Is Obama Still President And Screwing Up The World

Was Obama a good president?

Reality is that he's a poor president. History will look back on him with rose-colored glasses simply because he's the first black president.
His only meaningful contribution is preventing another great depression...but he screwed that up by giving those who caused it a free pass to essentially do the same thing again.

He's almost doubled the national depbt
He's made race relations worse
He's made the political divide even worse
He's plowed his way through our bill of rights.
Our trade deal has weakened our economic and industrial power

I'm still very skeptical about his "healthcare reform" since it failed to make healthcare affordable...instead it made it more expensive for everyone else. It would be nice if they actually addressed the reasons why it was so expensive in the first place.

Why do you think Republicans keep bringing up President Obama, even though he left office almost two years ago?

When you’re a racist, you never ever EVER get over a black man who shatters every single one of your beloved stereotypes. From the highest platform in the world. A perfect spouse, never cheated, with a gorgeous brilliant wife as a fully equal partner, a devoted father, excelled in the best university in the nation, rescued us from the tanking economy he inherited, started our first national healthcare in motion, improved America’s standing in the world, and is now rated by presidential scholars as our 12th best President. Or maybe it’s 9th. Somewhere in there.Genuinely funny, kind, humble. The worst you can say about him is that he’s too nice. For eight long years — and as you note, beyond — the GOP made asses of themselves trying to bring him down or at least goad him into sinking to their level.Never worked. Not once.The epitome of cool.AND hot.And any guy who can be a successful POTUS and do this, is a rock star, in my opinion.He is a voracious reader, a fan of the arts, and not the least bit afraid of science.Obama to Leave the White House a Nerdier Place Than He Found It“President Obama has started initiatives to study the brain and gene-based diseases. He has led attacks on the Ebola virus and antibiotic resistance. Last month, he wrote an academic article in a prominent medical journal.”Now we have a throwback who can’t even spell all the words in his juvenile texts correctly. But I digress.I could go on and on about President Obama’s attributes, but suffice to say he was a living rebuke to racists and he made them look stupid. Being people of little character, they just had to find and by find I mean make up stuff about him. And they sure did.TL/DR: They can never forget or forgive what he did to their fragile egos just by being himself.~*~I do not have a shingle on my front door stating that I treat Obama Derangement Syndrome, so comments from such sufferers will be deleted promptly.

What are some good things and bad things about being president?

Bad: No more private life, everything bad is your fault, people wish you death

Good: See the world, meet interesting people, everything good is your doing, free house to live in, free transportation, you get to voice your opinion to the entire world

Who is considered the worse president: George Bush Jr. or Barack Obama?

Definitely Bush. Besides having lower approval ratings, Bush had repeated scandals and several indictments within the administration. Additionally, his biggest claim to fame was the greatest executive and intelligence screw up in American history, resulting in an attack on American soil that killed thousands. His response was the Patriot Act, a piece of rushed legislation that was the largest restructuring of the government and removal of basic American liberties ever undertaken.What followed were two major wars under false pretenses and faked (or perhaps just purposely misleading) intelligence, which we are still deeply involved in 15 years later.Then, by the end of his term his atrocious economic policies of deregulation, privatization, and speculative banking resulted in the greatest global recession since the great depression.Obama on the other hand spent his time rebuilding the economy and bringing back growth and momentum, working on healthcare, and stumbling through the international mess Bush left, by the end securing the biggest international trade (TPP) and environmental agreements (Paris Accord) ever to be reached. Not to mention his high approval rating and Nobel prize.

Why was Barack Obama elected President of the United States?

I think that the slogan “Change we can believe in” was something that appealed to a tremendous number of people. Also, the attendant rhetoric regarding ending US military torture, ending US military illegal invasions, closing our secret international prisons, ending unconstitutional surveillance of civilians, repealing the PATRIOT ACT, etcetera, He even promised that he would bring fresh eyes and a more common-sense approach to the Autism epidemic.People believed he would institute these changes and this is what they really wanted.They were counting on a strong President Obama to push past the inexplicable reluctance on the part of Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party leadership to either impeach or file war crimes charges against GWB and other top administration officials.But in his first days in office, he proceeded to fill his cabinet with executives from both failed and surviving companies within the financial sector, just as his predecessor had, and just as Trump has. Barack Obama also engineered a second bailout to the banks that were “too big to fail,” even though we the people shouted a resounding “NO” to the request.Why we elected him for the second term has to do with either disliking Mitt Romney or many believed that Obama had not brought “change we could believe in” because the Republicans had been so forwardly against anything he tried to do, so they still wanted change and still hoped Barack Obama could be its agent.

How long would it take the new American president, Donald Trump, to clean up all the mess caused by the Obama administration in America?

As for foreign affairs, a few years. Obama tripled deaths from terrorism worldwideTaking it from an under control level to much higher.Obama created ISIS, the world’s worst terrorist organization. When he took office all of the heads of ISIS were in jail, but Obama released them as a sign of good will. The Terror Strategist: Secret Files Reveal the Structure of Islamic State - SPIEGEL ONLINE - InternationalHe failed miserably in Iraq and put us in a lousy deal with Iran. When Obama took office the world agreed Iran should never have nuclear weapons. Now the world agrees they will have nuclear weapons in less than a decade.Obama failed in the best effort in fifty years to spread democracy to200 million people across the Middle East. The Arab Spring became Barry’s winter of discontent.Obama blamed Bush for the deaths of 100,000 Iraqis. Obama let 300,000 Syrians die. Epic failure.Obama left behind more debt than any POTUS since FDRand Obama printed more money than any POTUS ever as all those QE created more than $6 trillion.If you think Obama did good on economics, unless you have more than $20,000 more in your bank account now than when he took office then congrats, you are further behind because of Barry.To answer your question, most of these things Trump will fix within a couple of years. The debt and QE will take longer.

Why are you voting for McCain or Obama?

Obama can without a doubt restore the lost respect. another republican in the white house would just peruse and intensify other countries stereotypes of our country, as well as keep the same things we hate about our government in action.

However, while i support obama and some of his viewpoints, i am not thrilled with him as a democratic candidate. I would've liked to see someone with more experience as the candidate. I sometimes feel like he may be more talk and great speeches than action and change.