Is My Elbow Fractured/sprained

Is my hand fractured or sprained?

Hi, I'm a former certified athletic trainer, now in medical school, so I may be able to help you out. My quick and obvious advice is to go get an X-Ray. There were many times where I thought one of my athletes just had a sprained ankle, and after healing and rehab weren't working, a small hairline fracture would show up in an x-ray. There were also times where I thought a fracture was obvious, but it turned out just to be a bad bone bruise or swelling. So the only way to be sure you don't have a fracture is to get an x-ray.
There is an extra reason to get an x-ray for an injury to that area. There is a bone below your thumb called the scaphoid. If that bone is fractured, it can cut off blood supply to an essential artery which runs through it. If that blood supply is cut off by the fracture, the bone will begin to die. If that happens, usually surgery and a really big cast (above the elbow and below the wrist) is required to fix it. You can check for tenderness on that bone by pressing a finger into the "anatomical snuffbox." Funny sounding area, but easy to find... just try to extend your thumb like you're giving a "thumbs up." You should see two tendons pop up below your thumb. If you press down right between them with your other index finger... you're pressing down on the scaphoid bone. If your pain is no where near that area, you might be okay just waiting and seeing if it heals on it own. Soft tissue (muscle, skin, fat) bruises usually hurt for a few days then feel better. Bone bruises can be painful for weeks. If a bone is broken, but not displaced (out of alignment) you should immobilize it for 4-6 weeks. If a bone is broken AND out of alignment (which you would probably have felt or noticed by now) the doctor would need to either reset it manually, or perform surgery to align it and pin it in place. Good luck... and go see a doctor!

What would happen if you fail to treat a fractured or sprained body part?

Well, it depends on where is the injury and how severe it is. A sprain is a stretch or partial or complete tear of a ligament or tendon. In the case of a stretch or partial tear, the ligament or tendon will heal on its own, though there might be some Ligament ousted laxity (looseness) or scarring. A complete tear, untreated, will also heal by scarring / fibrosis typically with some loss of function (depending on the normal function of the particular ligament or tendon).In the case of a fracture, it depends what part of the bone is involved, the purpose of that portion of the bone and whether one or more joints are involved. Initially, of course, there will be pain and disability. With time the bone will heal but with deformity. If a joint is involved the otherwise articulating bones could knit together abnormally such that the joint does not function or does not function correctly or functions with pain. So a fracture of the midshaft of the fibula (small bone in leg) might heal crooked, but it only plays a major role in the leg. Whereas a fracture of the midshaft of the tibia (big bone in leg) would be more painful and debilitating and you might end up with a limp etc. Meanwhile a fracture of the distal tibia that involves the ankle might end with deformity, limp and chronic pain.Of course, if any of these injuries are open, I. E., a cut that extends to the fracture or sprain then there is risk of infection and death.Also, even with closed fractures, sharp pieces of bone from the fracture could sever adjacent arteries and if those arteries are big enough that could lead to trouble either from the hemorrhage or the pressure the hematoma causes on adjacent nerves.Overall, far better to seek modern treatment.

Is my elbow broken or sprained?

I hit my elbow on the doorframe and felt like I had hit my funny bone but the elbow HURT bad! But it's been 24 hours and swelling isn't showing that much! I can't move it, and it hurts to touch if I press a little hard. I fractured my knee and it fells similar, but I'm not sure if I did... I will be going to the doctor soon. Oh! But my hand is numb and tingles to move. please tell me what you think!

Is my arm sprained or broken?

Can't give a very reliable answer with the information you've provided, however I can give you a couple ways of testing it.

First the location of the pain and swelling. If the pain is not in your wrist, elbow, or shoulder then there's a good chance it's not a sprain. Sprains only occur at a joint where ligaments are stretched.

Besides a break, it could also only be a bruise or bone bruise. Look at your arms next to each other to see if there's any noticeable deformation. If one arm is crooked... it's probably broken.

If it's not that obvious take your hurt arm and make a fist. Take your other hand and tap on your fist just hard enough to move your arm. If there is pain at a specific point in your arm gently rub that point and the area around it. If you notice that the pain is very localized that's another indication for a break. Once you have the spot isolated find the place on your arm nearest the painful area, that has little if any pain upon palpation. Locate the bone, if it's lower arm there are two bones (Ulna and Radius), if the pain is in the upper arm the Humerus.

I'm assuming the pain is in the lower arm, because it is much harder to break the Humerus. Once you've identified the spot closest to the injury that can be touched without pain find the area where the bones of the lower arm are closest to the skin and easily touched (usually nearer the wrist). Then rest your arm in a non-painful position on a table or bed and take your finger from your non-injured arm and tap on each bone lightly, but with enough force that you can feel it in your elbow. If this causes strong pain at the same spot you identified as being most painful then your arm is most likely broken.

