Is It Wrong That I Spoil My Niece When My Mom Gives Money To Other People

My mom spoils my drives me crazy?

I just need some advice here. We are in the process of moving out of state. My 19-month-old daughter and I are staying at my mom's house for a couple of months until my husband gets everything settled for us to move out of state. I have nowhere else to go and my mother is driving me crazy! I have a three year old niece that comes to stay at my mom's for a couple of days at a time every once in a while. My mom lets her get away with murder. She runs my mom's house when she is here. She's bossy and mean. She completely ignores people when she is being spoken to. She is this way because my mom refuses to discipline her. She threatens her with punishments but never carries through with them. I've told my mom that my niece has no respect for her and the reason she is so bratty is because of her. She refuses to believe it. I know that my niece is not normally this way. I have no problem letting my mom run things the way she see fit in her house until it comes to my child. My niece hits and kicks and bites her. She takes toys from her. She is just plain mean. I try to punish my niece but she always runs to my mom and of course, she gets away with it. My mom is so afraid to be the bad guy. However, I always feel like the bad guy. I love my niece but I really can't stand to have her around. My sister (my niece's mom) and I have not talked in over 9 months. My niece's behavior has gotten worse around my mom since then. I'm sure the reason why is because my mom knows that I'm not gonna go running to my sister to tell her about her lack of discipline. This is really starting to effect the way I parent. My niece never wants to go to bed when she is here. I rarely ever have problems with bedtime with my daughter. Last night my niece wanted to sleep the bedroom with my daughter and she asked my mom if she could. Without consulting me, she told her that she could. It took over two hours to get them to sleep. I realize that I'm only here for a couple of months but I'm going crazy when my niece is here. I don't know how to convince my mom that her way is wrong. Can someone please give me some advice? Thanks!

My niece is being spoiled rotten, what can I do?

My niece just turned seven. I went to visit her in Texas for her birthday. (I live in Ohio) She is my favorite person and I adore her. But she's being extremely spoiled. Her parents always give in to her.They also allow her to say mean things to people. For example, she said her Daddy is a pig, because he had a large smoothie. My sister isn't one to take criticism well. So, how can I help influence them to raise her to be a person with good moral character.

My niece is a spoiled brat and her mother ignores it!?

My niece is 6 years old and has some major temper issues. She grew up in a house with alot of people and her mom wasnt around alot so she had alot of different people watching and taking care of her so she wasnt disciplined as much as she should have been. I believe she is still stuck in the terrible two's mindset. She believes that whatever she wants she should have it and no one can stop her. She will get upset an throw a fit if she is not the center of attention at all times. An example would be if she walks into a room with about 8 people and two of them are quietly having a conversation she will cry and scream until they be quiet and listen to her. If she dosent get her way she will have temper tantrums that are almost unbelievable. She will lay down flail her arms and legs and scream on the top of her lungs. Its not even a cry she is just screaming at whoever she is mad at she will even hit and kick people. The problem is that everyone around her such as her grandma and aunts do nothing about it they will just get tired of her screaming and give in to what she wants which just encourages her to do it more often. They will then pretty much reward her by snuggling with her or buying her a new toy. It just drives me crazy because they are making it worse and their excuse is "shes learning", which i dont really believe because she knows whats shes doing is wrong but does it anyway. And i believe that if the people in charge of her dont step in her attitude will carry into her teens and she will be rebellious and get into trouble. Can someone give me some advice on what to do. Should i tell my sister that her kid is a spoiled little brat that needs to be disciplined or am i way off. All advice is greatly appreciated!

Am I wrong for spanking my niece?

I am currently 24 and 8 months pregnant and staying with my Mother and Father while my husband is doing field (military) for 21 days. My mom watches my niece K a lot. K is a huge spoiled brat. She always gets everything she wants, all she has to do is cry and people give her what she wants to shut her up. She's 5. Recently my mom has realized what a brat K is and has been disciplining her a lot more. Her mom and dad hate each other, live separately, and they both spoil her. Yesterday my father was fixing something in one of the bedrooms in our house. I told K she needs to get out of the room because he was going to be using power tools. She said no, I picked her up and carried her out and she hit me in the face 3 times. Which to me, is not ok so I put her down and I spanked her on the butt for it, and set her in a chair and she started screaming. My mother agrees that I did the right thing, I feel like I did the right thing, but my brother (her father) feels I was to hard. Then he accuses me of spanking her everytime she's here, because last time I saw her she threw a fit and kicked me in the stomach and I'm 8 months pregnant. I spanked her for that too. Now the father my brother doesn't want me near her. He says that if I'm here she's not allowed over. My mom isn't asking me to move or anything but I know it kills her to not see her grandbaby. I don't know what to do. I don't want to apologize, but he says if she comes over again and I spank her he's calling the police.

Am I a bad aunt for hating one of my nieces?

I also don't think you hate her. I think she needs some serious talking to though. If I was taking care of my nephew and he talked down to me like that and said that he would tell his mother I would tell him that I am in charge and if he doesn't listen he will be put into time out or sent to bed. I believe this is a control issue with your niece. By her insisting that you give her every single thing she lists she is trying to see how far she can push the limit. Stay strong and make sure she knows you are the adult. I use the three strike system. If she acts up the third time then she will have an 8 min. time out because that is how old she is or she can't play with her friends etc. I hope that helps

Why would homeless people's family allow them to be homeless?

A large number of homeless people are mentally ill or brain damaged and their families cannot deal with them any longer. My own father went homeless after being released from prison for pedophelia, having sexually molested me, my step sister, and a child he was babysitting (these are the ones known, there are probably many others). The family could not deal with him any longer. He was brain damaged from repeated concussions from sports and several car accidents. It's hard to know what caused what. Did he drive so crazy and have bad judgment from brain damage, or did he get brain damage from driving fast and poorly? But it released his inhibitions and allowed him to prey on the innocent.Pedophelia was not the only manifestation of brain damage. He was also irrational and quick to anger. He borrowed or stole things from the family. He couldn't keep a job. He pushed the family towards the poorhouse.It was an attempt to stabilize the family that led to my dad being kicked out of the family home. He was likely 30 by then, living with his parents. He had been lovingly called the black sheep until his conviction. After that we just did not talk about him at all. It's as if we were part of the family by adoption rather than birth. The family kept tabs on where he was and gave him some money occasionally. He eventually was employed enough to rent a tiny studio apartment and buy a beat up bicycle. Rather employed long enough in a union job to get unemployment whenever he was laid off. He lived in that apartment over 10 years  until he died of an illness rather suddenly. He never did admit to having molested me, only saying that he did not remember. Perhaps that is the brain damage, but I don't know how a person could forget a thing like that.It's painful to have a family member who is homeless. When people ask about your family, you either have to lie or become a victim of their pity. It's kind of horrifying, but the family was being ripped limb from limb while he was present so this is the best alternative. It is a relief that he is no longer around.