Is Monotony A Synonym Of Monogamy

What's the definition of MONOTONY?

monotony - definition of monotony by the Free Online Dictionary ...
mo·not·o·ny (m-n t n-) n. pl. mo·not·o·nies. 1. Uniformity or lack of variation in pitch, intonation, or inflection. 2. Tedious sameness or repetitiousness.

Part of Speech:

boredom; sameness

colorlessness, continuance, continuity, dreariness, dryness, dullness, ennui, equability, evenness, flatness, humdrum*, identicalness, invariability, levelness, likeness, monotone, monotonousness, oneness, repetitiousness, repetitiveness, routine, same old thing, similarity, tediousness, tedium, tiresomeness, unchangeableness, uniformity, wearisomeness .

What's the word that starts with “mono” that means dull and repetitious?

Warning - this has virus appeal!The word isMonodulitious!Your question just created an excellent new word, thankyou.Perhaps one to throw around when you want to draw someone’s attention, such as“What did you think of that presentation?”“It was a little monodulitious”“Uh, Hmmm, a bit what?”“Monodulitious”“Sounds like a dinosaur?”“No, not that dead, just dull and repititious”“Ah, yes, it was, indeed, very Monodulitious”Please try this out, let me know if it spreads, if so, quora can credit itself a new word.

What are the main differences between monogamy and monotony?

A couple of things separate monogamy from monotony:Actually learning to be great in bed. Sex is a skill you can improve at, and doubly so if you stick with someone over time and continue to discover together what each of you likes and what feels good. You have the inside track to craft the best sex life either of you has ever had. This isn’t theoretical, I work with couples on this. When you’re great in bed the whole equation changes — people stop looking for someone new because what they’ve got at home has raised the bar so high they’re just not going to find anything out there that compares. But that great sex life is something they crafted together over time, not something they stumbled onto. They have become irreplaceable to each other.Learning to be a great spouse / boyfriend / girlfriend. Our natural state is to want and enjoy sex. Humans are built that way. With a long-term partner, an initially great sex life doesn’t decay because of boredom. People hold out on each other because of a thousand little moments when they didn’t get their way, or got into a fight, or got their feelings hurt, or felt like they couldn’t say something important and be heard. All other things being equal, sex with connection and intimacy is a completely different experience than sex without — people who have experienced it tend not to think that variety is what fuels great sex. And as the relationship goes, so goes the sex — it’s rare that the relationship is getting better and better and the sex life is going into the gutter.