Is Satan/the Devil An Alien

Is Satan evil or does he represent evil?

If you believe in Satan I assume you believe the Bible to be literally true. In which case:God clearly exhibits profound psychopathology. Satan, on the other hand, is just a guy who’s easily led by a stronger individual.For example, God has 42 kids killed by a bear joking about Elisha being bald (I’m bald and I wouldn’t do that) and he has 14,700 Israelites killed for complaining about his killing people. This is not normal behaviour.Steve Wells calculates that God killed or had killed (Charles Manson-style) 2,476,636 people (not including, of course, the genocide of nearly every member of every species on the planet, which we can’t calculate).Satan killed 10 people (7 sons and 3 daughters of Job). But he only did this with God’s permission as part of a bet……………So, mathematically/objectively speaking, God is 200,000x more evil than Satan.Complete bullshit of course, but great mythology. I do have my concerns, however, about the psychological state of people who actually think its true……….and worship the more evil one.


If there are aliens, creatures on other planets, I don't think they would be automatically evil. Animals aren't created in the image of God and they aren't evil. We don't really know anything about aliens from a biblical perspective because it doesn't say anything about them, so I guess we don't need to know abuot them. But who knows? One day we'll know.
But the common idea we have of aliens, flying around in space ships, ect, they could be demons. Before man had the ability at all to create structures like (especially) stonehedge or the pyramids, (and another huge temple that defies history has been discovered recently) they were somehow built. But it was impossible for man to have been able to do that. Something called "The Watchers" were helping them.
The Watchers are probably the fallen angels that created nephilim of genesis. They mated with woman to create the nephilm. In the book of enoch, the watchers taught mankind, and they probably helped to build these huge structures, maybe even the pyramids, and mayan temples, and established a lot of different religions. Skeletons of giants have been found that have the same elongated foreheads as the mayan gods. The mayan gods and the nephilim were one and the same? They could also be what we think aliens are. People are begginging to believe that aliens created the world, and lots of other junk. Yet aliens are demons. More deception.
The bible explains the world (including space) in greatest poetic detail, from the bottom of the ocean to the heavens, So when it fails to explain aliens, theres a reason.
Aussie Witch 50, its not christianity that keep people from the truth. Its the greed of the people themselves. If they were to turn to Christianity their minds might be opened and they would be able to see the big picture, they wouldn't be subject to the control that other people are blinded by. If you think being a christian is what makes you a sheeple, then you're still in the dark bud. Thats not where the control comes from.
Btw christianity isn't even supposed to be about religion. There are religious aspects, but the point is to believe in Christ and to love him. So why do people hate it so much for someone to believe in Jesus? Its not about fear, its about love. So don't look at people and think, "they're only a christian because they're afraid of going to hell."

Is God, angels, satan and demons are aliens??

In ancient Jewish tradition Satan is simply an angel doing the work that God assigned to Satan to do.

The word Satan means challenger. With the idea of Satan challenging us, or tempting if you will. This description sees Satan as the angel who is the embodiment of man's challenges. This idea of Satan works closely with God as an integral part of Gods plan for us. His job is to make choosing good over evil enough of a challenge so that it becomes clear to us that there can be only one meaningful or logical choice.

Contrast this to Christianity, which sees Satan as God's opponent. In Jewish thought, the idea that there exists anything capable of setting itself up as God's opponent would be considered polytheistic or setting up the devil to be an equally powerful polarity to god or a demigod.

Oddly, proof for The Christian satan/devil mythology is supposedly found in the ancient Jewish texts that were borrowed to create the bible. One can’t help but wonder how Christians came up with such a fantastically different interpretation of Gods assistant Satan in their theology.

Other hints about Satan’s role in human relations can be seen if you look at the name Lucifer. It’s meaning in the original tongue translates as Light bearer or light bringer. Essentially the bringer of enlightenment. The temptations of the Satan idea bring all of us eventually into Gods light. Hardly the Evil entity of Christian mythology.

Love and blessings

Do Jews believe in the devil (not Satan?)?

Judaism does not believe in the devil, but we do believe in Satan (who more properly should be called "the Satan"). As this demonstrates, the Jewish view of Satan is very different than the Christian one. Here's a summary of the Jewish view; you can also find information at Alyza (Gretchen) Shapiro's web site at

The word satan means "challenger", "difficulty", or "distraction" (note that it is not a proper name). With the leading ha- to make haSatan, it refers to /the/ challenger. This describes Satan as the angel who is the embodiment of man's challenges. HaSatan works for G-d. His job is to make choosing good over evil enough of a challenge so that it can be a meaningful choice. In other words, haSatan is an angel whose mission it is to add difficulty, challenges, and growth experiences to life. Contrast this to Christianity, which sees Satan as God's opponent. In Jewish thought, the idea that there exists anything capable of setting itself up as God's opponent would be considered overly polytheistic—you are setting up the devil to be a god or demigod.

The notion of an angel having free will is alien to Judaism. Free will requires the tension created by being a soul dwelling in a body. People can have free will, angels can't. There is a debate over whether they lack the potential for free will, or whether they simply percieve reality to clearly to have any choices to make. But in any case, without the fence-straddling of the human condition, there is no free will. HaSatan acts as a servant of God, not as an opponent or even disobediant child. Angels cannot sin, they cannot fall.

For more on the Jewish conception of Satan, see

Spiritual Satanism and Aliens?

Hey all.
I've recently been studying spiritual Satanism (as in the Joy of Satan Ministries) and I've come across a lot of sites that say it believes Satan and Jehovah are aliens. Is this true? I know they believe in "Greys" as part of the supernatural hierarchy, but does that include Satan?
Also, I would like to know if there's splinter groups that don't have E.T.'s in their cosmology.
Finally, about how many people allign themselves with "Spiritual Satanism"?

