Is My Finger Fractured

How can I fix my bent finger after it has healed from a fracture?

You asked me when the wire was in situ. Nothing to worry. This can be corrected by a planned surgery. It is a common complication. It is called rotational malunion. After doing complicated work in emergency, chance were more to get worser complications like bone infection. Now, you have no pain, no swelling, not much hurry now. Now doing a beatification, restorative work will be safer.In Goverment Medical College Hospital you can get that for free of cost.At that time it was an emergency operation to save your finger. K wire is easier to keep them in place to get joined. It would be great if this never happened. But happens because in situation surgeon has not many options in emergency surgery. K wire is easy but rotating is the problem. Too much complicated work at emergency may bring impossible to control problems.Saving the finger was the important work in emergency. We can fix it many approach, this bone cutting out surgery is one approach.As because I can not see the current Xray and test your finger, I am saying you the maximum a surgeon may need to do — surgery.Now you need an orthopaedic surgeon who is versed with hand surgery. That can be the surgeon who performed the first work or different person or Goverment medical college hospital. It is better to find the surgeon faster (weeks to month, not something after 6 months nor within few hours). If you do late, finger’s function may be hampered.This person had same issue like you. Photos are taken inside OT. That operation done and alignment became correct.

Is my pinky finger jammed or fractured?

We cannot know for sure, but it might be a jammed finger. Pain, swelling, loss of motion, and loss of strength are all very common symptoms of a jammed finger. Swelling within the joint is very obvious, and you can usually tell very easily when you have suffered a finger sprain. One knuckle will swell up, and it will look noticibly bigger than the others. Unfortunately, this swelling often lasts for weeks if not months. Motion usually come back fairly quickly, depending on how severe the sprain is.

Whether or not you can treat it yourself really depends on how bad it is. To treat a jammed finger with no signs of dislocation or fracture, a warm soak in an Epsom salt bath should provide some relief. Sports creams containing analgesics or warming agents could also be applied to provide some muscular pain relief and reduce swelling.

To treat a jammed finger which has been dislocated, it is usually best to consult a medical professional. In an emergency, you may be able to reset a dislocated finger yourself with a deliberate pulling action, but keep in mind that the process can be extremely painful to endure. The pain should subside significantly once the jammed finger is properly reset, however. When in doubt of the outcome, however, simply immobilize the affected finger and allow a trained physician to manipulate the dislocation in a controlled setting.

Did I fracture my knuckle for my ring finger?

It sounds like you've fractured the head of your 4th metacarpal. You need a doctor and an X-ray at the very least. Perhaps more.You may well escape without needing much treatment but that depends on an examination of your hand, the X-ray and the degree of angulation and rotation of the fracture. If the bone heals with any significant deviation it can affect the movement of that finger for the rest of your life. We tend not to muck around with hand injuries.

How do i know if my finger is broken or fractured?

what did you do to it?

disclaimer: I am not a doctor. take make advise at your own accord.

I have broken several fingers and never been to a doctor. If you only have done it in the last 24 hours, put some ice on it and keep it elevated. also, if you are getting any tingling or numbness, i would immediately go to the doctor because u could have a clot.

depending on what u did, you could have damaged the joint in the finger; that is actually worst than breaking finger. I would go to the doctor for damaged ligaments. Broken fingers, as long as they are not disfigured, I would not worry about it.

Also, you can move a broke finger. don't believe the hype.

Is my finger broken, jammed, sprained or fractured?

Well, A good way to tell ( not always 100% accurate but pretty damn close) is to take a tuning fork ( used for music or something that vibrates but not a big vibration like a cell phone) take it and strike the tuning fork so it is vibrating and then touch it to the top of your finger that you think is broken. If it is fractured this will really hurt because what it will do is make the two parts of the broken bone rub together. The reason this doesn't always produce a right anwers is because you may have another type of fracure like an avulson fracture or a fracture that the two bones are compressed together to much to cause pain when this is done. I was an athletic training student for awhile and this is what we would do if we weren't sure about broken fingers. Remember this is not 100% and your finger could still be broken even if this test is negative

One more thing to remember is if you are doing a buddy tape with your finger (where you tape the bad finger to the uninjured finger next to it make sure you put something between to the two fingers to prevent rubbing.

