Is My Knuckle Broken Or Fractured

How can i tell if my knuckle is broken or fractured ?

why did you punch a brick wall? and i think its broken

Not sure if my knuckles broken?

See your health care provider as soon as possible (orthopedic surgeon), for consultation. Have you ever been so frustrated that you wanted to slam your fist into a wall? If you do, you could break one of the bones in your hand (metacarpals). Fractures of the hand bones account for about one third of all hand fractures. In fact, fractures of the fifth bone (the one that leads to your little finger) are commonly known as "boxer's fractures."

The hand bones can break near the knuckle, mid-bone, or near the wrist.
Signs and symptoms of a broken bone include:

Inability to move the fingers.
Shortened finger.
Depressed knuckle.
Finger crosses over it's neighbor when you make a partial fist.

Your physician will request X-rays to identify the fracture location and type. The physical examination may include some range of motion tests and an assessment of sensation in the fingers to ensure that there is no damage to the nerves.

Listen to the pain message and avoid activities that cause or aggravate pain. Rest, ice, and splints the finger joints so that they can heal, but use gentle stretching exercises to keep them limber and maintain motion. The key to managing finger problems is to use common sense. Anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can help, but doses should usually be low to moderate.
I hope this helps you. And good luck.

Is my knuckle sprained or fractured?

It happened two weeks ago I'm in no pain but I fell off my skateboard and I hit my knuckle super hard it only hurt for a few minutes. I broke a bone before and I didnt know because it didn't hurt. It's three times as big as a normal knuckle. Can anyone tell me if it's a sprain or a fracture.

Did I fracture my knuckle for my ring finger?

It sounds like you've fractured the head of your 4th metacarpal. You need a doctor and an X-ray at the very least. Perhaps more.You may well escape without needing much treatment but that depends on an examination of your hand, the X-ray and the degree of angulation and rotation of the fracture. If the bone heals with any significant deviation it can affect the movement of that finger for the rest of your life. We tend not to muck around with hand injuries.

How do you treat broken/bruised knuckles?

If your bruised knuckles were recently acquired, say in the last 1–2 days, cold compresses or ice packs would be helpful. Thirty minutes on and thirty minutes off 4 - 5 times a day. If your bruised knuckles are older, say 3 - 5 days old, try alternating between heat and cold on your knuckles. Thirty minutes of cold, thirty minutes with nothing on your knuckles, then thirty minutes of heat. Also, if swelling is an issue, lift your hands above your head and make a fist several times (closing and opening of the hand while holding your hand above your head). The muscles in the hand and forearm act as pumps to remove fluid from your upper extremities. The biggest thing to do is refrain from doing whatever caused your bruised knuckles in the first place. I hope this helps.

How can you tell if you broke your knuckle?

my brother and i were messing around and he told me to punch him so i did and he blocked it with the hardest part of his palm and i couldnt move my hand for a while. that was a couple of months ago. i just punched a door a couple of times yesterday with the same hand and today i was trying to paint and after a while it hurt so bad. i couldnt bend my fingers back as far as im supposed to be able to and i could hardly hold onto the roller. could i have broken my knuckle? should i go to the hospital?

Is my knuckle broken? Should i go to hospital?

Definitely sounds like you may have broken it. The best thing to do is to place it in cold/ice water for as long as possible (no longer than 20 min) then out for 20 min and back in. Do this for at least 4 or 5 times, then wrap the finger with a band and keep it from moving for a day or two. You can take some ibuprofen or aspirin for the pain. But, if it gets worse, you should call your physician. Hope this helps!

How if my knuckle broken when it doesn't hurt?

A couple days ago I was playing basketball in gym class and whacked my hand off another player. It hurt instantly but I just thought it was jammed, so I went to the nurse to get ice. She taped it to the neighboring finger, gave me ice and said there was only a slight chance that it would be fractured. The next day I was at a friend's house and her parents noticed my fingers taped together. Her dad looked at it and said it looked broken because of how swollen and bruised it was and said I should get it checked out. I didn't think it was that bad though because it didn't hurt and I had always associated broken bones with pain. Anyway though I went to the hospital to get an x-ray and found out that it was broken and one of the knucke bones was floating. I've had a sling on it for the past three days and am supposed to follow up with an orthopaedic doctor, but he never called me back like he was supposed to. The knuckle is still bruised and swollen and I can't bend it, but it doesn't hurt at all. I barely even feel it. I'm just wondering how it can be broken when it doesn't hurt, and how big of a cast is the doctor going to put on it? Will it extend over my hand?


What do i need to do if i broke a knuckle? Could it just be sprained?

Because there are many different types of injury that can occur to the knuckle, determining whether or not it’s broken is the first step to getting better. Below are some of the most common symptoms for this kind of damage. As a note, although these are typical indicators, there are times when a knuckle may be fractured or broken and no signs exist.

Immediate and intense pain in and around the knuckle
Deformity in the appendage, whether toes or fingers
Minor to major degrees of swelling in and around the joint
Over time, bruising may appear
Numbness or dull pain in the finger

If a broken joint is suspected, it is important to seek the aid of a health professional quickly. In most cases, he or she will be able to reset the broken knuckle and repair the damaged caused by breakage with little effort. In minor instances, all that is usually required for treatment is that of a splint and low dose pain medication.

If you experience knuckle breakage and cannot get to a doctor right away, there are some first aid techniques to use until you get help.

Immediately splint the break with a firm, small board and whatever roping material you may have. Be sure not to tie the restraint too tight as this may cut off circulation and remember that swelling will occur quickly.

Apply a cold compress, ice, or bag of frozen vegetables to the finger that is broken.

Try to keep the finger above heart level until you can get help.

Is my knuckle broken, softball injury?

I had a softball tournament and I got hit in the knuckle by a pitch. The pitch was hard. And after I got hit it felt numb. It happened on June 30 and my hand is still swollen but it went down a little bit. It is blue on the inside and outside of my hand. It is also blue on the first part where my finger bends. It hurts when I move it up to a certain degree and same with moving it down. It hurts when I make a fist too. If any one thinks it might be broken of fractured please tell me so I go to the doctor. Thanks