Is My Teacher Meaning To Flirt With Me

Is my male teacher flirting with me?

I am in 9th grade and I am 15 years old. My name is Casey. So this teacher (let's call him Mr.B) has been my teacher for about 3 years now (btw this teacher is 25). I had him for 2 years in P.E. and now I have him in Algebra 2. I go to a very small school where everyone is close and my older brother (who is a senior) and Mr.B have been friends for a while. So I always had a crush on this teacher it started in 7th grade. My friends told him how I thought he was cute and he's flirt with me ever since.
I'll give ya'll some examples:
He's always making fun of me.
On my brothers senior trip to Europe me and my two bestfriends were sitting at our dinner table and he came over and sat across from me and they all made a perverted joke and I didn't get and he just smiled at me and said "It's so sweet how innocent you are. You are going to make some man very happy one day." And he would kick my leg ever so often.
Also on the trip we were all on the bus and i was sittng in the back and he came over and sat next to me and said "Can I sit here?" and I said yes and he said "Your parents won't mind?"
And on the bus we played poker and he said I want Casey on my team. And he would put the chips on my thigh.
And on the plane ride there his seat was behind mine and he would kick my chair. And on the way back my seat was next to my brothers friend Chris and him. He would poke me in the side and he pointed out the window and instead of pointing infront of me he pointed back so his arm was around me. He also squeezed my leg.
My last name is frost and he always calls me his "Favorite Frosty."
Everytime my necklace is backwards he fixes it.
At school he always talks to me and hits me in the head with his papers and he smiles at me and one time during class I said someting that made him smile and he said "We all just love you Casey."
While I was on the trip we were on in this crowded resturaunt and he was behind me and he pushed his body against mind to move me forward.

My teacher flirts with me?

(This is a little long, and I apologize.) He shows obvious favoritism towards me. He checks me out. He stares at me during class, all the time. He's called me back after class to talk to me, and ended up holding my hand. He called me into an equipment room with him once, and then he didn't even have anything to say to me. He teases me constantly. He always smiles at me in the halls. Going through the halls he always has to put his hand on me somewhere whether it's my shoulder, back, or waist. Towards the end of class while everyone is talking he will do a weird pose and put one foot up on a chair or something (like the Captain Morgan pose), and then he will stare at me. He goes out of his way to walk by me. Once in the hall he was talking to someone next to me, and instead of facing them and talking to them, he pressed up against my side with the front of his body and talked over his shoulder to the other person. He's always been one of my favorite teachers. He's pretty cute, too. But he's married with kids and a pregnant wife. And I know that this can ruin his career, and so does he. He also knows that my dad is on the school board. But none of those things have stopped him.This is going to sound wrong, but I like the fact that he flirts with me. And I really don't want it to stop either. My parents know about that he has flirted with me. I don't give them any new details because I don't want them to worry or know how I flirt back. They think I'm completely freaked out by it. But I'm not. I know this is going to sound terrible, but I keep wanting him to flirt, and be around me more. Am I a freak for feeling this way?

Is my teacher flirting with me?

Tiff, I believe a number of things. First, it is normal for young girls to crush on older guys, and even their teachers. I am 27, I remember being 16 and feeling the way you do. Yes I do believe in ways he is flirting with you, because no normal adult regardless if they knew you as a child crushed on him would respond that way back to you. He is promoting this, for what ever reason. Whether he really does like you know one can say. I do know his behavior is unexceptable. Sometimes, situations like this lead to much serious things. It don't stay as innocent flirting; which I don't believe anyone of that age should be doing with a minor. Its just wrong. Here is the question I want to ask you; what happens if this goes to the next level and he isn't just calling you babe? What happens if he takes your vulnerability and uses it to his advantage? I say, stop! Quit all flirtacious actions with him. If he don't stop talk to him and tell him that you like him, but he is an adult and it just isn't right to be behaving in that manner. If he don't quit, talk to your mother and the school before something happens, and you can't get that back. If you care for him as a person then, please realize and put a stop to it because it will cause him major trouble if anyone else reports this behavior. Your a great girl, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Trust me, I was in your position in highschool and thought it was flattering to have my teacher like me. But ONLY BAD CAN COME OF THIS IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER. If you ever want to talk you know how to reach me; I can even give you my cell number to reach me anytime day or nite. I wish you the best, and hope you take my advice. Talk to you soon.

How can you tell if your male teacher is flirting with you?

