Is My Friend A Narcissist

Is my friend a narcissist?

Im asking because i feel like he have Narcissistic traits but i also feel like he have traits many narcissist lacks like empathyAt least in some situations and he`s very emotional. He tell a lot of lies about both big things and small things. He also cheat in relationships. He`s a very likable guy and get along with almost everyone,he always have. He's very good at socializing with new people especially after a few drinks. He` wants to succeed in life and already done certain "shortcuts". In college he plagiarized a lot of he's work with no guilt what so ever. In graduate school he payed online crevices do do the work for him like the thesis and he's already doing the same thing with he's Phd. He steals money from the company and talks to hackers about possibly hack into he`s company`s bank account. He wants to get rich. Theres also i girl he like thats engaged and he`s considering paying hackers to make her fiancee look unfaithful and he says he would not feel any guilt over that. When he watch the news about victims loosing their homes and loved ones in flooding or earth quakes he have no reaction at all and dos not seem to care. He does seem to feel empathy in certain other situations though. He's convinced most people are idiots and that he have a better understanding and intelligence then most other people. I caught him looking at himself in the mirror for a good few seconds several times he also had a nose surgery. is he a narcissist?

Is my friend a narcissist?

Yes, your friend is a narcissist - most likely created by over-coddling parents who rewarded her for every minor accomplishment and never scolded her for things she did wrong.

I bet her parents constantly fought her battles at school, work, and elsewhere, as "Precious" was most likely treated as a princess her entire life - someone, in their eyes, who could do no wrong. She has not been raised right from the get-go to be so young and have such a personality flaw - for her to feel like she is superior to everyone and not be accountable for her own actions. Everything in her life is dramatic, and if it's not, she will make the drama up - just to be the center of attention. Usually with these types of people, either the mother or father also has a huge ego and self-inflated sense of entitlement which, as you have described, is not justified. High maintenance, highly competitive, and she has singled you out as she can't behave properly in groups as they would not continue to stroke her ego. I have met people like this, but found that they are way too high maintenance for the value you are getting back out of the relationship. I don't think I would have the patience to always be taking the back seat, as you have, so firstly you should be rewarded in your own right for surviving such a one-sided friendship. I think you have come to a cross roads since obviously her behaviour is really bothering you.

Personally, I would shake this Kling-on Princess as she is using you as her own personal soap box with no regard to your feelings, and is even questioning your personal decisions and judging how your live your own life. She can find someone else to suck the living essence out of, someone else to put down to make herself feel better. 10 years is a long time to be around someone like that - it will start to affect how you feel about yourself due to being exposed to her toxins all these years. The time has come to stop answering her calls, texts, and on-line chats and start living for you and thinking about yourself for a change, rather than obsessing over someone who is not worth it. Get out of this relationship soon before she turns you to be like her - bitter and angry about the world and complaining how "poor poor pitiful me" that once again somebody did her wrong.

Is my friend a narcissist?

Ok so he is THE best guy ever.He is very funny and smart at the same time.He always talks to our company about interesting things.He always gets us to do the things he does and we like his clones i mean we watch the same shows hae the same ideologies etc.He made me dount my religion and turned me into an atheist....he is very manipulative.He has a charm....many girls like him but he never goes with them....he thinks they are weak.He is kind of arrogant...actually very arrogant but still he is very funny and great and i really enjoy spending time with him.He always gossips and says bad things about others everybody and then he just pretends to be fine with them and spends time with them.He used to have a girlfiend i remember (a ***** btw) who he was constanlty calling a bad girl and a w***.Despite all these thins as i said he is THE BEST.Is he a narcissist or anything similar or just a normal teen?

Is my friend a narcissist?

This kind of behaviour is common to see. As far as I think it would be better to cut loose from your friend. There is no need of getting yourself irritated by her. Remember, friendships and relationships play a major role in how you evolve as a person. Start small chit chats with other people of your school as well. A genuine smile and simple hello can work wonders. Start connecting with people who you think you can gel with, by frequent hi's , giving compliments, on social media etc. You will feel good. Maybe your friend won't like it, And if your friend objects, tell her your problem with her clearly and stop hanging out with her completely. It's okay to have lunch alone sometimes and it's also okay to be on your own sometimes. You will find new friends. School friends are friends who stay with you forever. They know you Inside out. Make good friends. Who will love you and whom you can cherish.:)

My friend, narcissistic?

