Is My Nose Big What Should I Do

How can you tell if your nose is big for your face?

You know, I was tempted to say something like…”don’t worry about how big your nose is for your face, but how big your face is for your nose”- but stopped myself. Let’s get real. You know your nose is too big for your face ( as in you have a large nose) if a. when you were a child kids teased you about how big your nose was…b. your family has big noses, and especially your Mom or Dad and c. when you look down, you see what you are looking at AND your nose at the same time. By the way, I am waiting to answer the question about big feet for your legs. That is the REAL challenge:)

Do glasses make your nose big?


No it's not your glasses. It may leave a spot on your nose but not make it bigger.

How old are you? Maybe your'e still growing.

Why is my nose so big?

Most people say genetics and end it there, but the practice of Orthotropics demonstrates we have some control over the appearance of the nose through oral resting posture.Because of mouth breathing and improper oral resting posture, two things typically happen to the face over time:It lengthens verticallyThe middle “U” of the face recedes - making the nose look biggerProper oral resting posture is lips together, teeth lightly touching, and tongue resting on the roof of the mouth (careful here - people often think they are resting the tongue on the roof of the mouth but in reality are only touching the tip).The tongue exerts a lot of force. Adopting this posture supports the upper palate, eye sockets, hearing, and nasal structure; pulling the facial structure upwards. Likewise, it projects the lips and chin forward, making the nose appear much smaller.Dr. Mike Mew uses Jude Law as a great example. Here is Jude’s changing facial shape over time:Here’s what Mew outlines as the inner U and outer U:The inner U is entirely dependent upon the force of the tongue resting against the roof of the mouth. With improper oral resting posture, the inner U will recede into the face, making the nose appear larger as shown in Jude’s pictures over time.Dr Mike Mew, Orthotropist, presents in his video Modern Melting Faces (it’s 25 minutes long, but worth it):Skip to 38:10 - Brief reference to Margaret Thatcher:Jude’s pictures come from this video:

Would a nose ring still look good if I have a big nose?

Absolutely! Nose rings look good on any nose, just like earrings look good on any ears. As for people who just plain don't like nose rings: well, they don't have to look at you, and have no business on a piercing question.I started piercing my ears up because I thought they looked too big, and I wanted a distraction. Through that process (I now have 20 ear piercings), I grew to love my ears. Not just because they were pierced, but because they were uniquely mine. I did the same thing for my nose. It isn't big, per se, but it's prominent. I have a bumpy Roman nose that gives me a distinct profile. As a teen, I hated it. If I had been offered one free plastic surgery procedure, I would have done it. I'm so glad I didn't. Piercing my nose at 21 helped me learn to love it. Piercing it didn't make it look odder, nor less odd. It made me look proud of it. It's not lumpy; it's sculpted. It's like an ancient Roman bust. It's mine, perfectly. Piercing it made made my nose feel special. When we adorn ourselves; with beautiful clothes, or sweet-smelling lotion, or nice jewellery, we are showing ourselves love. Piercing your nose will not make it look bigger or smaller; it will make it look special and loved.Don't pick out jewellery to hide your nose: that won't work. Jewellery can't do that. Pick out jewellery to accentuate it. Pride in and love for your body is gorgeous. I can't tell you what style would look best, but don't limit yourself to little studs if you want a big hoop. Your piercer will have ideas, and you can test out looks yourself, but rest assured that no piece of jewellery will make your nose look bigger. I've worn studs and hoops, and none ever make my nose look any more oddly-shaped.Look at piercing your nose as an act of self love. If you show your nose love, it will appear more beautiful to you. Trust me: I've learned this through action. And let's be honest; everything looks better with jewellery.

Uh...can fat make your nose bigger?

if you squeeze it and white stuff comes out then you probably have some clogged pores. when you sweat, your pores open up. food will not make your nose bigger. i also highly doubt you have so much bacteria in your pores that your nose is noticably any bigger.

Will this make your nose Bigger?

When ever i yawn of sneeze i flare my nostrils and i used to do it when i would make funny faces and i was wondering if it makes your nose bigger? I means your nose is cartilage so it's flexible so technically smiling would make it bigger? I pinch my nose when i yawn so i don't flare I just want a good answer and i haven't noticed any bigger nose i mean it is cartilage? what bout smiling too?

Why is my nose getting bigger?

I don’t know why other people don’t notice this, it’s as if people think it didn’t happen to them. Generally your nose grows longer with age, it projects more from the face. Probably reaching it’s peak by your mid 20’s. From there it stays similar, in older age it droops instead.Notice when young it’s just a button type little wide thing, barely much out from the face and there is no nose ridge. In the next picture the nose ridge is starting to grow, but it’s still wide and doesn’t go out too far. But the cartilage is making the end of the nose have a shape now.Next picture is like a 15–17 years old Tom, it’s mostly formed at this point. At least 90% of the changes have occurred. It just gets slightly longer after that picture and a little bit more bony looking.This is exactly what happened to my nose also. But for some reason some idiots (mostly online people, I am starting to think a lot of online people might be mentally ill retards) appear to believe that if your nose isn’t the same as when you were a kid, then you must have surgery (indicating that they believe the nose should already be formed in kids and they think they always had their same nose, this idea shows a low IQ on their behalf. Just an honest look at their own childhood photo’s will show it’s clearly flatter and wider looking).Again, this is so obvious. I don’t know why so many retarded people on the internet aren’t aware of this basic biology and development. Maybe they forget their own life.

Is my nose too big? Should I get plastic surgery?

I think your nose looks perfectly fine, if I saw you on the street I wouldn't give it a second look.If you're asking the question because you became self conscious about this on your own, keep in mind that as you grow up, your face will continue to change. Also keep in mind that as our bodies and faces change it takes awhile to get used to those changes, what you find attractive and unattractive in yourself will change over time. When I was your age I was absolutely certain that my nose was a horrible ski-jump of a monstrosity, I was self-conscious and ashamed, I felt like a freak. Interestingly enough as I got older, more and more people I met or dated would mention to me just how cute they thought my nose was or how they'd love to have a "little upturned nose" like mine. I was blown away at some point when I looked at my nose from that perspective and realized that somehow that ski-jump of mine had turned out to be one of my favorite features. If you're asking this because people are making you feel bad about it, another thing to keep in mind, people are at their most nasty and judgemental when they are in junior high/high school. A part if it is because those changes in hormones can be a beast, they bring out the worst in everyone. Once they start to balance out people get a whole lot nicer. Another is because almost everyone is insecure when they are growing up and they often become very concerned about fitting in. The people who worry about that the most are often the people who are the most likely to lash out at other people. (and yes, that can include the gorgeous ones.)Over time people often begin to see our unique physical qualities as attractive and a thing that makes us who we are. Look up the actress Jennifer Grey when you have a second. She was a huge deal in the 80's. She had a prominent nose and after she became known she had plastic surgery. Her career suddenly came to a standstill. It turns out that her nose was a part of what drew people to her and had become her trademark.

Does acne make your nose look bigger?

when i was a k-3rd grader my nose was perfect but when i got into 4th grade its when it started getting bigger and i think it was because my acne which started in 4th grade and got worse but now im almost at the end of 6th grade and my acne is starting to relax and i mean relax and i think my nose got a bit smaller will it continue also just saying i so look like benjamin mckenzie no im not just saying that cuz i like his looks im saying that cuz i noticed about9 weeks ago, i swear