Is Self-harm Normal Behavior Among Battered Women

How can I stop myself from doing self harm?

I cut myself until I was 21yrs old. When I stopped cutting, I basically replaced it with alcohol. I had never drank before and whenever the self-destructive urges hit me, I just drank. While I don't recommend this route, I wanted to use it for an example. Whenever you feel these urges, you must satisfy them. But you don't have to cut. I replaced cutting with alcohol, then eventually replaced alcohol with exercise. Not long ago I quit smoking, replaced cigarettes with Xanax and eventually replaced Xanax with writing. Any time you take something out of your life, the best way to cope is by replacing it with something else. Whenever you have an urge to self-harm, don't try to push the feelings away. You cannot and do not want to ignore them. Instead find something productive (preferably not drugs or alcohol) that will replace cutting but still allow you to vent your feelings. Try writing or working out (they worked well for me) ...chopping wood, jogging, talking with a friend, photography, building something like a model plane perhaps or whatever so; long as you can enjoy yourself and get your mind off cutting in a healthy way.I know how these feeling can either creep up or hit you like a truck. The urge to self-harm is one thing that only it's victims can truly understand. When these urges come, it may initially be difficult to "re-route" your thoughts to something other than cutting, but if you stick with it, it gets much easier as time goes by.Others with self-harm issues have successfully done this and I feel as though I should give a word of warning. If the activity does not at least help you stop cutting, then more than likely you have chosen the wrong activity. When you discover the right activity and stop cutting, you will likely find yourself obsessed with this activity. It's very common for an ex-cutter to become so engrossed in whatever they pursue that it takes up a large percentage of their time and is often viewed by others as unhealthy. It's important that you realize this is perfectly normal and that your obsession will eventually fade. For example, if you start building model cars, don't freak out if before you know it you've built's better than cutting and you'll feel a lot better about yourself.

Is it normal for a woman to PUNCH a wall?

Thanks guys, I know i should control my anger but I had a good reason to do that coworker was stopping me from doing my job because he didn't trust me because last week some kid came into climb and his harness wasn't put on right and he started to climb and I forgot to double check it and if the kid didn't notice that his harness was undone he would have died...or gotten seriously injured and i KNOW that it would have been my fault. And trust me I have beaten myself up over it enough and I can guarantee that mistake will never happen again but my coworkers are milking it for all its worth and making me miserable. My coworker this morning yelled at me and told me to file waivers all day and NOT belay...I have been belaying for 10 years and I have NEVER had anything like this happen. But he stopped me from doing my job it got so bad that we called our boss and I got fired...and then WHAM!! the wall got a taste of my temper. So did my poor hand.

Why might a very young child engage in self-harm?

Anxiety, generally.Just because they are young, doesn’t mean they don’t suffer from PTSD or mental illness.A child who self-harms needs help. If they are very young, they may not be embarrassed about the self-harm yet. That’s a good thing. Use that knowledge to have ongoing heart-to-hearts about how they feel in general, and how they feel when they cut themselves. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but keep it light. Not joyful! Just not morbid, panicked, or worried. If they feel like their activity is hurting you, they may learn to hide it from you, and that is definitely worse.They may not realize why they do it, but they surely feel when they are drawn to it. Make yourself available to them to reach out to you, when they feel like doing this. The child needs help finding healthier ways to deal with their anxiety or mental/emotional pain. They need to find ways of feeling more in control of their lives. They will need to get that help from someone who has experience helping. Sometimes a parent can do this, often they cannot.It can come from something as nasty as them having been abused, or as vague as them having been frightened and having a genetic tendency to sensitivity, depression, etc. That is, it is possible that there is a secret that needs to be found out, but it is also possible that it is an innate mental health issue that needs to be addressed.It is never nothing.It always means the child needs help.

Were most women who become strippers or prostitutes molested when they were younger?

I know a young woman who is a prime candidate to be involved in the sex industry. She clearly has emotional problems. Whenever she's around a man, she touches him inappropriately (hands up the shorts) and will sit on his lap straddling him. I'm friends with her, and she tries to do this to my husband when I'm right there. She clearly doesn't know what 'normal' behavior is, because most women would ended our friendship a long time ago.

She's adopted and her adoptive father has a 'special' relationship with her. All she needs is an offer, and she'll be a feature on a porn site. She's said so herself.

Also, many women in the sex industry say themselves that they've been molested, raped, etc. Becoming more sexual than normal is a way of dealing with the trauma. It's questionable whether it's a good way of dealing with it, but it's certainly common. Almost every girl I've known who was raped at an early age or molested has acted out sexually in some way or another.

Is it normal to want to be raped? I'm 16 and I was sexually abused in the past, but I still want it to happen again. I don't know if I just want the attention from it or if it's just my typical self-destructive behavior because I self-harm.

I’m going to give you an answer very different from the others, which are dangerously wrong.What you’re experiencing is a common symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder.One of the ways we deal with abuse is to accommodate ourselves psychologically to being abused.Abusers frequently seek out others who will abuse them, creating a vicious cycle.The fact that you self harm is another symptom of this.So no, it isn’t normal, it’s a sign of terrible abuse.The abuser is still pulling your strings, making you do his work for him.Therapy with a clinical psychologist will allow you to heal the damage and free you from both of these compulsions, the compulsion for abuse and the compulsion for self harm.Please, free yourself from this creep.You deserve so much better than this.

Alcohol abuse causes domestic violence?

Alcohol is a contributing factor, or as abusers call it, an "excuse", but it does not cause violence.

People cause violence. Alcohol may release inhibitions, and make it easier for an abuser to justify his actions, but alcohol will not make a non-violent person abusive.

The "trigger" could be several things, and studies show an abused person is more likely to be an abuser. Most abusers just have a need to be in control.