Is Seeing A White Cat At Night Really Bad Luck

Seeing a white cat at night?

That's right just a myth and nothing to worry about,Googling stuff can make us worry about many things that's why i no longer bother doing that at all,you saw a white cat because the cat you saw was white no other reason,as it happens each night that's okay too as cats tend to have a routine going so will do things around the same time each night/day so this cat has a routine just as you do by going to bed the same time or looking out the window,no truth in it being bad luck they say the same about black cats too again it means nothing,a cats color cannot determine how luck or unlucky we are,please don't worry.

Who believes that black cats really are bad luck?

Historically, black cats were symbolically associated with witchcraft and evil. In Hebrew and Babylonian folklore, cats are compared to serpents, coiled on a hearth. The cat was worshipped in Egypt and to kill one was considered a capital crime. When an Egyptian family's cat died, the cat was mummified and the family went into mourning. Romans, also, considered the cat sacred and introduced the animal into Europe. In Europe, apart in Italy or Spain, a black cat crossing one's path is considered good luck; however they were also seen by the church as associated with witches. Black cats (and sometimes, other animals of the same colour, or even white cats) were sometimes suspected of being the familiars of witches. By the 17th Century, however, the cat began to be associated with witchcraft and its luck turned from good to bad in many areas around the world. The black cat was still usually seen as good luck; however, in the British Colonies in North America and parts of Europe (e.g. Spain), which saw witch hunts, the association with witches caused them to be considered as bad luck.

In Scotland, a strange black cat on your porch is a sign of upcoming prosperity. In Ireland, when a black cat crosses your path in the moonlight, it means there is going to be an epidemic illness. In Italy hundreds of years ago, it was believed that if a black cat lay on the bed of a sick person, that person would die. Many years ago in England, fishermen's wives kept black cats in their homes while their husbands went away to sea in their fishing boats. They believed that the black cats would prevent danger from occurring to their husbands while they were away. Superstitions centering around the black cat are some of the most widely known and popular superstitions.

In places which saw few witch hunts, black cats retained their status as good luck, and are still considered as such in Britain and Ireland.

However in Romanian and Indian culture, especially in the historical region of Moldavia in Romania and everywhere in India, one of the strongest superstitions still feared by many people is that black cats crossing their path represents bad luck, despite the fact that these regions were never affected by witch hunts or anti-paganism. An identical superstition survives also in Central Europe, such as the Czech Republic

Are black cats really Bad Luck?

That is such an old wise tale and who ever said that they
were, they are out of there minds. I've had three and they
were the best cats ever. I really hate these idiots who go
around the neighborhood and look for black cats for there
evil rituals, especially around Halloween time. I would love
to get my hands on those people and show them a thing or

Are white cats good luck or bad luck?

No so-called "good luck charms" or any other objects have the ability to change anything, no matter what some people claim about them.

You see, such ideas are based only on empty hopes or unfounded superstition, and frankly, you'd be better off saving your money. They also could entice you into occult practices that do not come from God, and will instead lead you away from Him. The Bible bluntly says, "I am against your magic charms" (Ezekiel 13:20).

Instead, I urge you to put your faith and trust in the living God. Only God knows all about you, and only He knows what is best for you. Why trust anyone or anything else? Furthermore, He loves you and He wants you to bring every problem and every concern you have to Him. The Bible tells us to turn to God and "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).

Begin by turning to Christ, confessing your sins to Him and by faith asking Him to come into your heart and life. Then ask Him to lead you to a church where you can learn how to live from His Word, the Bible. No, I can't promise all your problems will suddenly vanish, but with Christ in your heart you will not face them alone—and He will help you and give you wisdom.

Why are black cats supposed to mean bad luck?

Originally in Britain and Europe, a black cat crossing one's path was (and still is) considered good luck; however they were also seen by the church as associated with witches. Black cats (and sometimes, other animals of the same colour, or even white cats) were sometimes suspected of being the familiars of witches. The black cat was still usually seen as good luck; however, in the USA and parts of Europe, which saw witch hunts, the association with witches caused them to be considered as bad luck.

In places which saw few witch hunts, black cats retained their status as good luck, and are still considered as such in Japan, Britain, Ireland and Egypt.

However in Romanian and Indian culture, especially in the historical region of Moldavia in Romania and everywhere in India, one of the strongest superstitions still feared by many people is that black cats crossing their path represents bad luck, despite the fact that these regions were never affected by witch hunts or anti-paganism.