How can I treat my fractured finger after 6 weeks of icing and adding ointment but no results?

I don’t believe either of those items will assist in or speed up the healing of bone tissues and/or matrix. The ice would do a good job numbing the finger which is actually a very bad thing to do if the finger (or affected bone or area) is not casted or splinted due to increased ability to move the finger with little to no pain while the area is numb. Not sure which type, but topical ointments would only be necessary if there is skin damage due to a protruding bone caused by a compound fracture. Just trying to find a use for it.So have you been to the doctor/hospital for an X-ray? If not, you don’t have any idea of the severity of the fracture. Also, they would have put a splint on the individual finger or had a cast put on the hand. Casts or splints’ main function are to immobilize the broken bone and not allow you to move it at all. If you haven’t done this, you should go. If you can’t or don’t want to (I paid for a wrist cast after breaking my 5th metacarpal and cheap isn’t part of it), you can find and purchase a finger splint. Here is the common style sold at Walmart:’t mean to harp on this, but have it splinted and fully immobilized first thing in the morning (really as soon as possible)If you insist on continuing to ice the area, use a hot/cold pack instead. This will help with swelling and pain but will not numb the area too much.Hope this helps and your finger gets healed up. Should take 3–5 weeks if immobilized with a hairline fracture. It would take 12+ weeks to heal with no immobilization, but a hairline fracture is not at risk for further damage usually. I am just assuming the hairline designation since you’ve had it 6 weeks and not been to the hospital.

It's been about 2 years since I fractured my finger, and it often hurts. It gets stiff too. Is there a reason for this, and should I be worried?

Kindly visit orthopaedic surgeon. You might need physiotherapy for getting it back to normal.

Can I still heal a mallet finger fracture broken after 5 months? Is it too late?

Hey Youssef. Since mallet finger with a fracture involves an avulsed or torn tendon plus a break in the bone, it is a more complicated injury than it seems. Splinting it, at this point, may actually still help, if done by an orthopedic provider. Some providers will attempt to correct the mallet finger, up to six months after the injury, by splinting or casting it. It must remain splinted/casted for six to eight weeks; continuously, and should not be removed for any amount of time except by the orthopedic provider. This requires meticulous care of the splinted finger to prevent pressure sores. The provider will provide explicit instructions on caring for it and will schedule follow-up appointments to assess the condition of the finger over the course of the treatment. If splinting/casting does not work or if it is too late to try this treatment and the deformity is bad enough to bother you, surgical fixation is also an option to correct it. Good luck and get an appointment quickly to avoid missing the window of time to try conservative treatment.

Mallet Finger (Fracture) stiffness after splinting?

Hello, I fractured my little finger over 8 weeks ago during boxing session with my cousin. The condition I was diagnosed with was a 'Mallet finger' which basically meant I had fractured the small bone at the end of my finger where the joint is located and I could not voluntarily extend my finger straight forming a droop at the end ...after 6 weeks of continuous splinting I went to the hospital to have the splint removed however the doctor was not very specific on the ins and outs of what i should expect and as i thought the stiffness would fade after a few days i thought nothing of it although it has been almost 2 weeks now and I still do not have full flexibility with my finger, I am sure the fracture has healed as I no longer have the drooping and i can more or less extend my finger but I cannot bend it fully and it is still quite sensitive to pain. I would appreciate any help you could give, thanks.

Is my finger Jammed, dislocated, or broken/fractured?

Basically I was playing football and just caught a pass the wrong way. It hit the tip of my finger pretty hard. Now (24 hours later) it's swollen really bad. I can move it left and right pretty well, and can even straighten it out with very slight pain. But I can't bend it further then half way (maybe because of how swollen it is?) It's also black and blue on the bottom of my joint. Oh and nothing LOOKS dislocated or anything. It's just huge from the swelling.

I'll probably go for an x-ray today if I have to. But before I do, what do you guys think? Jammed, dislocated, broken or fractured? And how should I go about treating it?