Is My Teeth Straight Enough

Can you get braces if your teeth are straight?

It doesn't matter whether you have straight or, bent teeth. Braces are used for correcting bite problems and bringing distantly placed tooth closer (which is a pathological problem) using bone resorption method.If you feel you have normal ‘straight’ teeth with no bite issue problems, then don't use any braces. Having braces unnecessarily will surely and only worsen your beautiful dental arrangement in the mouth.You should better visit an orthodontist (specialised dentist) or, a senior cum reputed dentist for further treatment procedures.

I am going INSANE. Are my bottom teeth straight enough to get my braces off?? pictures inside!?

This April it will be 3 YEARS that I've had my braces on. I want them off NOW.
I have an appointment Tuesday and it's like..a 30% I will get them off that day..It depends if my teeth look straight enough, and if they are not busy that day, if I don't get them off tuesday then I have to wait another 4-6 WEEKS..Which is would hate

..Everything else looks good. my bite. my upper teeth.. they were trying to rotate this one tooth that was crooked.. I think it looks fine now! what do you think?? I swear to god if he doesn't take them off I will burn the office down and murder him.. He's SO particular about straight teeth -.-

Are my teeth straight to you?

here's a picture:

im getting my braces off in a couple of weeks but i dont think that my teeth are straight enough but everyone else does? heres a picture of my teeth. its just the bottom row that makes me think other wise!!

Are my teeth straight enough for my braces to come off?

The picture doesn't give the entire picture :)The reason orthodontists and general dentists suggest orthodontics is to correct the bite. That is what we aim for at the end of treatment. The straightened teeth are simply a secondary benefit, as a result of correcting the bite to ideal. Hence, what the orthodontist will check for before s/he removes the braces is whether your molars and canines are in their ideal positions. Once that is ok, they will check for residual spacing or crowding. When all that is normal, they will remove the braces and put on retainers.You might be there. Just that this picture doesn't show the molar or canine relationship.

Getting my braces off soon... feel like my teeth arent straight enough?

Im getting my braces off in about a week, and I really want my teeth to be perfect. I have only had them on for about 11 months, and I really dont mind waiting a little bit extra in order for my front teeth to move back a mm. They look great from far away, but i feel like if you look closely, the top front teeth are a bit too far out in comparison to the other teeth. I have been asking people if they thought my teeth were straight, including the orthodontist, and everyone is saying yes. I dont know if im just crazy or super picky, but I am not happy with that.Please tell me your opinion. (Were i put the arrows is where i feel it isnt aligned)

Thanks a lot!

Im getting my braces off soon,but do my teeth look straight enough to you?
ive had braces for five years, and my orthodonist told me that im getting them off soon.
my mom doesnt think my teeth are straight enough, do they look like it to you?
i want my teeth to be perfect when i get them off,but now im afraid they wont look good.

Do I need braces if my teeth are straight?

There are reasons you may need braces. One is if you have large gaps between your teeth. The other is if your teeth are out of proper occlusion.Occlusion is when you bite down and your teeth do not fit together in alignment. Over time this can cause you to break or fracture teeth. Like the top teeth may have a large arch and the lower teeth may have a smaller arch. ( like overbite, and underbite). Your teeth may be straight but won't be in alignment when you bite down.Jan Fulton RDH

Can I get braces for my teeth which are straight, but I have an overbite?

Yes. Many people with overbites have straight teeth. Orthodontia fixes bites, not just tooth alignment. Be advised that your orthodontist might recommend jaw surgery, depending on the severity of your cases. I would consult with at least two orthodontists, three if possible, and get their recommendations and treatment plan. If you are in the US, these consultations are typically free. Once you have the information on cost, treatment plan, etc., you can make the best possible decision. Good luck!

Help my teeth still arent straight even after braces?

I wore stupid braces for 2 and a half years. My teeth were pretty crooked and i had a bad overbite. Now my teeth arent overlapping as much and thay are straightish...but they all slant one way kinda. One side comes down further than the other and the middle (front two teeth) gumline is barely off center. Enough that i can tell and it bothers me.
What should i do now?
I wear my retainer but it just keeps them in their crooked, slanting spots.
Im so upset ive had my braces off for like 4 months and now theyre still crooked and ugly.
I cant afford more braces and i have a tooth stuck to my upper jaw so invisalign wont work too well, not that my parents would get me that either.
PLEASE what do i do?

I cant tell if my teeth are straight with my braces?

it will be 2 years since ive had my braces on this december. my ortho wont take them off yet, he wont even tell me apprx how many months till they come off. do you think theyre straight? questions for the top row of teeth only: how come they dont all connect or touch on the bottom? will the braces close these gaps? (i feel like some of my teeth are soo tiny and weird shaped) also notice how there is a gap on the bottom of my 2 front teeth (gaps on bottom)