Throw it in a dumpster. Your bad luck is there result of your attachment to the lighter. I had a coffee mug given to me by someone I considered a friend, but over the years I noticed that every time he came around, there was trouble. I kept the mug because it was from Iceland. The last I saw of this guy was when a person from a local bar told me that this guy was saying things in the bar which were going to get him beat up or worse.So I warned him to stay out of there. He kept using my parking lot and trying to bum money from me. One night he demanded 5 bucks. I was having troubles of my own. “I don’t think you heard me,” he said. I couldn’t believe my ears. I gave him the bum’s rush instead. He was not my friend.For years the coffee mug brought up these memories so I threw it in the trash. I wonder why I had kept it, chipped and cracked.

Worst things aren't happening to you alone. The world doesn't care even one bit about you. The universe doesn't care about us. These are the things that universe cares (or probably thinks) about: "Oh, I am expanding. Hell, I care.""I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach. Ah, one of the oldest stars just exploded. Now, I feel like I'm about to burp. Beerrrrpp~""What laws should we follow today? Hmm. Entropy, check. Gravity, check. Time and space, check. Black holes? Ugh, yeah one of the stars exploded, now I gotta get me one of those White holes again."Worst things happen to you because you see things that way. I remember a story about two dogs.. One is a happy dog, and the other, an angry dog. They were put into a house full of mirrors, where they see hundreds of themselves. After several minutes, the dogs were retrieved back to their owners. You know what? The happy dog got much happier, and the other dog...bit his owner. The reason for this is that.. when the happy dog was put inside the house full of mirrors, the dog saw a lot of happy dogs. The same story with the angry dog, where he saw a lot of angry dogs. You see, you are the reflection of yourself. What you think you are, is what you'll be. What you see within yourself becomes 'you'. It is all a matter of perspective. Change the lens you're currently looking at. See the good in everything. You'll never know how good life is if you're only looking on the other side. The universe doesn't care.. but YOU care, and the universe cares about the actions you have made. Universe manages all the actions and circumstances exerted by every thing inside it, so maybe we can say that universe cares about us (indirectly; and theoretically, since it has to obey laws) but hey, I see it this way and I have changed the world and made it a better place by the time I realized that I saw something good in it. Live,'s fun. :)

Hell no and any idiot who think this way needs to be shot in the ass! Black cats are like any other cat. They are beautiful just like any other cat. You should love them just as you would any other cat. I had a black cat that was a mix of Persian and Siamese. He was gorgeous with beautiful green eyes. I hand raised him and as we all know, hand raised kittens are the sweetest things on the planet. They love you no matter what. You can hang them upside down and they don’t care. He was my first cat and learned the hard way about why you should neuter your pets. He ran out of the house looking for a fight and never came back. He may have been a victim of a jack ass who didn’t like black cats or fighting with the neighborhood Tom. i will never know.

My black cat has a bad case of white flakes...dandruff on his back. what causes it & how can it be treated?

It's usually a case of the cat not getting enough of the proper oils in his diet to keep his skin and coat healthy. I don't know what you're currently feeding him, but you may want to consider changing to a higher quality dry food and supplementing once a day with a high quality wet and see if the condition improves. If it doesn't, ask your vet if a supplement can be given to him to improve his skin. Hope this helps! Good luck!

That is a myth created by various societies around the world. Have you heard that if you step in a crack in the sidewalk you break your mother’s back? Another myth. There are many examples of meaningless fears which actually has many forms throughout the world! Find a penny, pick it up, all the day you’ll have good luck?The cat myth is interesting because it means different things in different countries:United Kingdom: Good luck when a black cat crosses your path.Japan: Good luck when a black cat crosses your path.Germany: When a black cat crosses your path from right toleft means bad luck is coming your way. When a black catcrosses from left to right it means good luck is coming your way.Italy: If a black cat sits on the bed of a sick person, death will follow soon.China: A black cat symbolizes famine and poverty to come.Latvia: If black kittens are found in the silo they believethat they will have a good harvest courtesy of a spirit called Rungis.Scotland: A black cat sitting on your porch means thatriches will be coming to you.Ireland: If a black cat crosses your path in the moonlight,it means there is going to be an epidemic of sickness.For more on this, read the source of the above at:An Explanation of Superstitiions & Black Cats