Is Muscle Easier To Build The Longer You

Does building muscle the natural way last longer then using supplements?

So basically, does going to the gym and having a good workout better for you and last longer, go further for you then using supplements when you workout? Does building muscle by lifting weights and eating natural protein in foods to repair them, last longer then using synthetic supplements? Thanks!

How long does it take to build Muscle Mass? Or Tone?

About 3 months if you use gym weight machines (guys can gain 5 pounds of muscle mass a month).

You need at least a day or two of rest between weight training sessions (in your 20s and younger), two or three days (in your 30s), three or four days (in your 40s), four or five days (in your 50s)…and so on. The older you get, the longer you have to wait for DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) so you can repair stronger and not interfere with your healing.

You do not get stronger while just doing weight training, you get stronger doing weight training AND eating healthy (lots of carbs for the exercising as it is anaerobic and fat burning shuts down, and lots of protein for the repairing stronger) AND pushing yourself just a little bit beyond your strength, feel the burn, so you damage your muscle fiber and THEN you have to rest to repair stronger, providing that you rest long enough between sessions, but not too long or you'd lose your brand new extra muscle mass in a couple of days after the soreness is gone (muscle mass is a “use it or lose it” system as well as a “you need more, you’ll get more” system). If you do it right, you should be able to add a couple of reps each session, for the same physical effort, until you need to add more weights and lower the reps.

Listen to your body. Go gentle at first so you get an idea of your body’s capability and from there, you can go up (in weights, reps or frequency) until you reach a comfortable level of progression that fits YOU. Some people like to push harder, get more soreness, but then, they need more days to heal. Others don’t push so hard, get mild soreness, heal faster and have to do it more often.
The whole process has a lot to do about your pain threshold.

Also on those days when you’re resting after weight training and feeling a little soreness because your muscles are repairing stronger, you can rest assure that you’re burning a lot of calories even if you’re not moving...that’s the part when your body needs those extra protein to build up muscle mass.

Should you lose belly fat before building muscle?

that is why u must loss ur belly fat
and i have solution to ur belly fat
Small Ways to Lose a Big Belly

1. Fried foods are garbage. Potato chips, French fries and onion rings are pregnant with saturated fat and calories, yet they contain zero healthy or muscle-promoting nutrients. If you're on a fat-loss plan, simply eliminate fried foods. That alone will allow you to shed lard quickly

2. Drink a glass of skim milk as soon as you wake up. Some quick protein before you even step into the shower will energize you and end those morning cravings for Egg McMuffins and pastry.

3. Do 2 minutes of pushups every morning. It's tough to exercise as soon as you roll out of bed, but you can burn off 21 calories a day--2 1/2 pounds in a year.

4. Toss a quart of water in your briefcase. Water helps you burn calories--96 calories just by carrying a bottle while you walk for 20 minutes. Serve it over ice in your office and your body will burn 31 calories warming it to 98.6. Then there's the aerobic effect of all those bathroom runs.

5. Want to look better naked? Try drinking half as much alcohol. Alcohol contains calories. You may drink like a fish, but booze isn't water. Even a light beer has more than 100 calories. Booze makes you store fat. Your body sees alcohol as a poison, and tries desperately to get rid of it. Your liver stops processing all other calories until it has dealt with the alcohol. So anything else you eat during the time you're drinking is more likely to end up as fat. Alcohol also lowers testosterone. With more abdominal fat, testosterone drops.

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How long will it take me to build muscle and get a body exactly like this?

It really depends on a few things. Your exercises, your dieting, testosterone, supplements and where you are at right now. Obviously the further away you are, the longer it will take.

Make sure your exercises focuses on large muscle groups because it releases growth hormones that will help you build muscle faster.

If you're skinny like i was, try to eat as much food as much as possible. Any time of the day, always try to be eating lean protein. It's hard in the beginning if you're skinny because of the lack of appetite but as you start to work out, your metabolism will increase and it will get much easier.

Always workout with high intensity as it will raise your testosterone levels. And make sure to get enough sleep ( 8 hours) while working out to maximize muscle recovery and keep testosterone levels healthy.

I would recommend taking whey protein after workouts and if you really want to take things to another level, take casein protein an hour before bed because it will help feed your starving muscles in the middle of the night.

How long does it take to get muscle?

im an 18 year old women and i am 120 5'7 . if i am doing arm, ab, and leg workouts everyday. doing as much as i can each time and increasing when it gets easy, how long would it take to get visible muscle on my abs. like indents, not too much just like oohh nice little crease in the middle thingy maybe.

the minimum time?

How can a skinny guy build muscle?

Your routine doesn't sound too bad but here is what I would change;
Day 1-chest: bench press, flyes, pushups
2-back: chinups, pullups, rows, shrugs
3-legs: squats, extensions, leg curls, lunges
4-shoulders: lateral raises, bent over lateral raises, DB presses
5-arms: curls, tricep ext.
Do abs on days 1, 3, and 5

Also use heavier weight and only do 4-8 reps with about 10 sets for each muscle group. Remember, If you can do 8, add more weight. Feel free to E-mail or IM me.