Is Mothers A Day Really That Big Of A Deal

Why isn't father's day a bigger deal than mother's day? Mothers are mothers because they wanted to be, whereas?

fathers were pressured into putting their hopes and dreams of an independent life of adventure aside to fund a nagging wife and ungrateful children.

So why do dads get lumped in with grads?

Why do people make such a big deal about Mother's Day? You should appreciate your mom EVERY DAY.?

why do people do all this. i try to help my mom and do things for her whenever i have time. i dont need a holiday to be nice to her. we still go out to lunch, have fun conversations and laugh together, and be nice and helpful to one another. same with fathers day.

why do people make such a big deal about this?

i didnt do anything different this mothers day other than saying "happy mothers day" to my mom.

p.s. im 14, almost 15

Is a 40th Birthday really a huge deal?

My husband is turning 40 in a couple weeks. About a month ago he said something about how usually when you turn 40, you have a surprise 40th Birthday party. I have never heard of such a thing, so I asked my mom and my mother in law about it. My mother said some people have "over the hill" parties but she thought that was more when your 50, and my mother in law said that yes a lot of people have parties when they are 40. I dont work, because my husband wanted me to stay home with our youngest after she was born 2 years ago. So how would I afford to throw him a surprise party anyways? So I kind of just left it at that and didnt plan anything. I figured I would just have my parents and his over, like we usually do and have dinner. Then the last few weeks he keeps mentioning it and he has since decided to throw himself a party. I personally think thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Who throws themselves a Birthday party? I just dont see what the big deal is. Its not like I wasnt going to do anything! Its all he talks about and to me it just seems a bit ridiculous. Are 40th Birthdays really a huge deal? What am I missing here?

How do I deal with Mother’s Day if I have no relationship with her? It gets really tough especially around this time of year. I’m 17-years-old and can’t bare the thought of it. She kicked me out when I was 15 and left because she got a new boyfriend.

Do you have a close relationship with another woman in your life who has acted in a supportive and nurturing way to you? Could be an aunt, a grandma, a mentor, the mother of a close friend. If you do have someone like that, think about giving that woman a Mother’s Day card. Just write in it “Happy Mother’s Day to my favourite honorary maternal figure!”That woman will likely appreciate the recognition of her nurturing of you, and it allows you to participate in Mother’s Day without having to be in contact with the idiot woman who abandoned you. And take that woman out to lunch or something (probably not ON the actual Mother’s Day weekend, though, because restaurants are always nuts).Also, set aside some time to grieve. Even though your biological mother failed you, it is completely normal to feel a sense of loss on a day where you see good mothers being celebrated by their children. Buy a carton of expensive ice cream or a nice bottle of wine, or both, and give yourself permission to eat ice cream and drink wine in your pyjamas while you acknowledge to yourself that your biological mother was a lousy person who did you wrong.I’m not normally a big fan of wallowing in gloom, but setting aside one day or one weekend for wallowing purposes and then getting back on track can be very healthy. It’s okay to feel sad that life handed you a shitty mother. In fact, it’s entirely normal to feel sad about that. Don’t let it consume your whole life (living well is the best revenge), but do set aside some time to grieve.

Why is Mother's Day important?

Mother's day is an event which is celebrated in different parts of the world to express regard, respect and love towards moms. The day is an occasion to respect the commitment of moms, recognize the efforts of maternal bonds and the role of mothers in our society. It is a day which makes people remember the importance and significance of mothers in their life and is observed as a day to give a special emphasis to the motherly figures around the world.Here are some reason why mother’s day is important:If it weren’t for your mom, you wouldn’t be breathing right now. If nothing else, you should thank her for that.Mothers are the emotional backbones of the family. They provide the holding place for everyone’s feelings and do their best to keep us from being hurt.Truly, our mothers worked hard and made sacrifices, so our lives would be better. There are not a lot of people willing to do that, so let her know you appreciate it.

How do you deal with Mother's Day without your mother?

I feel the same way around fathers day for the same reason. I know my sister is feeling the same way so I call her. I also find an older man in church or at the VA home and give them a card on behalf of my dad, anonymous. It helped to take my mind off me and my sadness. But if you need to cry honey cry and let yourself feel what you need to feel .Talk about your mom with your boyfriend and even with his mom. If a story or situation comes up that reminds you of her talk about her. Not ever having a relationship with my mom, mothers day used to be hard for me too, then I realized there must be other people like me and started a mothers day lunch for other girls who didn't have moms or moms who lost their daughters. Take care honey, Please try and enjoy mothers day. Remember others do understand.

How do you deal with Mother's Day when your mother is abusive and/or dead? My mother had NPD and nothing I ever did was good enough. She didn’t hide it when she didn't like my gifts. Mother's Day makes me feel really emotional. She died in 2016.

First, I’d like to express my condolences, as this is not an experience that I would wish upon anyone. It’s easy to walk around feeling as if there is a hole in your heart, or even your sense of self.As someone else stated, there is no known cure for NPD, only behavioral therapy which teaches them to control their thinking. And unfortunately, it’s highly unlikely that someone with diagnosable traits of NPD, would actively seek that kind of help for themselves, let alone for those close to them. Now that your mother is gone, the chances of rekindling or resolving that relationship has dropped to 0%, but what you do have is yourself.The only thing I can recommend is that you start out by taking some time on that day to reflect about what will be important for you to accomplish in the coming years without your mother’s presence.Then, I will recommend that you find a private place to write a letter from your mother to yourself, in your own words, with whatever it is that you wish she could say to you in the past and present. Acknowledge how you feel for what it is, without shame or judgement. For further instructions, I highly recommend the book, “The Emotionally Absent Mother” (The Emotionally Absent Mother: A Guide to Self-Healing and Getting the Love You Missed: Jasmin Lee Cori: 8601400620793: Books).Once that is done, I highly recommend you find a friend or another family member close to you and do something fun; get ice cream, go to a beach, or amusement park. Chances are, if you were raised by a narcissistic parent, fun and emotions were something to be feared. Since you’re still alive, now is the time to go out and create the life you wanted for yourself. Know that if you’ve made it this far without her, think about how you will feel once you recognize those experiences for what they were.Best wishes, you got this!

Why does my mom make such a big deal out of Everything?

You're not going to like this, because if you are a minor and living under your parents' roof, then you're pretty much sunk. Your Mom sounds a little controlling; which, let's face it, a lot of mothers are. If you want peace and sanity back in your life right away, then here's a couple of tips: when the whole food issue comes up, say something like 'Man, I ate a HUGE breakfast. I'm really not that hungry right now. Maybe later'. Don't just say 'nothing', because it makes people feel crappy for wanting something for themselves. It's stupid, I know...but it's a pretty solid theory. As for the clothes part: put something clean on. If it will make her stop yelling at you, it's worth it, ok? You can wear the same jeans every day of the week when you move out of your Mom's place if you want to. For now, just make the best of it and look forward to the independence of adulthood.