Is My Grammar Correct When I Write- A Great Understanding At Human Psychology

Should I pursue a major in English or Psychology?

Both are bad majors at the BA level because they have no job paths. English is a better over all major because as you point out you are good at it and writing skills do carry over to many jobs. Plus there is always the option of teaching. Psychology is a field all to itself. It is interesting so many students who have no particular interests major in it and are shocked to learn that a BA in anything is no longer a path to a job. You really must get an advanced degree in the field of Psychology to work in it other than that of an intake clerk. You can get a MSW Master of Social work which is a 2 year masters, but that is the least you can do. The competition is fierce for graduate spots because there as so many applicants so you need to get fantastic grades and have a passion for the subject.

I hate my psychology teacher so much?!??!?! is he being unfair to me?

I don't know if he is being unfair. However, if you feel you have a legitimate gripe, take what you "know" to a counsellor or the office and talk to someone there. Calm yourself down first though. Get your paper work and facts straight in your mind.

Bear in mind, that if the teacher gets called in for questioning, he may find ways to take it out on you later. Is it possible he has a pattern of being unfair or playing favourites? Is it possible that he has been complained about by students in the past?

Another way to handle a person who may be treating you unfairly, is to send the person an e-mail with (try to give the impression that you are a stable person) your reasons for feeling so, stated in a matter-of-fact manner, and when you send it, be sure to send a copy to your human resources rep, your counsellor, or if you don't have them, ask someone at the front office who to contact regarding complaints and forward a cc to that person.

You may be over reacting or off base in your assertions, but at least everyone will be able to weigh in on the problem. If the person being unfair is doing so for personal reasons, he will realize in a big hurry that you don't mess around and that you are not about to stand for being discriminated against.

Above all, do not make excuses for your antagonist, EVER. He can do that for himself. You cancel out your complaint (in other peoples eyes) when you start taking on responsibility or making excuses for the other persons behaviour. If he is wrong, he is wrong, PERIOD ...END!

Put your salient points (coherently) on paper first as it helps crystallize your thoughts. Then, ask yourself if you really want to go down this slippery path because you will probably be called in and talked to and that may be good (or not so good) for you.

Or, you could just count to 10 a couple times and take deep breathes and try to do better next time.

Good luck.

Having been interested and fascinated by psychology, both as a science and an arts subject over the years, I particularly valued it because it gave greater insights into how people think, react, express themselves and form their own self-picture. It would be too crude to say it was the how rather than the what people are - but that distinction does have some real value. It also focused on the individual, which was both positive and, for me, negative in terms of writing.For my own writing and understanding of my characters the academic subject of psychology was always a contributory factor, but just that, a contributory factor. What actually was more important to me was studying particular situations, whether in history or in literature or, perhaps more often than I usually realised, real life, and seeing how the interplay of characters worked out. So what I see as the main focus on the individual in the academic subject - and I know that is not the whole truth - was positive, but also not that helpful.I think it is the quality of the enquiring mind that will determine what you get out of academic study, rather than the subject focus. I knew people who studied psychology as quite a mechanical subject - looking for a correlation between inputs and outputs - and people who responded to the questions it raised in highly creative ways. I think it’s that mind rather than the subject matter that will make the difference to your writing.

Neither. Great detectives have all kinds of degrees. Some don’t even have a degree.Your degree, whichever you choose, should have a strong system of support from languages, English (heavy on writing, grammar, and style), a decent math background, some understanding of traditional sciences - with physics, chemistry and biology at the top of the list - and basic government, which can include entry level CJ.The most important value … CRITICAL THINKING!This would include an understanding of basic logic, rhetoric (the discipline, not the hateful language), and problem solving.Then, if you want to be a manager or administrator, you should look at a CJ program with strong public administration focus. If you want to work crimes against persons, the certain psychology cources, such as deviant behavior, can help. In short, manage your degree choice by the type of professional you want to.Finally, don’t be afraid to get a multi-discipline degree or have more than one major. I have two undergrad majors and a minor (law enforcement admin, statistics, and sociology). All of it has helped me in the past.The best investigators have a broad understanding of the world first, with a strong understanding of human behavior next. Put that in an envelope made up of strong thinking skills and you’re on the way to success. All you need to add is some experience.

He wouldn’t learn much. Typewriters those days were letters striking on carbon paper. Hence the impression on the paper will be only as good as the carbon paper itself. There could be some deformities in the uniform spread of carbon, and hence would form letters of varying shades of black.That was how Sherlock Holmes managed to pinpoint which letter originated from which typewriter (I’ve read the whole Sherlock Holmes series btw).In the days of electonic messages, thet too with autocorrection facility, its near impossible to pinpoint a person based on their messages.They could however look for certain characteristics:The writer’s preference to active or passive tense.The writer’s correct useage of capital letters and adjectives for sentences. It indicated either a person with good grammar or an individual striving for perfection.The writer’s shorthand could also betray the person. A person writing a sentence could use the same set of shortforms and hence be identified.A Typing pattern can easily expose a copied text/passage. If the pattern of writing of the person is known, then any plagiarized text will be discovered easily.Knowledge on a subject also betrays a person. Should a person be asked to write about something he/she knows, they won’t make the mistakes that other people, an English teacher won’t spell grammar as “grammer”, although the word is pronounced as the latter.

Why do white people always correct peoples grammar on the Internet?

When it comes to human intelligence there isn't any skin colour that is better off than the other. It has to do with individual not race. Psychologists discovered in modern times that old studies which claimed that certain race was more intelligent then the other were all too old fashioned and racially biased. If you took an IQ test now, you discover that you are definitively by far intelligent then many white, black, asian or hispanic etc.

If you see white guys correcting your gramma then it is not because of their race rather it has to do with individual. In fact how sure are you that all of these people are white? If you are thinking about photos on yahoo, then you might be wrong because not all photos on yahoo actually represent the race of those using them. Yahoo does not really know people on here, they only accept anything people give them whether or not that information or photo is right. Unless your evidence is not yahoo. Just ignore them because dude and over time you will get better in your gramma.

I am proud of you because at least you can communicate, read and write so please do not let it put you down. The more you write and read the better it gets over time. I too was worse off but it just got better with time dude. Good luck.

Do women not like it when a guy uses proper grammar?

It really doesn't matter that much, I mean is only grammar. But it does depend on the woman whether they like it or not. Personally, I prefer it because I like to use proper grammar due to my likeness in writing and reading and I am still learning on how to make it perfect since I am still a student in high school. Though, I do not think because a guy use proper grammar means it will be a turn off, like I said grammar in the question of likes is not that significant. I too, like sending text and messages using proper grammar. But, if a girl doesn't like it because a guy use proper grammar then I guess is not really that worth it, is just a style in writing.

What's the difference between physchology and sociology?

Psychology - not phsychology (I had trouble remembering that, too) - examines more of the workings of the human mind, why people think and behave as they do. Sociology tends to examine groups of people - societies, communities, and nations. They may examine things such changes in populations, effects of events on entire communities, etc.

So, in a nut shell: psychology is more about an individual or a small group, and sociology is more about communities and larger groups of people.