Is Osoa Due For A Big One

How long do black labs live?

I had one that lived to be 16. At 14 she was still swimming 1.5 miles per day. Eventually her kidneys started failing. We were really good about using doggie sunblock so she didn’t get burned. That keeps some of the cancer risk away and when combined with a good diet and exercise it can lead to a fairly long and happy life. Look for brands that K9 surfers use.

Why is Netflix paying Comcast to improve their streaming?

Not being on the board of either company I can only say based on what I know, but here is what I understand. In this case, what I think you want to focus on is what Reed Hastings mentioned about interconnection. Basically the ability of Netflix to interconnect to Comcast. First let me clear up one common misconception. No matter what speed you have, you cannot download everything at the same speeds all over the planet, partly due to distance, but also due to a usually overlooked fact of upload speeds and transfer rates. For example, let us say that you had service with Comcast and were receiving a package that let you download 50Mg/sec and upload 5Mg/sec. I also have the same level of service. I try to download something from a website that is actually hosted by you. I may expect to download that file from you at 50Mg/sec, but you can only upload the same file at 5Mg/sec, so in reality I cannot download the file faster than you can upload it, and I would only see download speeds of that specific file from your specific website at 5Mg/sec, even though I am paying for 50Mgs, because you are only paying to upload at 5Mgs. So in essence, no matter what your download speeds, even if you are Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, you can never download faster than the other place can upload. This is basically what the deal between Netflix and Comcast covered, as I understand it, is that Netflix is paying Comcast to upload the files to the Comcast servers faster, so that Comcast customers can download them faster. The interconnection is partly due to the fact that Comcast has its own internet backbone connection, and so instead of Netflix uploading to one backbone, then transferring data to Comcast's backbone, then downloading to Netflix customers on Comcast, the middleman was essentially cut out and content was delivered quicker.

Which high-tech companies successfully pulled a code rewrite of their base product?

About a year and a half ago, went under a major re-write from php (mediawiki) to python (django) and the release went mostly well. I think re-writes are good as in the first year or so your only just starting to understand your business and you take a lot shortcuts to get to a launch-able position. After some time you can evaluate what you really want in a core product and execute really well on that.It does come with a price, for about 3 months the main core product was mostly untouched as we all ramped up on the new code base, a risky move for sure but in the case of it worked out.

When a man puts a hickey on your neck, does it mean he loves you and doesn't want anyone else to have you?

Half of your answer is in your question. The vast majority of the time, the guy ( or even a girl), is “marking”; claiming you as theirs so that everyone can see that you have been making out with someone else.IMO, when you give someone a hickey in obvious areas, ( usually the neck ) it's a rather tacky thing to do. It shows you have a lack of respect for how your partner will be perceived in public. What will her parents, friends, Co workers, or even chidren think? Depending on employment, it could be extremely embarrassing. I've given women hickies before, but they have always been in places that no one else can see them. Sometimes, even she can't see them.

Are autistic people more likely to be skinny/fat?

I am a 20 year old male with an inability to pretend to be neurotypical (the ability to pretend to be able to do so is what most NT people refer to as “high functioning”) and I have been fat my entire life. I’m 5′8′’ and I weigh 256lbs (however, I’m probably not as fat as you’re thinking because of it being a fair amount of muscle). I have been diagnosed with anorexia, B&P and bulimia. For a while, it was believed for a while that women with eating disorders probably just had ASD, and even now there are patterns scarily similar in both men and women when it comes to autism and eating disorders!But as a man I will say this. I as an autistic man find that other autistic men tend to be overweight, as poking fun at ourselves is an easy way to make friends with other men, who then in turn make fun of us for how we look. My older sibling who is a female who ALSO has autism and an inability to mask it like myself is also overweight, due to a binge eating disorder.Then there’s the “mouth feel” of food. A lot of the time all I can eat that is substantial is hardboiled eggs, potatoes, lettuce and plain chicken. That’s it. Because that’s all that doesn’t make me feel like literally ripping all the skin off the insides of my cheeks and removing my tongue. Yes it’s that serious. So I mostly subsist off of food that’s high in sodium and high in sugar (think TV dinners and the like)TL;DR: Yes. Autistic people are more prone to being fat/skinny than neurotypical people or individuals with autism who are better at acting NT, because we’re more prone to eating disorders and intentional starvation from “bad mouth feels”.

How do I share audio file through gmail?

You can use the SmallTalk chrome extension to record and attach and audio without ever leaving the gmail interface. Super simple to use!Disclaimer - I'm one of the developers