Is My 9th Grade Transcript Bad Can I Still Go To A University

Does it look bad on my transcript.......?

We have ESL (english as second language) program in our school. I moved to US during 8th grade summer. so, my English wasn't that good. so i had to take ESL 2 ( a class) in my freshman year in high school. At the end of 9th grade i took the ESL test and i passed with excellent and i exit the ESL program. now im in my sophomore year and im taking really good classes. And also im doing IB program next year. so i m concerned if this ESL class will look bad on my transcript which i will send to college. And also i want to go to really good,prestigious colleges like emory, brown and cornell and yale. i just wanna know if this ESL thing will make my the colleges not consider my application.

Bad High School transcript, can i get accepted into University?

The big issue is that colleges look primarily at 9th 10th and 11th grade grades to make their decision, you MUST do well on the SAT and ACT to guarantee your acceptance. Its rare but not unheard of that someone with an really bad GPA getting accepted to Ivy leagues based upon SAT/ACT scores and extra curricular activities. You definitely have a shot at getting into a university, but your going to have to work hard at it. Take some more college courses (only if you know you'll pass) and maybe some virtual courses if they are offered in your state. College courses can really help if they give you additional high school credits, I'm a sophomore also I'm in a special program where I essentially skip high school, with all the advanced courses I am taking and especially the college courses my GPA is at 4.92 right now (At the expense of my social life :/) See if you can dual-enroll at your community college.
- Norbert

How would you go about changing the grades on your transcript?

How would you go about changing the grades on your transcript?If money is needed you have $15,000 to use. (This is in America)In a typical American university? Forget it, the system is too complicated, all transactions are logged, and processes are pretty tight. The except might be if a sysadmin was a true master of the system and was able to bypass the actual staff and administration to do this. And the person had enough cred so what he/she was doing would not be questioned, etc.But would such a person put their career at risk for $15K? Maybe if that person had a substance abuse or gambling problem. Otherwise, no.

Should I wait to turn in my transcript if I want colleges to see my first semester grades?

Most colleges will want to see your first semester grades. If you are a senior in high school, you will most likely have to send your 2nd Semester grades. I know that I had to when I was admitted to Stanford. My admission was conditional upon maintaining academic performance. I know that recently some of the University of California campuses rescinded offers of admission based on weak performance as evidenced in 2nd Semester grades.I think the only exception is if you are applying for early decision, and your grades, test scores, and qualifications are stellar.

Can you get a college scholarship with bad grades?

Okay, so these past few years were rough for me.
I failed almost all of my classes.
9th and 10th grade.
but I know this year will be better and I will work my *** off to get good grades. but will I still be able to get a scholarship with my terrible grades the first two years?
I want to be a dentist.
I don't want to go to a community college so please tell me.
if I will still be able to get into a university and if I will be able to get a scholarship?
and if so, when should I start applying.

Am I qualified for Harvard University?

well, it depends actually. have u participated in extracurricular activities?? and have u taken some AP's (Advanced Placements)? because APs can also help u in your admission. if u have good sat scores, then thats just one part of a story because remember, harvard and stanford want to admit a unique person. so try doing tons of community service. and btw, i dont think they'll look at yr 6th and 8th grade results because your transcript covers from 9th to 12th grade marks, so dont worry... and try to get straight A's.
(P.S: oh yes my friend, dont worry about what will happen if you get A's and B's because it will just decrease your confidence. Just give it your best shot! and think that u'll do it! :) )
hope this helped!

If my 9th and 10th grade GPA were bad and my 11th and 12th grade GPA were to my college of choice's standards.?

Actually the GPA isn't a concrete requirement. Many things factor in such as class rank, ACT/SAT, community service, afterschool activities, leadership positions, and the letters of reccomendation. When the colleges look at your transcript, they will see your 9th and 10th grade grades and think "What happened here?". But the transcript usually has them arranged by year so they can see your last 2 years and see the great improvement. It will make it tougher but not impossible. If you score high on your standardized tests(ACT/SAT), are active in your community, and do well in your second half of your career, you have a very good increase in your chances to get in. From the 3.5 requirement, I assume It is a private college. They can be tough. These tips will probably get you into many nationwide public schools, but private ones vary from lenient and forgiving to "sorry pal you're too late". Look at your factors and give it a shot. Never be afraid to ask your counselor!!

Will colleges like it if they see on my transcript that I took honors English in 9th grade?

Any thing that demonstrates your interest in learning and the willingness to challenge your mind by excelling in school and by taking advanced level courses will certain help you in gaining admission to your “college of choice.”  But remember “all learning and no play can make you a “dull” boy or “girl” for that matter.  Life has to be  balanced you have to do more than stick your head into a book 24/7 you also have to take your body out for a walk and for some exercise. Remember the word BALANCE. Regards, Dr. Rick author of Retirement: Different by Design

Do finals matter in 9th grade?

Your grades from 9th through 12th matter a lot to the colleges that you will be applying at. If mommy and daddy are super rich then don't sweat it, if they are not, get good grades, make it a habit. Only 3% of the people graduating from college go to work in their chosen field and there is a reason for that; screwing off in high school.

Good Luck

Can one semester of bad grades ruin your chances of MIT/Ivy League acceptance?

As for my qualifications to answering this question, I was accepted to Harvard, MIT, Stanford and UC Berkeley and graduated with a degree in Computer Science. In addition to my job as a software developer in Silicon Valley, I volunteer as an admissions interviewer for Harvard.To be honest... yes it does adversely affect you chances of being accepted, but have hope. You fell into the "trap" that admissions officers are specifically warned to look out for - students who blow off their senior year after sending in their college applications because they think it "doesn't matter." While, a slight drop in grades is not unusual, dropping to C's and D's is a big red flag to admissions officers as a sign that this student lacks internal motivation for excellence.Your test scores are quite good so you are still have a decent chance of being accepted despite this. Just make sure to spin your personal narrative during your college interview. You'll need to admit to having some personal motivational issues which caused you to burn out a little at school, but you were able to recover and return to your previous level of excellence. If the interviewer doesn't mention it, you might consider bringing it up yourself because your senior fall grades are going to leave a big question mark in your application when it is review by the admissions board later on.Actually, beyond mere college applications, I think you need to use this as a teaching moment in your life. When you are at college, there is no one there telling you to study and your parents often can go for months without actually knowing how you are doing in school. I've seen plenty of classmates and friends in Harvard/MIT/Stanford wilt under the pressure and basically "go rogue" by skipping classes to party and play video games, most were able to pull themselves back together after a semester or two... some were not and never completed their degree.If you are already having motivational issues in high school, you might want to stop to think about what you really want to do in life, what steps you will need to take to reach that goal in life, and internalize (I know it sounds silly... but the human brain is Predictably Irrational about such things)Good luck!