Is My Brother Respobile For Infesting Our Couch With Bed Bugs

Will peroxide kill bed bugs on the skin?

Not likely. Even the bedbug fogger hitting directly doesn't kill them…I've witnessed it. Soap and water will clean them off of you effectively. They don't like staying on the human body the way ticks and fleas do because they don't like our body heat. They bite and then go hide somewhere else. If you have them in your home, a professional exterminator is the only way to get rid of them. Their are 3 techniques that exterminators use, heat treatment, freezing treatment, and chemical. I recommend the chemical. I used an exterminator who used the chemical treatment and didn't even have to cover or turn off my fish aquarium. It was harmless to everything except the bedbugs and immediately effective. It also has a residual effect to kill any bedbugs that are brought into the home afterwards.

How bed bugs can be killed?

Common bed bugs are small, thin, and can hide deep in very narrow cracks. They are mainly active at night. They move much quicker, and can pass through much smaller openings or cracks, than most people expect.Regularly wash and heat-dry your bed sheets, blankets, bedspreads and any clothing that touches the floor.This reduces the number of bed bugs. Bed bugs and their eggs can hide in laundry containers/hampers Remember to clean them when you do the laundry.Kill bed bugs with heat, but be very careful - Raising the indoor temperature with the thermostat or space heaters won’t do the job. Special equipment and very high temperatures are necessary for successful heat treatment. Black plastic bags in the sun might work to kill bed bugs in luggage or small items, if the contents become hot enough. Bed bugs die when their body temperatures reaches 45°C (113°F). To kill bed bugs with heat, the room or container must be even hotter to ensure sustained heat reaches the bugs no matter where they are hiding.Reduce the number of bed bugs to reduce bites - Thorough vacuuming can get rid of some of your bed bugs. Carefully vacuum rugs, floors, upholstered furniture, bed frames, under beds, around bed legs, and all cracks and crevices around the room. Change the bag after each use so the bed bugs can’t escape. Place the used bag in a tightly sealed plastic bag and in an outside garbage bin.Turn to the professionals, if needed - Hiring an experienced, responsible pest control professional can increase your chance of success in getting rid of bed bugs. If you hire an expert, be sure it’s a company with a good reputation.

My house has fleas...HELP!!!?

Are your dogs treated with a good flea product? I know there are products that you can give monthy to dogs that help with flea and internal parasite control such as Sentinel and Revolution.

I never liked the idea of bombing my home. I did one time many years ago while we were on vacation and my cats were boarded at the vet. The flea has a 4 stage life cycle and the egg and the cocoon stages are resilient to many treatments like this. Plus you have to spend hours cleaning every surface to remove all the chemical residue that can be harmful to you, your family and the pets. That is a lot of extra work for an ineffective treatment!

A less toxic way is to wash anything that can be washed (bed linens, rugs, pet beds) in the normal temperature setting for that fabric and regular detergent. Then vacuum all the hard surfaces and upholstered furniture. Take your vacuum collections to the outside trash every few days.

If you have carpet, and you wish to speed up the process, you can use the OTC flea powders. Just sprinkle this your in carpet and vacuum. This will help kill the eggs and cocoons that are buried in the carpet fibers as you vacuum and in the dust canister or bag.

The last link below is information on using the Sevin Dust. It does not recommend using it inside the home, but I have heard of people doing that. You can use the Sevin Dust outside your home to help control the fleas in your yard.

Good luck with your flea battle.

Purrs to you and all your pets.