Once in a while, a teacher meets a student that he really likes. A teacher can just be drawn to that student’s personality; there’s something about her that sparkles and is appealing. It’s not a good idea to make it personal, when this is you. Be grateful that your teacher has warm feelings but that’s all it is. He probably has other “favorite” kids in other classes too. Try not to think about it, you’ll become obsessed and he will notice on some level, you’ll both get distracted and things will get weird.I teach high school and always find sparklers in every class. We develop very nice relationships, but I don’t tell my students anything too personal and don’t probe too deeply into their lives. I hope your teacher maintains this boundary with you, and that you are mature enough to respect his privacy. :)

Is my teacher flirting with me if he tells me to stay after class all the time to just talk?

Possibly. I used to teach teacher aides and assess those who were already in the workplace. What I said to them is the same as I’d say to you if you were the teacher: never close the door if you are alone with a student of the opposite sex, don’t cover the windows with posters. If you can’t do this for practical reasons then work with them in a library or similar public space. Only the teacher knows what’s on his mind, but he/she is compromising themselves and leaving themselves open to charges of misconduct.I assume that you are an older student. If you don’t like this, don’t encourage it by staying back. A polite “no” should do it. I will say that perception is in the eye of the beholder. Do you feel uncomfortable? Are you flattered? Whatever you feel you should keep another student with you when you stay back if there is a chance he/she is flirting.Your teacher is in a position of care and trust for his students. It may just be that he has something to say to you. It’s possible you are really confused. Someone in a position of trust should not put themselves in a closed room with one student after the others have been dismissed.I hope this has helped.

What should I do if my teacher flirts with me? Do I flirt back?

Hmmm think it through very carefully. First, if you are in high school or below, not only should you not flirt back, you should inform your parents. As a rule of thumb, any time a teacher flirts with a student, it is inappropriate. They are in a position of power and authority as well as being markedly older and having the ability to persuade and sway unduly. At high school age or below, it is illegal for them to engage in a relationship with a student and that is what flirting back usually leads to.If you’re in college, I personally contend that it remains inappropriate For a teacher, male or female to do this. However, it is probably not illegal and may not even violate University policy if the teacher is tenured. My advice though is still to maintain a firm boundary of separation. Rarely if ever does anything good come out of a relationship, begun with a teacher, when you are their student. Once the teacher student relationship ends, there is a little more leeway but my advice is to tread carefully.

Is my teacher flirting with me, or just being friendly?

I probably should have also mentioned the strangest part of all. He acts outraged at any word of student-teacher relationships. I don't mean that he strongly denies being flirty to cover up for his flirtatious attitude. I mean, if anyone ever comes on to him or accuses him of flirting he is immediately in shock. One time, a girl wrote a number on a piece of paper and put it on his desk. He told me about it later and sounded/looked so scared and nervous, and told me that right when he saw it, he ripped it up and threw it away because it was creepy, and I saw the pieces of paper in the trash can. He wouldn't even tell me who it was (but I later found out from a friend who's in the girl's class). Once, a girl stopped by our class to drop something off and he said hi to her and they talked for a minute and she left. It was a completely innocent situation, but one of the typical dick guys in my class mumbled that he was flirting and the teacher looked shocked and said, &quo

Is my teacher flirting with me?It's the second time I'm posting this question.!?

I think my new piano teacher is flirting with me(I take private lessons). Yesterday was our first lesson(and the fourth time we met). When he saw me he said ''Hey beautiful'' and during the lesson he was talking about being friends would make it easier to work together and after that he was saying that I have great fingers(although I know they're small and not suitable for piano playing), he also said that I have to use all my fingers to get the best results.Umm I do want him he's damn sexy and he was really close to me, actually so close that i couldn't even play the high notes. And I played something wrong and he sat on the stool next to me and when i stood up he was like ''i won't bite you'' .When I left he said ''our time past pleasantly that means we had fun''. Oh and I think he was staring at my breasts while I was playing. Is it just my dirty mind or is he really flirting me? Btw I'm 15 and he's 29
Thank you in advance

What does it feel like if a teacher flirts with you?

Uncomfortable, embarrassing, disgusting, disrespectful, and disappointing. When I was a freshman in college I had a professor inappropriately flirt with me repeatedly, and he even asked me out for drinks. I was 18 (not legal drinking age in the U.S.) at the time and he was probably in his 40’s. Technically I was an “adult” but I still felt victimized because of the age difference and his position of authority. I stopped attending class unless I had to take an exam or do a presentation. It was definitely sexual harasssment and I should have reported it, but didn't have the confidence to at the time.It's a little different scenario if you're a student in primary or secondary school. I imagine the feelings I had would be magnified for a younger person.Although I know there are some students, particularly in middle and high school, that might be flattered by the attention. I suspect they're in the minority though.