Then there are people who may seem self-pitying, but are dealing with very real and bigger social problems and a range of other difficulties that are truly making their life hard or depressing. Don't be too quick to judge young people with Asperger's syndrome for their frustration. They're not dealing with light teenage angst or imaginary problems, they're dealing with real and major social barriers. They feel alienated and ostracized, and they often are. They're generally working really hard, but that alone doesn't fix their problems.

The problem with Asperger's syndrome is that it's usually too mild for other people to realize how much it can affect people and disable them, but it's not mild enough for aspies to really be able to blend in or get treated equally. They always stick out as different and really struggle with some things. Because it's not so obvious that their difficulties stem from a disability, people tend to have high expectations of them and lack understanding when they don't meet those expectations to the fullest. They get blamed for not trying enough when they have difficulty with things that neurotypicals think are so easy, when the truth is that most aspies are trying a lot harder than you could ever imagine.

You seem like someone who doesn't really care how well you can socialize and make friends and such, or maybe you just don't have that much difficulty with those things. But don't forget that some people with Asperger's syndrome are outgoing and extroverted and truly desire to socialize, fit in, make friends and get accepted and treated as equals, so they feel much worse when they can't than those who are not interested in socializing or don't care about acceptance in the first place.

Is it weird that when I touch my nipples I get a sad feeling?

I've just taken a quick tour on Google, and turned up this:It has a name: Sad Nipple Syndrome (I know, what else).The cause is unknown.It's mostly experienced by women, especially while breastfeeding.It's sometimes experienced by men.To which I'll add that I (a male) experienced it for about 10 years starting at puberty, after which it went away. I asked my doctor about it once. He'd never heard of anything like it.I would guess that it's somehow hormone-related. Maybe a developmental process that takes longer to complete in some people than others. I guess there's not a lot of research on it because it's not a health issue.

I'm ugly, awkward and no girl will ever like me. 17 and never had a special girl. Am I cute? Girls only?

hi, sooo I just turned 18 a few days ago. I know exactly where you're coming from. we're in high school. it's a hard time. I absolutely hate it. girls are bitches. seriously, they all are. when you were out to dinner with you parents, those three girls in front of you were flirting with you. if they weren't, they wouldn't of even looked at you. they were being mean because they were trying to get your attention. they weren't making fun of you. trust me.

you are NOT an unattractive, socially awkward, creepy LOSER. you are cute. honestly, when I looked at your picture, you kind of looked like a tall version of Justin Bieber. (that's a compliment, I swear)

at times, I always feel like I have no talent what so ever. but you have to know that EVERYBODY has a talent. it could be something small or something big. if you're into music, practice more! you don't suck.

that's another thing... you MUST be confident. that's a main thing that girls are attracted to. if you go around saying, "oh I'm ugly, nobody likes me, I suck." you're convincing yourself that you really are like that. but you're not! seriously! people will get annoyed that you're so down on yourself. you shouldn't be though. you have a lot of potential and you are very attractive!

I'm in the kind of same position. I haven't had a boyfriend in the longest time. I keep thinking that it will never change. but then I think.. it will. it has to. college will bring new opportunities because you're in a new place. new people. so just think positively.

I know it's hard. But you just have to be confident. confidence is everything. before you know it, you'll have a girlfriend that you love and that loves you for who you are. but you need some confidence in yourself!