Is My Fish Pregnant Help

How can I tell if my glo fish is pregnant?

Glo Fish are of several species. They are GMO fish that have been modified to produce fluorescent proteins.First identify the species.Currently there are Zebrafish, Tetras, and Tiger Barbs.Then look up what to look for in that species.Try to identify males and females. It is difficult sometimes.Zebra fish:The females are usually larger. The egg carrying females might look fatter. Watch their behavior. The males will aggressively chase the females. Lower the water level and provide stones in the bottom of the tank that will protect the dropped eggs from being eaten. These eggs are fertilized after laying, so you cannot remove the males if you want them to reproduce.Tetras:Look for fatness around the tail and abdomen, and a dark spot on the underbelly near the tail. Look for bubble nests. Watch for aggressive chasing behavior from the males.Tiger Barbs:These are egg scatterers, and so do not make nests. The females may look fatter when full of eggs.If a female barb gets a "boxy" look, it most likely has eggs. A male will probably chase her around for awhile, and she will drop the eggs and he will fertilize them. fish are not live bearers, so the females are not actually pregnant, just full of eggs. If you want to breed them you will need to provide a breeding tank for the fry, and learn specific breeding techniques for your species.Glofish are patented, and trademarked. Selling them without a license is prohibited. If they are for personal use, or education, they might be OK. Any commercial use is prohibited.

Is my fish pregnant??

yes shes pregnant the spheres are the eggs and if u can it might be best to seperate her from the other fish. Also the other fish you have is a plecostomus

My guppy fish is pregnant ,please help ?!?

3-6 weeks , 'bout 10 to 70 fishes

Pregnant zebra fish??

Zebra Danios are egg-layers; the females are bigger and they usually look fatter - they look very much fatter when they have eggs. The males are smaller and always look thinner.

They breed during a spawning chase - the males chase the females until the females release their eggs. The males then release their sperm and the eggs are fertilised in the water, while falling from the females - the fertilised eggs scatter all over your aquarium.

Unfortunately the parent fish may then eat the lot!

A useful way to breed them is to prepare a spawning tank, if you have one. The base should be bare of gravel and the tank should be free of snails, planeria, etc. You then cover the base with a layer of clean glass marbles, two marbles deep. A couple of clean plastic plants can help, too.

If you syphon water out of the the aquarium that you have the fish in now and fill the breeding tank to about 4 inches above the marbles it will make it much safer to move your fish back and forth.

Feeding the fish high protien food and live food should get them ready to spawn, especially if you leave the aquarium light on for a longer period each day.

I found it was best to let them settle for about three hours once they were in the breeding tank. Once they had settled I started to add filtered water that was a slightly lower temperature, very slowly, until the water was 8 inches deep over the marbles.

Once you have moved them into the breeding tank you might like to feed them brine shrimp - marine shrimp won't bring disease into the tank and they won't survive to eat the fry. It helps to keep the tank well-lighted.

The live food, water change and lighting "fools their biology" into believing that the rains have come and it's the breeding season. Once the females are thin the eggs are laid and all the parents can be put back into their original aquarium. A very gentle airstone in the egg tank can help hatching.

Is my rainbow fish pregnant?

Breeding: Mix your conditioned breeders in a non-brightly lit planted tank. Add Black Water Tonic to their tank. Keep them well fed. Rainbowfish usually spawn every morning for a week. The eggs stick to the plants (like killifish eggs). Most breeders ignore the eggs. Take out the parents after a week or they will likely eat the hatching fry. Some people say they don’t. Some people say lots of things. I see little reason to believe they wouldn’t eat their eggs also. Keep them well fed.

Saving More Fry: Make a long mop of Orlon or Nylon strands. Attach the strands to a cork or anything that floats. Use this as their spawning site and remove the mop when you have enough eggs. Hatch them in their own 10-gallon tank. Or you can do the same thing with a bunch of hornwort -- with a lot less hassle.

Fry Foods: Baby rainbowfish do best on infusoria. Some breeders feed them the powdered dry foods. After one or two weeks feed newly hatched shrimps or microworms. Add big snails to clean up the excess.

Filtration: Baby rainbowfish fish need clean water. Use an undergravel or sponge filter. Sponge filters clean their water, grow extra food, and prevent scum from building up on the water’s surface.



How long is a betta fish pregnant?

Most fish cannot be pregnant, excepting the livebeaers.Egg layers can be said to be gravid, when they fill up with eggs.The female Betta may hold eggs for a few weeks while she seeks a mate, but she does not lay them in a bubble nest. It is only the male puts them there, one by one, after she releases them and they are fertilized.Females who are ready to mate and find a suitable male, are tightly embraced by the male, who almost squeezes the eggs from her. He holds her almost in a trance, immobile, and fertilizes the eggs as they exit her body. The eggs will fall, and he’ll swim down to catch them, placing each one in a bubble, in the nest he prepared and then return to the female before she comes out of her trancelike state.If you are trying to breed these fish, you would ‘condition’ them for a month before you attempted it. That means feeding plenty of live foods, lots of proteins and some fats, to get them in the best condition possible, strong and healthy and well covered in fat.Usually a female will appear to fill up with eggs near the end of this period of conditioning. Then you’d carefully introduce the pair and hope they like each other, since they’ll fight if they don’t like each other.So her period of being gravid may only last a week or two, possibly a bit longer.

How do you care for a pregnant betta fish?

Sometimes we are tempted to make things complicated. If you think about it, before we discovered betta fish and decided to make them our pet fish, who took care of them? When there was no human beings took care of them, were they able to breed?Of course!Now, I am not saying we should just ignore them but as a breeder myself, I’d like to do the best I can to help pregnant bettas deliver their babies. Here’s what you can do..Get her a male partnerWhether you like it or not, female bettas produce eggs without mating. It is only when they are mating eggs will be released and for this reason, may I suggest you to get her a male partner? Not only it will help her release her eggs but male will build bubble nest and tend their nests as well. Choose a male that is already seen building bubble nest even when he is on his own. That is a sign of him being ready to mate.Prepare them a breeding tankI think a 5-gallon tank will be enough. Setup a tank and let the cycling process run for a few days before putting in the breeding pair. I’ll usually use a divider where both fish can see each other and leave them for another day or two. Once they are kind of used to the environment, I’ll remove the divider and let them start their ‘honeymoon vacation’.Use the secret weapon - 97.89% success rate!My secret weapon is always dried Catappa leaves! In case you do not know what it is, it is dried Indian almond leaves that produce countless of benefits for betta fish. They can lower ammonia, maintain a well balanced pH, induce spawning and contribute to the overall health of the betta fish. What I usually do is that, I place a small piece of dried Catappa leaf (5–6 inches) on top of the bubble nest the male betta has built and I somehow believe eggs hatched under this kind of environment will be much active and healthier in general.You don’t have to breed themOf course, it is not a must to breed them. Just treat them like any normal betta fish and usually, you’ll do great.If you want to find out more about how dried Catappa leaves can contribute to the overall health of betta fish, you can always check out FREE SHIPPING - 100 Pieces Dried Catappa Leaves.Hope this helps.