Is Race Determined Only By Parents

How is race determined?

How is “race” determined? In the eye of the viewer. Because there is no such thing as “race.” It is simply a way for some people to identify “others” that may look different from themselves. It has no validity. You can have an ethnic heritage or geographic heritage, and it may or may not show in your appearance. But it does not define anyone is a different “race.”Give it up, race isn’t real. We are all part of the human “race” - homo sapiens sapiens. And if you look at the DNA that defines all of is, there is less than .1% difference. Not only that, 2 parents can have kids that look like very different “races.” In earlier times in this country, this was called “passing” as white.

Which parent determines the race of the child, the mother or the father?

If the father is Black and the mother is White, then the child is Black.If the father is White and the mother is Black, then the child is Black.The child is assigned membership in the racial group that has the lesser social status. This rule is called hypodescent.

What parent determines the offspring's race?

The female will determine both the species and the pokeball that is passed down, unless both pokemon are the same species in which case there is a 50/50 split for what the ball will be. They must, of course, be in the same egg group, and breeding two different language mons will give you a higher percentage for a shiny.I’m assuming, of course, you’re referring to pokemon breeding, or some other monster collection game. Because in the real world, something like skin color isn’t a switch that you can toggle on or off. And genetically, race does not exist. Only socially.

How is your race determined? Is it determined by your mother's race, your father's race, or both?


Race is only valid as a social concept. In other words, we can divide ourselves according to culture, nationality, etc... and group these differences together according to "race". This is a logical concept. I.e., it's within the nature of logic to refer to different cultures, nationalities, etc... as different races. But, as a scientific classification, it only applies to other species. To suggest otherwise is to be of the opinion that the Homo-sapien species can be divided into sub-species, which it cannot.

There aren't enough biological differences between the so-called races to consider them separate and readily distinguishable races. (NOTICE that I said, "...aren't ENOUGH differences." Only an idiot would claim that there aren't ANY differences between people. However, as I said, there aren't ENOUGH differences to determine that there are sub-species of humans. There are genetic differences between Calico and Tabby cats, for example; but that doesn't change the fact that Calicoes and Tabbies are NOT sub-species of the Felis-catus. Understand my point?)

The idea of biological race (what modern science has now shown as being genetic phenotypes caused by human migration) is ridiculous and was introduced by the master class for the purpose of division- to cause the rest of us to buy into the fallacy of "racial" superiority and inferiority.

Does your father determine your race?

If my father is white does that make me white even though I don't really look white? I have more of my mother's darker skin tone, and she is Peruvian. It makes me a little upset when I tell people that I have a white father and they start calling me white because my father is white, even though it's clear by my appearance that I have non-white blood in me.

Is your race determind by your fathers race?

Socially one's race is determined by the less prviledged parent.

In anthropology terms it's hypodescent. It's the reason President Obama is "the first black President" and Tiger Woods is black. They are of mixed race but are assigned to the less privileged race.

"the rule that automatically assigns the children of a mixed union or mating between members of different socioeconomic groups in the less privileged group. This is important to understand because it is how race is determined in the U.S. Because of hypodescent, race in the U.S. is fixed at birth and does not change"

"anthropologists call it the "hypo-descent rule," meaning that racially mixed persons are assigned the status of the subordinate group. This definition emerged from the American South to become the nation's definition, generally accepted by whites and blacks. "

Note that hypodescent describes the phenomena and doesn't promote it.

An earlier version is called the "one drop rule."

"The rule basically stated that a person with as little as one drop of black blood in their heritage was to be considered black."

The rule was used as part of the "Jim Crow" laws to disenfranchise Blacks and enforce segregation. It also allowed the offspring of a slave owner and slave to be kept slave. An earlier Virginia law held that any child of a slave was a slave.

The rule appeared after the Civil War. Prior to that as the percentage of minority blood declined (1/16th or 1/32ed was common) laws changed the classification of a person's race.

Oddly, there was an exception. The "Pocahontas Rule" placed her descendants in the privileged class. This was because many of the elite families of Virginia were related to the Rolfe's (whom she married) This created the fiction that while they were "mixed" it didn't count.

Hyper-descent also appears in the list of Presidents. There are claims we had "5 black Presidents." Examination of the evidence presented isn't compelling. In one case the claim is: " mother's maiden name was "Moor." In Europe the name "Moor" was given to all Black people." However, it clearly demonstrates the "one drop " mentality.

The "one drop" and hypodescent are found throughout the world. It's not unique to the United States.

What race am I if I was born in the US but my Parents are Mexican?

Most likely you are a white, Mexican-American. But you can be of any race…It helps to understand the differences in terminology. A person born in the United States is an American (nationality). Your parents are Mexican…Mexican is a nationality, while Latino or Hispanic is an ethnic group, usually of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, or other Spanish culture from say South or Central America.Keep in mind that the terms "Hispanic" and "Latino," which are often used interchangeably, do not mean exactly the same thing. Hispanic refers to any ancestry of Spanish decent, while Latino refers to someone from Latin American – so a person from Brazil would be a Latino, but not necessarily a Hispanic, while someone from Spain would be Hispanic, but not Latino. That being said, most Latinos are Hispanic. Either way, Hispanics and/or Latinos can be of any race. So for example, you can be a white Hispanic, or a black Hispanic.Bottom line – you haven’t given enough information to accurately determine your race, but it is clear you are Hispanic/Latino American.

If a child is biracial, who determines the child's race?

As far as society goes, when a person is bi racial or multiracial what race he/she looks more like is what people will judge him/her as. It would then be up to that person to say what race he/she is. i.e. both Mariah Carey and Nicole Ritchie are multiracial (white, black, latin), and Christina Aguilera is biracial (white, latin) but society considers them white based on appearance.
As far as legally, the child's race is determined by the parents at birth.
It used to be that if any person in the child's bloodline was non white, the child would be non white. But now with so many multiracial people, hardly anyone would be considered white! Many people don't know this but the average white American is less than 90% European. Then for awhile, the child was automatically given the mother's race regardless of what race the father was. This was done when my first child was born. I'm not sure why they changed that, perhaps because a child born to a white mother and a non white father would be legally considered white regardless of appearance; it just doesn't make sense. Now when biracial children are born,they ask the parents what race they want the child to be considered. You cannot choose multiracial or biracial. You must only choose one race. As far as I know it is still this way. My last child was born February of 2006 and this is how it was done. I think soon enough they will allow people to choose multiracial. Hopefully.