Is Obama Such An Awful President

Was Obama the worst president?

History will not be kind to a man who doubled the national debt, and rammed through a horrible so-called affordable health care bill that will raise premiums and add to the already 18 trillion dollar debt. He may not be the worst but he will be close.

Is Obama the worst president ever?

One of, yes.

Before people cry "Bush," let me tell you something a history teacher told my class a decade ago: "The economy takes time to adjust. Clinton Economics should kick in in about 10 years. I'm sure going to feel sorry for you guys having to deal with Clinton's economics..."

These people should also remember that if Bush hadn't moved troops overseas to combat Bin Laden, Bin Laden would still be alive. Finally, remember that for most everything people hate about Bush, Obama has expanded upon. Why was he bailing out companies? And why are we in Libya again?

The fact is that while people can argue in an abstract way that Bush ignored the Constitution (without citing any amendments), they can't ignore that Obama is ACTUALLY trying to side-step it (for example, the Second Amendment).

They can't ignore that his solution for affordable healthcare is to financially punish those who don't get it; telling someone they have to get it doesn't make it affordable. Never mind the fact that there's no criteria. When you drive, you have to have car insurance. If you rent an apartment, you sometimes need renter's insurance. But what about healthcare? I have to have it because...I'm alive in America?

It doesn't change the fact while unemployment numbers have dropped a little, so have the number of available jobs and existing positions dropped a lot; the percentage is based on a ratio between people eligible to work and actual existing jobs. The reality is that more people are out of work, not less.

The only defense he has is that he's kept his promises. Things have changed so much that we hope for more than ever.

That goes for Americans period, regardless of political party. If only Republicans and Democrats could kick the Tea Party and hardcore liberals to the curb so we could go in a direction other than downward spiral.

Why was Obama a horrible president?

He successfully pushed and got lots of liberal policies through.Some of them are1.The affordable health care act2.Dodd Frank bill3.Iran nuclear dealLiberal Supreme Court JusticesAs a liberal that’s great news but to a conservative who thinks this is bad for America, it’s horribleSome things that are more opinion oriented…Pulling out of Iraq which allowed ISIS to start to take over the area.National Dept continued to skyrocket.Slow recovery of the economy with stagnating wages and high levels of real unemployment(not the official unemployment numbers which only calculates unemployment claims).The setting back of race relations which seems to be much worse now( in the news not in my everyday life)

If Obama was such a great president than she does nobody remember who he is?

Obama is the worst president ever

Why was Obama the worst president in the last 70 years?

So that would put us at 1948. Short answer, no.Long answer:Nixon secretly expanded the Vietnam War into Cambodia, which killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and accomplished little. By doing this, he helped set the stage for the Khmer Rouge, which would go on to kill millions of people. He ignored the Bengali genocide, which killed hundreds of thousands, because Pakistan was our ally at the time. He supported Latin American dictatorships, especially Pinochet in Chile. He began the War on Drugs, not to combat drug usage, but to make it easier to arrest blacks and leftists.“We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”One of Nixon’s aides admitted this.That's just the beginning.Ronald illegally sold weapons to Iran in order to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. This was an impeachable offense. He also tripled the national debt, cut taxes for the wealthy and raised them for the poor, cut regulations in the financial sector, gutted green energy funding, expanded the War on Drugs, sold chemical weapons to Sadam Hussein, ignored Apartheid in South Africa, etc.George W. Bush started two uneccessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, hiked the national debt, failed to get Bin Laden, tried to privatize Social Security, etc.Trump…I don't think I need to go into.While I don't think HW Bush, Clinton, or Gerald Ford were necessarily bad Presidents, I don't think they were quite as good as Obama.Also, I don't think Obama was a great President. He did lots of things I disagreed with. But he was far from being the worst President we've had in 70 years.