Is My Girlfriend Controlling Me

What should I do if my girlfriend is controlling?

Hahahaha.!!! Buddy in most of the relationships girls are controlling .having the high powers .(#in many cases it's different n even opposite ) n it's okay as along as you don't have to compromise with your free space ,freedom n self-esteem. But if she is not giving a fuck about your opinions ,freedon,free space n self-respect them you have to take stepTalk to her that you dont like her controlling nature (initial step)Or the best thing you can do which is 100% guarantee goona work ( all my friends with same problem like yours tried this n it worked for all of them) is -switch character . told her let's play a game switch position where both you have to switch your character for a day . n treat her like the way she treats you ,be the one who is controlling in the realtion just for a day .then eventually at the end of the day she will realize her mistake .

Is my girlfriend controlling??

It was the other way around for me and I can surely tell you that she is controlling. Those little things she controls are normal, but it seems that you never set your boundaries with her and now bigger problems arise and it will be hard to fix. Its absolutely unfair that she can do those things while you cannot. But I think its ok that she spends "her" money on things she wants, just like "you" should be spending on yourself as well. Often times people cannot see their relationship for what it really is, so it might be wise to listen to the people looking in from the outside. I know how you feel man, but although you really love this girl it seems to me that she is controlling and manipulating you. When you love someone, you try to accept them for who they are not change them to the point where they cannot be themselves. You could try to talk to her, tell her things need to change or else you are leaving. You have to be strong sometimes, stand up for yourself. If all of that doesn't work, then I suggest you leave that girl, you most definitely can find someone that treats you better. Best of Luck!

Why is my girlfriend so clingy & controlling?

Tell her you're busy. Cancel your cell phone/don't check your email/filter her email as spam. She should not be calling you that often - it's her low self-esteem or lack of things to do that does that. It's not healthy for neither her nor you.

Is my girlfriend trying to control me?

Making the transition to living with a significant other is HARD, as I'm sure you've discovered. Unfortunately, it sounds like the two of you don't really have compatible living styles. You basically have two options at this point:

If you want to try to make it work, sit down and have a frank conversation with her. Tell her how much you love her and how you're willing to work on the problems between you, but that you need equal input and effort from her. Don't accuse her of anything, and keep yourself calm and level; it's important that this be a conversation, not a fight. Tell her how you're feeling, and ask her how she's feeling. If she can't handle having a mature, calm conversation and starts wigging out at you, then it's time to look at ending it. Some people just don't work out together.

If you're ready to get out, then it's up to you to find the best way to end the relationship and find a new living situation. The hard part about your situation is that now that you're living together and sharing costs, it'll be difficult to get going on your own, in your own apartment. But don't let that keep you in a relationship where you're unhappy. Again, sit down with her, explain where you're at and what you're feeling, and find a way to mutually get your living situations sorted. She sounds a little volatile, and it's pretty likely that she won't handle this well. YOU have to be the one to keep a cool head and try to work with her to get things worked out for the best. If you're feeling like this, she's probably not happy either.

What should i do about my girlfriends controlling mother?

To Nutty Looney: I love my family very much as do she hers... I don't get on with my mum and little brother very much however i still love them very much and when we do its great. My dad is my best friend but he works away all week as a lorry driver! My gf has a big family and her dad is also away all week! She mothers her 3 brothers and sister because her mum thinks it teaches her "valuable lessons for the future"! I would never run away from my family and i work at home in an office in my own business which is also my dads but run it. Im very family orientated as is my gf but i just want to grow up and become independant without having to rely on my parents and want to become a proper "adult"

Why is my girlfriend trying to control me?

I've been with my girlfriend for about 2 months and she is already trying to change mostly everything about me. She tries to control everything about me physically. She says she likes my hair a certain way, she wants my beard to be a certain way, the way I dress to be a certain way....but when I try to tell her that I don't want to change, she wants to play it off and be like "I like you the way you are and I'm not tryin to change you" but she blows up my phone with pictures of shirts and clothes she wants me to get when there is nothing wrong with what I wear (t-shirts, jeans, khakis, jackets, and nice shoes). She doesn't really dresses the nicest all the time either she usually just wears jeans or yoga pants with a plain t-shirt so I'm not sure why she is trying to get me to dress fancy-like when she dresses very simple too.