Is My Chest Pain Just Heartburn

How can you distinguish between a heartburn or chest pain from a mild heart attack?

Symptoms of a heart attack can occur in any combination, and range from mild to severe.

intense pressure or crushing pain in the chest that may extend into the arms, neck or back
moderate chest pain, tightness, pressure or vague discomfort
feeling faint, dizzy or weak
difficulty breathing

How would you know if it's your heart?
It can be difficult or even impossible to tell what's causing chest pain. Be on the lookout for these heart-related warning signs:

Sudden pressure, tightening, squeezing or crushing pain in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes
Pain spreading to the back, neck, jaw, shoulders or arms — especially the left arm
Chest discomfort accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness or nausea
Pressure or tightness in the chest during physical activity or when you're under emotional stress
a feeling of severe indigestion that doesn’t go away after taking an antacid
a feeling of impending doom - anxiety and sweating.

How to stop chest pain due to heartburn?

I've never heard of chest pain related to heartburn, but that doesn't mean anything, maybe it can. It is either something that you are eating, like spicy foods or eating to large of a helping. You could also have trouble inside like an ulcer that flares up, or the little flap at the bottom of the esophagus, that closes between it and the stomach, to keep what you are having from coming up. A Doctor can make that decision after testing you. Probably should see a Gastrointologist (spelling may be wrong). If this is occurring at night more when you lay down, you shouldn't eat anything after about 7:00pm. If you do, just make it a few crackers with milk. Also you'll should raise the level of the head of your bed, at least 6 inches or more. This will keep the acids in your stomach. If you get indigestion, take some liquid Maalox. It is good for all the symptoms that happen. Come to think of it, the pain might just be gas. If this continues, please make an appointment and have things checked out. It won't get better on its own, it will only get worse. Good luck to you sir.

Chest Pain Or Heartburn?

It seems that you have a pinched muscle in your back that is causing you this problem. when a muscle is pinched in the ribcage area it likes to transfer the pain to the front somewhere. So it makes it seem the source should be where the pain is but not in this case. It would also explain why you can get head pain from it as well, it is so close to the neck. Here is how to release those muscles:
Place your left hand on your left knee. Place your right hand over your left shoulder and with your fingertips find the muscle next to your spine. Press on it and hold. Relax, take a deep breath and exhale and don’t tense up any part of your body. After about 30 seconds there should be a release happening and when it does slowly lower yourself forward onto your right leg. If you can lean over the outside edge of your leg it will be better for your release. Continue holding for a total of one minute. Then release but rest your body there for one minute longer. Then reverse and do the right side.

Pregnant with chest pain.. is it heartburn?

It could definitely be heart burn, but tell your doctor about it at your next visit. Changes need to be noted "just in case." If you start having other symptoms that concern you, call your doctor before your visit - even pregnant people can get sick (I had pneumonia in July, whie pregnant).

Congratulations, but be careful!

Chest pains not from heartburn or anyting like that help?

Try taking some I-V-profen for pain and inflamation, keep a hot pad on the sore areas, and drink a glass of red wine.

If you pulled a chest muscle, it can be sore for weeks, if you can try to wrap your chest semi-tightly... don't stop or slow the blood flow. and relax for at least a week, no running, jumping, being scared, anything like that...

My mother pulled a chest muscle cheering at my eldest brothers football game when I was wee... Oh boy howdy, was that hard... and she's a nurse so she still had to go to work... it must have taken her 6 months or so to heal enough not to cry everyday.
so Best of luck to ya

To help you understand how back pain can result from acid reflux, it is better that I briefly explain to you, how acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is caused in the first place.Video:: Heartburn No More (TM)Now, the job of the lower esophageal sphincter is to act like a one stop valve. This means it should only open one way. This is to enable your food and drink to enter into your stomach and, then it should shut. Sometimes, this valve-like muscle becomes too relaxed or weakens and does not close fully.By doing so, the stomach acid can flow back up (reflux) to your esophagus and its corrosive effect can cause symptoms such as chest pain, heartburn and a sore throat.Not everyone who suffers from acid reflux, will experience back pain however, it can happen. It is important to point out, that back pain caused by acid reflux, is not the result of muscular strain or injury.

I get chest pain - feels like my heart - and heartburn medicine doesn't help. What could this be?

Chronic heartburn is usually from acid reflux - stomach acid is getting past the little valve and into your esophagus. You also should know some natural ways to treat your heartburn. Learn them here

The most immediate thing you can do is to stop drinking coffee and cola. Smoking is not good either, but that might be harder to stop. Don't over-eat. Don't lie down too soon after eating. Don't burp too much - this carries acid up with the burp.

heartburn the most common symptom of acid reflux disease (also known as gastroespohageal reflux disease, or GERD). Heartburn feels like a burning pain in the center of the chest. It is caused by acid from the stomach backing up into the esophagus. is a symptom of acid reflux disease (GERD) Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Heart attack pain is caused when one of the arteries supplying the heart becomes blocked. Angina is a similar chest pain caused when these arteries are narrowed by heart disease.Video:: Heartburn No More (TM)Heartburn is a burning pain often felt in the upper belly or lower chest. It is caused by stomach acid going back up the food pipe.Heartburn and heart attack pain can be similar. If someone is in doubt whether pain is a heart attack, they should always call for an ambulance. If it is a heart attack, prompt medical care can be lifesaving.A heart attack is an event caused by disease in the coronary arteries. These blood vessels supply blood to the heart, keeping it alive with energy and oxygen.A heart attack can lead to the heart stopping. This is called a cardiac arrest. Someone with cardiac arrest will not be responsive and will have no pulse.People with angina are at greater risk of having a heart attack. Anyone who has angina should be under medical care and alert to this risk.The stomach produces mucus to protect its lining from the acid that it uses to help with digestion. The food pipe lacks this protection, so acid reflux damages its lining. For many people, though, acid reflux does not cause such damage.Heartburn creates a burning sensation in the food pipe. This burning-type pain usually happens just above the stomach. The acid can also reach higher up, possibly even as far as the back of the mouth.He had a burning symptom in his upper belly whenever he exercised, but treatments for heartburn did not help. It was not until he became breathless and unable to carry on that he turned up at the hospital. Tests revealed heart disease that was close to causing a heart attack.

Question posted is “I get a lot of chest pain. It sometimes feels like heartburn. How do I know if it’s heartburn or chest pain?”That’s easy … YOU SEE YOUR DOCTOR. That’s their JOB, to identify the causes of pain that is persistent and long lasting.They will PROBABLY say you have heartburn, after asking you a bunch of questions, BUT —- THEY MIGHT also say you have ANGINA, which is the beginning of a kind of heart disease that is normally due to stress. OR they might identify an injury to your ribcage, or to a muscle, or a problem in your lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. because those can ALSO cause chest pain for some people.Self-diagnosis isn’t a good idea ever, but if you’re FORCED to do it, then determine whether the pain comes only when you eat a particular amount of food, a particular kind of food, when you’re hungry, or thirsty, or have been drinking, or have gas, etc. etc. and then you might have a good idea about possible causes. But, that’s mostly useful as information gathering for the purposes of seeing your doctor about a chronic, puzzling pain.