Is Money To The Most Important Thing In Life

More important things in life than money?

I know lots of things are more important than money (most in my opinion).

One is health, when you have had a time without it you know this is true.

Love and friendship are more important than money.

Family is very much so more important than money.

Money is necessary today to live, but there is no meaning in it.

Money will not bring one happiness. Happiness is a choice, a state of mind.

One can live on very little money and have a very good and happy life. I know as I am doing so right now as are some of my friends.

Bartering is something I use quite often and requires no money.

I can and do grow my own food and keep chickens. This requires a lot of work, not much money.

Water is free, my house is paid for (it was very inexpensive, less than some cars, and on some land), my expenses are few. My life is simple, lovely, and peaceful and can be experienced by any who so choose.

Money, if you actually study financial things, is an illusion.

Is money the most important thing in life?

Having money reduces stress because you don't have to worry about providing for your family or other worries poverty can bring. Money can open doors for you in life such as traveling more and getting the finest quality things in life.

What is the most important thing in our life? Is it money?

As I go through some previous answers i found that every one saying Love, creativity, humanity, respect are the most important things in our life . LOL .I am not one of them , i always preffered money first and its obvious thing , we are living in 21st century and to survive without money or with lack of money it’s impossible , so first important thing in our life should be money , all other answers are sounds good but practically its not .Love is the important thing in our life (as per people) ‘ya might be’ but not first . because if you do not able to earn sufficient money yout own parents will also hate you so forget about other , how they will stay close to you if you do not have inough money to servive . love does not provide a food its came only through money and to earn money hardwork , dedication is required .It may be harsh to read but its truth because if you have money , standard of living then every one will love you , respect you . no one will servive on the basis of love. I am not ignoring all those thing are not important but money comes first . It really makes a difference . Your Empty Wallet shows you the Real face of your Life . so earn money then love people , respect your parents, Help needy people .May be this is the formula of life .

Why is money the most important thing in life?

Money is the least understood commodity in the world. Useless books and books have been written about money , it has been given names such as finances, funds and so on. Universities have given higher degrees but all these miss the point when it comes to money. Why is money important? Money is important because it is the least understood subject.The basic and most important definition of money is that it is the medium of exchange. I have created goods and or services or manufactured something of value that i have in excess and in order to get something i need, i have to exchange it with something . Now what do nations do because of misunderstanding what money is, they rush to the printing press to print some money for sell to poor nations and rob them of their gold and resources or worse still give it to them in the name of charity. What do cheap people do to get it, sell useless things and natural resources including prostitution just to get money. Money is not important if you can provide or create all you want on your own.The Bible is indeed correct when it says money is the root of all evil, because there is no more understanding of money as medium of exchange. The focus is now on money as an end not as a means to an end. The idea of nations manufacturing weapons of mass destruction missiles and the like is simply to gain the advantage to rob other nations and get cheap resources when printed money is failing to do that or where we have nothing of beneficial use to exchange with those nations.Money is not important, it is what you do to get it that is important. Is what you are doing in changing lives for the better? Is what you are doing giving or taking away lives? Money is important when it is a reward for doing something good to creation. It is not necessary when you can live comfortably and can provide for yourself without the need to turn to others for what you don’t have.I believe , the use of money will eventually fail and some other means of exchange will have to be found and we are nearly there.

Do you think that money are the most important thing in life and making money could be a priority?

My opinion is that too many people associate happiness with monetary worth but have their priorities in the wrong order. While it is true that money can provide certain things in life that will in turn bring a type of happiness, the most common mistake is in thinking you have to have money first to be happy. That's a bit rhetorical in that it's easier to be happy first than to have the money first. Not many of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouths so we have to work for living to make this money in order to have the financial freedom that is commonly associated with happiness. Therefore, its my belief, that you first have to be happy with yourself and like what you do to make a living. When these two things take place simultaneously then more often than not you will be good at what it is you do to make money. When you're good at your work then you climb the ladder of financial success and the money comes by virtue of all this.

What are the most important things in life?

Well,it depends on how you wanna see life.The way you see life is always based on your current mood and environment,it affects your perspective in life drastically.I mean if you see SOCIAL as one of the most important aspect of life and you're living in a busy day you're gonna discover that it's hectic and too overrated.

This leads you to change you view on what's most that point you'll appreciate being alone with PEACE and SERENITY.Moving to the country side,exploring through the woods and feel the peaceful nature,seeing the diversity of a horde of reindeer and frock of birds flying together.At that point,you'll realise how beautiful it is being together with your special people..having your family,friends and loved one with you.

Next one is,of course MONEY.No doubt that money is the most important in order one to secure his or her financial state.No doubt that money can make you HAPPY when you can afford items that you drooled for.Someone with a dull paycheck tend to be more thrifty and are aware of their indulgence level..they learn to control their demands..they learn to make better decision,making them wiser and practical.
Someone with a more colourful paycheck tend to spend more on unecessary items and basically most of them can't control their indulgence while the other half of them can make good decisions.

Anyway people who have once struggled in their life for not having the money to pay bills or to buy necessity items have developed to someone who appreciates the value of money more...someone who view it as a challenge for not having enough money.They would eventually live with it because most of them have discover that it's not about the money or the designer's label handbag or one of these big boys's about putting all those sort of demand behind and to focus on living.

What are the most important things in life?of course it's thinking and being aware all the time.Helps you to analyze your own life and translate it into a good story.

Humans change their minds all the time.

Is sex the most important thing in life ?

When all is said and done, Yes! It is the most powerful force on this planet. It has altered life throughout the uncounted ages and will continue to so for many more to come.