Is My Family Responsible For My Deceased Brother

If I sign my brother's death certificate, am I responsible for his medical bills?

My brother died yesterday. He has no immediate family except for 2 stepson, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. He is currently in the morgue at the hospital. I am eager to begin the process of having him cremated, but the rest of my family is currently taking no action. Here's my dilemma: I live in Florida. My brother that passed away lived in Ohio, died in Pennsylvania and the funeral home that would do the cremation is in West Virginia. If I sign his death certificate in order to have his body moved from the hospital in PA to WV for cremation, would I then be liable for his medical expenses from the hospital? I just want to see him be able to rest in peace instead of just being in the hospital's morgue. Thank you for your help.

Is my mom responsible for the death of her mother?

I moved out of my mom's house in March 2016 because we didn't get along and I couldn't tolerate her excessive drug use. I moved in with my grandfather, who's her father. Fast forward to August 2016, I receive a phone call from a family member that my grandmother has been deceased upon my mom finding her dead lying in the living room, as she claims. The last time i talked to gma was two weeks prior to her death. everyone seemed unemotional. In October 2016, I moved out of my grandfathers house and got my own place which coincidentally isn't far from my mother's place. I visited my mom to see how she was doing and she looked like she was on drugs bad so bad to the point where I didnt want to even communicate with her but I thought why not give her a chance. In July 2017. I receive multiple phone calls from her asking me to come visit her and that she needs me. shes sad. etc I was 23 at the time but a bit naive to what was going on. Although, my brother lives with her, I came just out of concern. When I arrived, she asked my compensation, she said my grandmother made remarks about her husband's death. She knew information about my grandmother's life insurance and It's making me think she killed her or was behind the scenes. I've attempted to calls the cops twice, but both times I withdrew, because I felt like maybe Im delusional.

What do you guys think? Please help!

Legally, who is responsible for a deceased parent and their bills? ?

If the bills are not in your name then you are not responsible. But if you are living in the house then it is evident that you would want to continue to pay those bills, like lights and gas, etc. Just keep a record.

Do not pay any medical bills or other debts. They are no one's responsibility if they are not in your name. Once an attorney has been contacted they will notify any creditors and they will have a certain amount of time to make a claim. If you all decide to keep the estate and not abandon it then you will have to pay those creditors if they do indeed make a claim. But then and only then will you pay any other debts.

Funeral costs: it is the parent of 4 children, morally the right thing to do is come together and split the cost. Legally no one is responsible since there is no will or living trust.

Since there is no will or living trust a personal representative will be appointed by the court. Generally, the next of kin (i.e. one of the children).

It is UGRENT to contact an attorney. One who will do a free consultation to help you decide if it is in the best interest monetarily to fight for the estate. They will help you with this.

It depends what state this is taking place in each state is different.

Here is one example of a site that I found of a checklist.

If there is no Will and there are sufficient assets to probate (typically, at least $15,000 in Virginia), then the Court will appoint an administrator and the assets of the Decedent will be distributed according to state law. This situation is referred to by some as having the state write a Will for you. All states have a set of laws relating to intestate succession (transfer of property after dying without a Will), and the states decide who gets which assets if someone dies without a Will.

Naming my son after my deceased brother?

I am 3 monthas pregnant and if I am having a boy we plan to name him after my brother. My husbands side of the family says that is a bad idea. They think the my first child will be neglected because the new child has a special name and will be favored. They also think we will have higher standards for him to succeed as my brother did. They think that I should get over his death and not involve it in every happy occasion (I had a song dedicated to him at my wedding). I completely disagree with them. I am naming him that in honor of my brother, not to try to recreate my him. What do you think?

Can I file my brothers taxes he passed away?

My bro passed away 5 months ago he has a 2 year old son with his gf who didn't even get married with him. This girl is already seeing some guy after 2 months into my bros death she got with some guy kept my bros car kept the ss benefits and now wants to file his taxes. It gets me very upset because she cheated on my bro before he passed now she's with the same guy she cheated on him with. She spends his money on her new shoes new clothes she bought an iPhone i never see new things on my nephew :( can I as his older bro file his taxes or do I just leave it alone? I'm very angry and upset at this girl I wish I could have custody of my nephew:(

How can I help my family to get over my brother’s death?

