Is Putting Other People

Putting other people hands in your butt pocket.?

Well i dont do that. But supposebly they saw my crush with a girl in Mc. Donalds and she put his hand in her butt pocket!! :[ I AM DEVASTATED! but trying to look on the upside. is there any other type of relationship besided boyfriend and girlfriend that they could be making this appropiate? and not romantic >:T

Is putting stuff in other peoples mailboxes illegal?

Yes it is and if you had placed anything in my box I would report it immediate to the postmaster and they would at minimum give you a call and letter. NO ONE wants to think some curious george is going to dig around in their mail while putting in a flyer. Besides it is a FEDERAL CRIME to mess with anothers mail system.

Why is putting money in other peoples meter against the law?

I was putting coins in a parking meter… when I noticed that the car next to mine had expired…and the meter officer was in the process of giving a ticket to another car 2 cars away…with what change I had left in my hand …I put in the meter next to mine that had expired…about 50 cent….the meter officer tells me that I cant do that…and I can get a ticket for doing it…but she would let it go this time….I asked her why would I get a ticket …she say’s because that’s not your car…and its against the law…I still don’t see what harm I did…

How do I stop putting other people ahead of myself?

My ex once said to me, “If you are walking in a desert and carrying our child and you finally come upon some water, who gets to drink from it?” I responded “well, our child, of course”. He then pointed out “but, then when you collapse from dehydration, who will get our child to safety?”.He was trying to get me to see that I NEEDED to take care of myself first and foremost, b/c without me being healthy and strong (emotionally, as well as physically), I was no good to anyone! While he was an incredibly selfish person (part of the reason he is my ex), I did see the wisdom in what he was saying.For those of us who are natural givers and nurturers, it is difficult to think of ourselves as we thrive on giving to others and doing for others. On the flip side of the coin, it can leave us feeling empty and depleted if we are not getting anything as well. I found this out the hard way.I finally came to realize that NOONE is going to make me a priority if I don’t value myself enough to make myself one. I also have come to realize that at different phases of life, we have greater opportunity to put ourselves first, and if we don’t take advantage of that, then we truly have noone to blame but ourselves!IF someone were to ask me that same question today, I could confidently answer “ I would SHARE the water with my child so that we can BOTH make it safely across.” I have come to realize that I have to find a BALANCE that works for ME.

Why do people put others down?

2 examples I dont understand-

Why people put down others who they think are inferior to them in some way wether it be financially, lookswise, religion etc

Why people put down others who they are jealous of or they think are better than themselves yet they say bad things about the person?

I never understood this. Ive always wanted to build someone up regardless of their circumstances or looks. I dont judge that stuff, why do other people?

Why would someone go out their way to 'bring another person down', how do they get enjoyment out of that?

Why do people think it’s okay to put other people down?

The possibilities:They really have something against the personThey don’t know how to be decentThey have no idea that what they’re doing is wrongThey are sociopathsThey have a power complexThey think that this is what they’re supposed to do to get ahead in the worldThey are politically maneuvering in order to achieve some hidden agenda

Why do people enjoy judging and putting down or belittling other people?

Every living being, that can form a community, have this in common. Wolf packs too.Some people, really want to be on the top, they believe that they are powerful enough to lead, are take the top most position in this ladder. They probably are, these people are usually liked, popular and have a charismatic personality everyone is naturally inclined to follow and like this kind of person.Some, even if they are not all that powerful and dominant, have come up with an excuse for why they should be on the top.This is nothing but a motive to re-assert their social status, often born out of jealousy and greed, also has other roots.These people, they are willing to do anything to make themselves appear better than yourself, they usually Make the smallest of your mistakes a huge event. Try to prove others are wrong, even if its the mundane thing.Always try to assert their false status.Teasing, calling names and ill treatment comes along with it.Soon, they have this feeling of entitlement to their pseudo-position. As if they deserved it all this while, and the mind sees what it wants, everything to them seems to be the way they want it to be. Even if that is really not the thing.The other type is,Born out of Insecurities.These kind, they are aware of their own shortcomings, flaws and have simply accepted them as perfect. When they see another person, feeling comfortable in their skin, its a reflex to tear them down and make them feel miserable too. They find it easier to criticize and put someone down, rather than improve themselves to grow beyond themselves. They are stuck and afraid to change, and can't accept it if another person tries to change. Like everything else, this too becomes a reflex and a habit.

Why do people want to put others "in their place"?

Peoples don't like to get criticize at directly or get commentWhen somebody criticize on thing that is created by someone or criticize someone,At the other hand, who's getting criticized don't like the way people get comments , by taking those comments in head , Eventually they started feeling dumb and useless.If we put ourselves in their place,we will understand how he had work hard on that thing (that thing we're criticizing), we will also know the emotions(who's being criticizing) for that thing.So instead of criticizing, we can at least appreciate somebody's work.

Why do you think so many people laugh at jokes that put down other people?

They are immature and insecure
They only feel better by putting other people down

You are probably talking about teenagers

Why do some people put other people down, as in criticize ?

To justify their own shortcomings...or failures..

Some people simply have to stand on someone else's shoulders to look tall....