Is My Body Fat Percentage Low Enough To Tone My Belly

Is 17%body fat good enough to show abs?

you are a bit unclear but i think i understand what you are asking. At 17 percent it will be hard to make your abs visible or tone them further. At this point after losing 100 ponds at 21, shedding weight, enough is enough if you know what im saying. 180 lb is a healthy weight. If you really want a 6 pack 14 percent would be ideal.

What is the relationship between body fat percentage and abs?

Body fat percentage and abs are inversely proportional. But there are some basics requirements that has to be met so that your abs are visible.You must have seen many skinny guys with a very low body fat percentage. But even after such low body fat, the abs are not that visible. The reason for this is that they don’t have enough abdominal muscles to make their abs visible.That’s why almost all bodybuilders start with bulking up first and then toning their body by reducing the fat percentage. In this way you can first increase the muscles in the body along with the fat. Then you undergo fat loss to make the muscles more defined and visible. Other reason for this is that when you bulk up you can eat almost everything being very less cautious about your diet. This way you can get enough for the muscles to grow.So coming to your question, firstly you need to increase the abdominal muscles. Now, how can you do that. Go for weighted exercises like weighted leg raises etc. So that you get enough muscles. Then reduce you body fat to less that 12%. Your abs would be muscular and fairly visible this way.

Does Low Body Fat Percentage stunt growth?

Well. I am doing intense cardio exercises and weight lifting in order to tone my body and get a six pack abs and V cut with a very healthy diet this will have to be around a BFP of 8% or below.. But Will this decrease in body fat cause stunt growth for me. I am 17 years old 5'4 my mom is 5'2 and dad is 5'11. Will I possibly grow some more to be around 5'9 to 5'10ish?

Can't get rid of belly fat?

Abdominal fat is the most common problem related to weight gain and also the most difficult to get rid of. A 'muffin belly' may not only look ugly but is also associated with problems like type 2 diabetes and heart ailments. Abdominal weight gain is largely due to a high-calorie diet, lack of exercise, and high stress levels.

One has to attack the fat through a three-dimensional plan which includes nutrition, cardio and abdominal exercise.
Have smaller meals: Never skip a meal (especially not breakfast); eat smaller portions five to six times a day. Your diet should have low carbs, low fat and no starch and sugar. Avoid canned juices, aerated drinks and alcohol. Drink at least two to three litres of water daily.
Shed calories with cardio: Hydrate well before, during and after the cardio workout. Warm up before the exercise and cool down after.You must do cardio and core exercises like pilates or general ab exercises.

You need to at least 30 minutes of cardio four/three times a week following core work.

Ther a variety of programs that can help with this. If you aren't working out now. Start by walking. It's efficent, easy on the knees and you can do it anywhere. Don't stroll walk with purpose in good shoes.

There are lots of pilates and core DVDs on Amazon and Collage Video. Collage video will let you preview DVDs. Look for one tailored for a beginner. Don't buy a DVD that's advanced because you think it will work faster. It won't because you won't do it. You want something that is doable for you.

The cardio burns away the fat that may be covering the abs.

There must a reason why you are not feeling satisfied. Eat lots of whole grains, lots of fruit and veggies. Simple carbs like chips or candy don't fill you up.

Cardio exercises like jogging, swimming, aerobics or dancing for upto an hour a day will help you burn excess calories. Doing crunches while lying on a mat or using a stability ball for 15-20 minutes a day helps tone the abdominal muscles. While the focus is on your abs, do not neglect your lower back. Some back-strengthening exercises are required as well to balance the muscular strength in and around the trunk area. Do these exercises under supervision as they need to be correctly executed.

Best wishes

How low does a women need to get her body fat so she can see her obliques?

The absolute perfect body fat percentage does NOT exist. Age and gender make a big contribution to the ideal value, but most importantly...

Everyone is an individual. Some people might feel. look and perform better at a higher or lower body fat percentage than others of the same age and sex.

And that's why...
Ranges and guidelines exist.

You may need to come down as low as 10/12% body fat level any lower than this can cause all sorts of female problems not least of all menstruation.

The Muscles you need to develop are the
> External Abdominal Oblique
> Internal Qblique
> Rectus Abdominis
> Transverse Abdominis (Side)
> Tendinous Inscriptions This gives you the six pack apperance

I hate to say it. We've all seen people with "good genes" and wondered if they had any idea how lucky they are. They probably don't, but that's okay. Consider it a character-building experience. If you blame your ancestors for excess flesh in the middle, don't feel helpless. You just have to work a little harder than some others. You can still sculpt out a slimmer silhouette with cardiovascular exercise, a healthy, balanced, low fat diet and whatever bonus activities you throw in. This may not be a novel approach, but it really works.

You should see a good definition as you approach 15% but go below this then work your but off in the gym to build/sculpt you body.

Why am I skinny but still have belly fat?

You are skinny fat.When someone is skinny fat, they appear thin when they have clothes on or when you look at them from a distance. However, when you see them with their clothes off and look at their body up close, they actually have more body fat than you thought.See this guy?He looks thin when he has clothes on, right?But look at his body up close when he has no shirt on:This is Margot Robbie with her clothes on. You would think she’s thin, right?Look at her body in bikini:Notice something about both individuals?Both look thin when they have clothes on but when they reveal their bodies and you look at them closely, both people actually have more fat than you thought.If someone is lean (meaning they have low fat percentage), you would be able to see their abs and their bodies wouldn’t jiggle a lot (especially their upper arms, thighs, and bellies).Most skinny fat people are the way they are because they don’t lift heavy weights or do any resistant training. Skinny fat people have low muscle mass. Their fat percentage is high compared to their muscle mass.Skinny fat people also tend to do excessive cardio and eat low calories.Cardio is not going to balance your muscle mass and fat percentage. Lifting does.

What is the quickest way to get abs, when I already have low body fat?

Everyone has “abs” they are just covered by fat, skin and other connective tissues. To actually “see” your abs there are two main factors. The first is one you can modify significantly, the second is much harder.One: Body fat percentage. The obvious one is to reduce your body fat to a low but healthy value. For men, this will be about 10–12% and for women it will be more like 15–18%, at this point, most people will start to see some kind of ab outlines. You noted however, that you already have low body fat, so, assuming you have a range close to this you may need to move on to option two.Two: Structure and size of abdominal’s. The size and shape of your abs is largely determined by your genetics. The muscle is covered and surrounded by a strong connective tissue which keeps everything together and moving properly. For some people, the shape means their abs will pop at a higher body fat percentage whilst others need a much lower. Doing high intensity strength and power training which develops your core will help to build them a little and build a strong structure, which will help to develop them.Ultimately, to have abs you need to be both lean and strong. Train regularly, work hard and eat well. The reality is, it takes work, and there are no quick fixes. Be consistent, be healthy and it might happen.