All of this being said there's a much better way to tell if your arm is broken with near absolute certainty. Go to a doctor and get an X-ray. He'll not only be able to tell you if it's broken he can even treat the injury too!

For now as far as treatment just ice the injured area as much as possible, and keep it compressed with an ACE wrap or sleeve, and keep the arm elevated this will prevent the throbbing pain usually associated with breaks.

Good luck with the injury, hope you can get back on the board soon.

What causes bone fractures to itch?

Mine too.. I have a broken collar bone (left clavicle) and it itches so much.. I even have small blisters.. they do not hurt though.. maybe it is due to inflammation as Anubhab says.. here is what the internet came up with:In Chinese medicine, the healing process of fractures is divided into three distinctive stages, each lasting about two weeks: 1. Acute Stage This stage occurs during the first and second weeks after the fracture takes place. The first seven days are accompanied by acute pain and swelling. A pool of blood is created from broken blood vessels around the bone. This pool of blood starts to produce bone cells within the first seven days. In the second week, the bone starts to knit. This process can cause discomfort and itching, especially at night. 2. Knitting stage This stage occurs during the third and fourth weeks after the fracture takes place and continues the processes started during the acute phase. As bone cells continue to be formed, so does the bone knitting. Even though the affected bone may have completed knitting by the fourth week, it will likely remain flexible and soft at the point of the fracture. 3. Complete Healing This stage occurs during the fifth and sixth week after the fracture occurs. If the person is healthy and the break is one of the less complicated types of breaks, then the affected bone has most likely regained it’s strength and solidity as the sixth week draws to a close. On the other hand, complete healing of severe and complicated breaks can take longer. Of course, appropriate treatment immediately following the break and thereafter can greatly expedite the fracture healing process. Here is where I got it from: Fractures, Fracture Healing and Types of Fractures

What are the symptoms of a sprained elbow?

First off, don't be scared. Human bodies are very delicate. There is no way for anyone to really tell if a limb is sprained, even doctors would just make an educated guess based on the type of pain and the injury. The fact that it took a couple days to start hurting is a good sign, you probably only have a strained muscle, not a serious sprain. The best thing to do is to get an elbow brace (these can be purchased at any Rite Aid, Walgreen's, or CVS for pretty cheap), ice the injury for twenty minutes then leave it off for twenty and repeat that three times a day for a few days, and take 3 or 4 Advil every 8 hours to keep swelling and inflammation to a minimum. If the pain persists for more that five days at the same level of pain, go to a doctor. If it is a sprain, they'll only tell you to do the same thing I have, but they can also check to make sure nothing is dislocated or fractured. The likelihood of anything being seriously wrong is low, so try not to freak out and just let your elbow rest for a few days. And if you can't move it to its full extension, you should probably let your mom know. Restricted movement is not a good sign. If you can move it to its full extent and it just hurts a lot, that is very different than not being able to at all.

My son fell and hurt his arm. Could it be broken, cracked, a sprain or what?

Take him to the doctor

Broken or sprained wrist/arm?

I was biking home yesterday from a football offseason workout and I fell. I broke my fall with my right arm. I was able to bike home (mile or so) and put ice on it. It was swollen towards yesterday afternoon, but the swelling seems to of gone down.

Right now, it hurts when I move my wrist but I can move my fingers and such without pain. It's a tolerable pain, nothing severe or even moderately severe. I immobilized it for the moment with one of those wrist braces. Can someone figure out if it's broken or if it's just a sprain (that's what I think it is)? Also, how long does it usually take to heal? I don't want to miss too much practice (starts on the 11th).

I'm 15 if that helps.

How do I know if my wrist is broken or just sprained?

Swelling and discoloration are by no means reliable indicators of a broken or fractured bone. Gross deformities can sometimes be a good indication. Bone ends sticking out of the skin, known as an "open fracture" goes without saying. The only reliable method is to either have an Xray, CAT Scan, MRI or bone scan. Normally an Xray with lateral, oblique, anterior and posterior views will suffice. If not, then CAT Scans, MRI's or Bone Scans are even more reliable. That's just my opinion. Rad Tech. ( ^ _ ^ )


You said that you fell on your out stretched hand? People who take a fall like you're describing can have what is known as a "scaphoid" or "snuff box" fracture. If you make the thumbs up sign, the scaphoid or snuff box is the dimple or depression on your wrist. You can readily see it. You can put your finger there. This type of injury is particuarly dangerous because blood flow is not as abundent in this area. Hence you could do yourself some real damage. Also you have eight wrist bones. You also have your radius located on your thumb side (scaphoid bone is located on this side as well.) And you have your ulnar bone located by your small digit or "pinky." Here's a treatment plan for you just in case you don't want to go to the E.R. RICE (N) Rest. Ice. Compression (ace wrap) Elevate and Non Steroidal anti-infammatory drugs. Naprosyn or mortin. Good luck chicka!
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