Oh gosh...You really haven't told us much pertaining to his behavior. I mean, from what you say, it could just be "bad day" "good day." No body could officially tell you whether his behavior was narcissistic without actually observing or speaking with the individual in question.

One thing I would like to know, though, is why do you feel the need to label him? Does this really make a difference? Would this label be some sort of excuse for his behavior? Or-as I think you already know-is his behavior enough to warrant your bad feelings towards him? Don't ask us...You are the one experiencing this. You make the decision. Don't feel guilty for wondering if someone else is worthy of your friendship. You can be friends with whomever you want...Or don't want.

Should I talk with my friend who is a narcissist?

I have known a girl for 4 years and I have realized overtime that she is a narcissist.
We used to chat all the time, on messeger and at college.

About 3 weeks ago, all of a sudden she has stopped talking to me.

Is this one of the things narcissistic people do, they stop talking to people that are not a benefit to them anymore?


What to do about my friend the narcissist?

This is a rather delicate situation here. She may or may not be able to help how she feels, and may feel very hurt and upset about your reaction if you just go out and be blunt about it.(but judging by the way you describe her, she would probably try to hide it.) I would know, I'm ADD and therefore tend to get the overpowering urge to just blurt out the first (almost always very stupid and/or offencive) comment that pops into my head without even realizing that I'm hurting someone, and so I feel VERY surprised and foolish when they get mad or upset. She might not fully realize how selfish she's being, and thinks that she's only trying to express herself to you as a friend. Maybe she's not a narcissist, but just a little insecure about the fact that she feels left out. If she's truly a narcissist, she'll love herself, and not care about others as much as herself. (not that she truly means to be like that, it's just how some peoples' brains work, whether they want it to or not) But from what you described, she sounds like she's the opposite, like she's insecure of herself and feels truly lonesome but doesn't want to show it. Put yourself in her shoes; if she really acts like that, then many people would have pointed it out rudely (put lightly in my case) and teased her for it, and most likely at a very young, vulnerable age. Imagine how it would feel if nobody seemed to want to truly accept YOU and how you felt as a person, no matter how hard you had tried to change it. Just tell her as a friend that you need to have a talk and tell her (gently, as though giving friendly advice or opinion, which you are) that she should try to relate to others a little more, and try complementing her while doing it so she won't feel like you're trying to talk down to her; trying to show her that you're attempting to help her and you're putting yourself in her shoes will tell her that you're talking as equals, not discriminating against her for how she feels.

Please don't feel offended by anything I put; I'm trying to help you and your friend both without playing favorites.=)
hope I helped!

How can i tell if my friend is a narcissist?

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

* Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
* Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
* Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
* Requires excessive admiration
* Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
* Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
* Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
* Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
* Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

Is my boyfriend a Narcissist?

My boyfriend does realy weird things like taking off for the night and not calling even tho we have a child and the next day not thinking he did anything wrong. He never thinks he is wrong. He thinks my emotions are weak and will withhold affection and praise in my times of need almost with a evil grin. I have looked into his gorgeouse eyes and seen emptiness. I feel that he is with me because I am everything he is not. I am happy well trying to be, I am honest and loving and I dont judge people and he gets mad at me because I say nice things about people. I feel like he has tried to suck my soal dry like tried to take all my good energy and use it as his own? I hope that makes sence to someone. These are just a few things. Do you think he is a narcissist? My best friend thinks for sure he is. And if he is what do I do? He would never go to councelling or anything like that. I am really stressed out and just want to be happy. And he realy loves our son who is 10 months old so i want to do the right thing.

Is my "good friend" a Narcissist?

I met her in college, as my roommate, about two years ago. In the beginning, she was attentive, fun, and I had never felt so connected to anyone, ever before. She said she had found her soul mate because we shared so many of the same attributes. She made me happy and grateful to have such a great friend.
There were a few things that offset me. She knew how I struggled that summer looking for a job - she let it known to me when she got one.
(continued on answer)