Many thanks for any help you can give. Please know this is not in any way an insult on Spiritual Satanists, and shame is on those who would insult someone on their religion. is a good starting point.

Again, many thanks //_^

Was satan a reptilian?

lol im getting side tracked supposed to be researching tax law , this research was done about 5yrs ago but has always stayed with me. Satan was the 3rd spirit created, all spirits and humans have free will the bible states he was actually the Most beautiful of all spirit creatures , his heart "will" developed a longing to be worshiped hense he convinced his fellow spirit creatures to become like "god" "worshiped" , may be wrong I think he convinced 1/2 or 1/3 of all spirit creatures to rebel as well , since Satan is now in a "spiritual darkness" he no longer looks the way he did when he was first created. spirits can take on any form they choose, the almighty knew of satan's rebellion but allowed it to exist as all the other spirit creatures were there and saw his rebellion how the almighty handled it would reflect ALL of his qualities. if im wrong about anything i apologize. feel free to correct. the serpent and his speaking to eve is a insignificant detail really. Its the big picture that is amazing .

In reality, is the devil a part of an alien race who is using us humans?

No. “The Devil” is an invention of human beings, one that did not come to the fabrication of it’s present personification until the Middle Ages.There is no scriptural reference to such a being. The entity known variously in the Old Testament as “the adversary” or “the tempter” is a minion of God, a “trickster” type of being. The one who engages in the cute little bet with God over Job.The morphing of this being into “Satan” or “The Devil” took a long time. First, folks came up with the rolicking good story of the “war in Heaven” with “Lucifer”, the rebellious archangel going up against God, and being “cast down” to rule in Hell….Note that in that little bit of invented story… Yet another morality play about the sin of “pride”…. Neither Satan nor The Devil is mentioned.Now, fast forward a bit to the early Middle Ages when the Church was trying to Christianize the pagan hordes of Europe. Obviously, they needed a boogeyman…So, they transformed “Lucifer” into “Satan” and began to make up pictures of this new fellow who looked remarkably like some of the Pagan Gods… Like Pan. Horns, cloven feet, tail, etc, etc. “See, Satan has been deceiving you for all those years, passing himself off as a nature god. Renounce Satan and come to church Sunday…..”

Could it be that aliens are really demons or followers of Satan.?

Dude, aliens are more advanced technologically than humans.
They want to learn about things in the universe such as interintelligent-life-form breeding so they take a human and implant with whatever. They have the technology to let them do things that defy our physics (our scientists are working on defying physics).
There are trillions of different alien species so everyone will definitely not be here for the same exact thing.
Aliens have not refered to themselves in any of those things. We have refered to them in that way.
How do you know Jesus didnt die everywhere else? How do you know God didnt make all intelligint life forms in His image originally and they changed how they looked?
The skeletons of giants are in fact skeletons of dinosaurs.
The devil has been refered to as a serpent because we look down on serpents.
The religion called Rael is in fact a cult led by a psychopath.

The answer to your question is no.

Is satan a reptilian or a reptoid?

Yes the book of Jasher does speak about reptilian shape shifters so does the lost books of Solomon and the lost books of Moses's father named Amram. I am sure they know what they are talking about. Samyaza was the personal name of Satan according to Enoch 7. But yes Im sure they are. I think they look human but just have the eyes of snakes.

What do you think the devil looks like?

“A bon chat, a bon rat!” For a good cat, a good rat! It means that there is symmetry in the universe. So in the context of your question, you have God, so you must have an anti-god. Good can’t exist without evil. Equal in stature, they battle eternally for the soul of humanity. All religions are about morality and ethics. Even Buddhism, which has no godhead but which is more mechanical in nature, pits enlightenment (good) against karma (evil), Nirvana is the substitute for heaven. Religion depends on the proverbial “carrot and stick” method of motivation! Some sort of paradise as a reward for a life, well lived, but eternal damnation for the sinner!“So what does devil look like?” What does God look like? God is ascribed to be all that is perfect! So the devil is all that imperfect! God is all-powerful! The Devil although considered an equal for God (yet, the Devil will eventually lose!). Ir is preordained and prophesied! What I believe, in the context of your question (not my personal opinion) is a more precise term that should be used, is the “Anti-Christ!”Caveat! I anticipating someone will put in the comments that in the hierarchy of the supernatural, the Anti-Christ is on the level of Christ, not God. My answer to that is that view dismisses the concept of the Trinity. 3 in 1 or 3 incarnations OF THE SAME entity. Having said that there must be 3 phases of the Devil because there were 3 phases of God. As an angel, warring with the Divine and the fall from grace, Or perhaps, the life as an angel, the time of Revelations when the Devil walks the Earth, and the post-defeat/post-Revelation era! However, when I have asked the more spiritual and presumably more expert, what does God look like? The answer I got, was that the appearance is “Incomprehensible!” So I guess that the Devil’s look is also incomprehensible, to keep them on an equal plane! Movies make God like a roiling thunderstorm and a booming voice or a large translucent head or Michangelo (and others) picture him as a big man, who opted for white hair and a beard, living among the clouds, so ditto for the devil, I guess. Perhaps he looks like an elderly George Burns (The movie Oh God!) Finally, in the Bible, he was pictured as a “serpent” in the Garden of Eden tempting Eve with the “fruit of knowledge!” So what does the devil really look like? The answer, whatever he needs to look like! Perhaps, the devil has no look but is a metaphor! A spiritual mystery.