Is Obama Setting Himself Up As A Dictator

Does congress have the authority to set up police powers?

they shouldn't! but prob have some say

Which of the following locations does not fit the order:?

Billings, Montana. The others are state capitals. Helena is the capital of Montana. Did you know that a city in Montana officially changed its name to Joe?

How valid is the assertion made recently by EJ Dionne that the gun lobby and its supporters are setting themselves up for wholesale defeat?

Over the past 20 years, I've probably read 100 columns like this one.  And every one misses the primary point: It's not the NRA against the American Public; It's the American Public against the Antigunners. America overwhelmingly supports the RKBA.  The NRA is not funded primarily by gun manufacturers, but by millions of US citizens who support the issue at the polls and with their pocketbooks. The last time the antigunners pushed a piece of legislation through Congress the backlash was devastating -- the Democrats lost control of Congress.  And the proponents of the Assault Weapons Ban got to see it fade into the sunset, and ultimately were forced to admit what every thinking American knew from the outset -- that the ban had nothing to do with crime control, and everything to do with political theater.I've never found Dionne to be a particularly insightful writer on any particular topic, and this column is an excellent example of that.  He presupposes that there is a "gun lobby" that encompasses everyone who supports the RKBA and that it should speak with one voice, even though he knows that kind of reasoning can't be applied to any of the issues that divide our nation.  The NRA's response to Obama's proposal has been tepid at best, because they really won't accomplish much.   The only substantive one involves cracking down on unlicensed sellers of used guns at guns shows.  And as I pointed out in a post on Quora some months ago, that's a problem that the ATF itself made when it stopped issuing FFLs to non-storefront dealers several decades ago (and both the NRA and the liberal media picked up on that).  So a whole lot of folks agree that's a step in the right direction -- as long as the strategy is not abused to go after folks selling off their private collections. Now it's true that some members of the GOP are beating up on Obama over his gun plans, but that's not because the plans are outrageous -- it's because it's an election year and the GOP needs an issue with which to beat up on Obama.  It has nothing to do with the NRA. And actually, Dionne knows that.

How do i set up CodeBlocks in order to work with OpenGL?

assuming you have the latest version of codeblocks

start codeblocks

from the menu choose
File / New / Project ... /

a list of templates comes up

choose the template named
OpenGL project

for me that's on row 6, column 3

select OpenGL project and click OK

then enter a project title


or whatever

click Next

assuming the compiler says
GNU GCC Compiler

then click Finish

now from the menu choose
Build / Build and Run

you should see a window with a spinning colored triangle

now to see what happened automatically ...

in the project management window click on the 4 colored box that is the name of your project
right click / build options

a window will pop up
debug will be highlighted
but we aren't interested in the debug specific options
we want the options for both debug and build
so move up one and select the name of your project

now click the tab that says
Linker settings
those are the dlls and libs codeblocks is linking to

that's it
that's all

you should also check out SFML
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library

if I remember correctly you want the one that says
GCC 4.7 TDM (SJLJ) - 32 bits
but if it doesn't work get the other one

and there's lots of tutorials for SFML on youtube
just make sure its for version 2.0 or greater