Is Ronald Reagan Not A Popular Ex-president

How was President Ronald Reagan influential for ending Communism?

Ronald Regan gets the credit because he was the president at the time and he was noted for his anti-soviet politics. My guess is that he was just there at the right time. The economy in the Soviet Union was beyond repair. "US intelligence experts did not fail to predict the self-destruction of the former USSR. The CIA's analysts had actually been warning US leaders since the early 1980s about the former USSR's weakening economy..."

Is ronald reagan still alive?

no - one of our greatest presidents died in 2004. He had Atlzheimers.

Why wasn't it a federal holiday when Ronald Reagan died? He was president longer than Ford (8 years vs. 3 year

07 June 2004

Bush Proclaims "National Day of Mourning" for Reagan
Invites people of the world to join in "this solemn observance" June 11

President Bush issued a proclamation June 6 officially announcing the death of Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, and designating Friday, June 11, the day of Reagan's funeral service at Washington's National Cathedral, as a National Day of Mourning for the late leader.