Good question, but also a flawed one.You want to help your family deal with the loss of your brother/their son.That is great you want to help. Shows you sense you have some responsibility to take in looking after your family.But ‘get over’ irks me. And I don’t think you ‘get over’ it.Let me explain. My brother died a couple of years ago. It was a shock. It was sudden. It was unexpected.After hearing the news, yes, I did think that eventually I would get over the loss.But you don’t. You don’t get closure. You don’t turn away and finally have no feelings about the person and their death.This thinking comes from our upbringing and culture. We want solutions. In them dying, there is no solution, nothing to fix. They are gone.Instead, you deal with it. You mourn the death, you grieve, you honour the person as best you could, you deal with anything left unsaid.And how can you help your family? By acknowledging that we all grieve in different ways. By giving each space to mourn in their own way, at their own pace, in visible and invisible ways, with no timetable, no schedule, no stages or tasks.And maybe you have some practical things you can do. Or thing you can do that your brother formerly did - the roles and responsibilities in the family, etc.

An astrologer told my friend's family that his wife is responsible for his brother's death, because of her horoscope. Is this really possible?

It depends upon IQ of astrologer how one justifies that event . If someone dies on  Christmas , one can say that person died because Christmas happened . Or if it happened on a Sunday , the death may be attributed to Sunday . That logic defeats the very basis of astrology that every person has an individual destiny . That destiny may coincide with other's destiny in good or bad manner . For example , Christmas may be birthday for someone and a death day for other , that does not mean that Christmas day is good or bad in itself . It solely depends upon person how one associates an event to the memory and based on that we may call someone lucky or unlucky in our life . Also Birth and death days are unalterable in any person's life for any reason so nobody can be held responsible for these two starting and end points of life journey.

When my estranged husband dies will I be responsible for his funeral arrangements?

I was in the process of getting a divorce my husband died. Am I responsible for his funeral? I have no money to pay this.This saved my marriage: Save My Marriage TodayMarried people are not responsible for the individual debts of their spouses unless they have taken on the debts themselves, like when you co-sign a loan. So, even though you were still married at the time of his death, you aren’t responsible for your husband’s funeral expenses.If you make funeral arrangements for your husband, make sure that it is clear that you are acting as the representative of his estate and not individually. Don’t put any of these expenses in your own name. Funeral debts are a debt of your husband’s estate and should be paid before anything is distributed to his heirs. Whether your husband died with or without a Will, as his surviving spouse you will be in a position to inherit from your spouse after his final expenses — including funeral costs — and debts are paid.My brother’s wife is dying of cancer. We just found out, she doesn’t have life insurance. He doesn’t have enough money to pay for the funeral, what can we do?

Does a step-brother remain your step-brother after the death of your step-father?

When my father married a woman with two sons, I ended up with two step brothers. I was already in graduate school and one of my new step brothers was a freshman in college. Our lives continued and I would only see my new “brothers” on school holidays. I returned to my home town and saw the youngest of the two more often. Then, after almost twenty year of marriage, my dad’s wife decided to “call it quits”. (her words). Her sons, my step brothers, sided with my dad. Both were grown and married by this time. The youngest and I were pretty close and decided that to heck with this step thing, we were brother and sister, in Christ if nothing else. And that is how I refer to him, as my brother. When my father passed away, my little bother (a term of endearment for my 6′3″ brother), said, “That’s my dad. (His biological dad had been absent most, if not all, of his life.) So, as complicated as this whole step thing can be, a lot depends upon the relationship between the step siblings and the various parental units.

Is it inappropriate to name my son after his deceased uncle? My brother passed away last year while in the military and I want to give my son his name, but I don’t want to offend anyone. Should I name his nephew after him?

No… emphatically no, it's not inappropriate, it's actually an honor to His being….short story… my brother passed away at 34 from melanoma cancer… not too long afterwards my sister had a child and named him after our brother… at first I was a little offended but as I watched that little boy grow up and carry on his uncle's name I was never more proud and realized how immature I was… my sister loved our brother dearly and the only thing she had to offer in his passing was to tell the world how much she loved her brother, so much in fact that her son would carry his name… so if you want to name your child after someone that you loved… you do it and to heck with everyone else. It's not about them anyways, it's you saying you loved that person soooooo much that you are willing to name your child his name in his honor… that's a blessing… an honor, and you should do it… if you want to of course…I support that desire and whomever might be offended may just grow up like I did….God bless you and your little one, for such is the kingdom of heaven.