Is Severe Depression And Anxiety Treatable/curable

Are depression and anxiety curable?

Very much. There are three Solution.  1. Self Counselling.  2. Medical help from professional.  3. Combination of 1 and 2. Apart from this I suggest Take paper and pen. Write down the stimulus of your anxiety.  Try to avoid them categorically.  Don't debate with yourself.  It will help. And final verdict..... Try to understand that nothing is permanent in the life. And in spite of our mental situation time keeps on progressing . It's one side of coin which is fixed and irreversible but another side of coin is free will . This free will is very important.  It come under our preview.  We can choose path of our life if we blend our desires and Efforts.  So try to see another side of coin. Anxiety is fear of unknown reason.  Just focus on known reason and understand that it's your own imaginations which is cultivating your anxiety.Come out of it.

Jogging cured my depression and anxiety?

Its pretty well known that exercise helps combat depression and anxiety either alone or in combination with medication and counseling.
Its not clear why it does but it may have something to do with exercise increasing and releasing Endorphins in our brain which is a hormone which makes us happy, it makes us feel better about our self image because me may have lost weight and feel healthier, it could also be because we sleep better when we exercise regular, it improves concentration and reduces stress.
Doctors do say that exercise alone can combat depression especially if it's only in the early stages and can also stop us from getting it in the first place.
..and you were right..its shown that aerobic type..running, walking or swimming tend to be the best in beating depression.

Can depression ever be 'cured'?

Clinical Depression is caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals (seratonin). Many factors can play into Depression such as Hereditary, Hormonal and Situational.

Often many different medications need to be tried to be the most effective in treating depression.

When the chemicals become balanced, then the Depression will abate.

Many Depressed people are not compliant in taking their meds. Some feel that they can control the way that they feel or get angry for having to depend on something.

When the chemicals in the brain become balanced, then Depression can lessen.

Is depression and anxiety 100% curable? (I'm talking about those who have genetics and also predisposition to dep & anx).

A desposition as it involves a medical expert to answer your concerns. It does not take someone whom doesn't even know or could be lying that they may have been diagnosed with whatever they have formatted their ambigious profiles.Even if they have mental illness they do not have proper validation as to whether or not you the user asking the question can or cannot be “cured”.They need to help themselves figure themselves out. They cannot act as s doctor. They cannot act as a therapist, we cannot play god if the role doesn't fit.Im tired of that. Go to school not you. The users playing mental health activists.Now that I've thrown that out there let me answer your question through extensive university level educational insight and my compassion.the truth is. YES YOU CAN OVERCOME YOUR ANXIETY AND takes patience, resources, support, positive changes in lifestyles, and most importantly to overcome the fear of seeking help. You've already made the first step by asking a communitg. Rather then listening to negative annotations and those whom have no eduactionable background will only disposition and discourage you.You are worth getting treated. Maybe you have already began. Getting treated now while this chaos has just began will cure you. If it is not taken care of during t beginning stages we all know what it can lead to. Actual psychical diseases. Heart disease, auto immune diseases, cancer, Alzheimer's, those all seem to be the Most common diseases in North America.Stress is the leading cause to all diseases. depression and anxiety are very psyical. That's your body's way of telling you. It's stressed and it is up to you on whether or not you wanna help yourself.And you can and you can also overcome it and when you seek out help and support the important aspect to this is to not give up. It's a challenge. It's not easy but you will be happy when you did not give up because you allowed healing and to be cured.

Is it possible to cure depression?

Yes. Yes. Yes. It can be cured. But it is a long term process. Please seek professional help. You cannot compromise on that. You are in no position to judge how severely you are affected as all your judgements are clouded. A professional therapist will be able to help you out. Here's what you will need / go throughYour undying, unquestioning patience. It will get hard, but you will have to fully commit yourself to the process.Complete faith in the professional who is trying to help you. You need to know that you will be expected to follow a routine, do some activities, all of which will require dedication. This is not a one time thing. This is a process and a long one at that. Which is why you need to trust the person who is trying to help you. If you feel uncomfortable with the person you are seeing currently, change doctors, but trust is a must. Do not half ass your healing. You are not helping anyone, least of all you.Be prepared to be vulnerable. This, again will come naturally once you start getting involved in the process. You need to breakdown the fear in order to rebuild yourself. But trust me, it all is worth it, when you look at the big picture.All these points may sound like the same thing, but these are all the lessons I learnt on my road to recovery. I wish you the same. :)Thanks for reading!

Is anxiety disorder curable?

Sure.  There are lots of them.   Medication is an excellent tool.  It doesn't even have to be an anti-anxiety medication.   When I was in school, cardiac nurses told me they'd take a small dose of Inderal (propranolol) before presentations to stay calm.   It's an old cardiac drug, and often used to lower heart rate.  Some psychiatrists prescribe it for anxiety as it's not addictive.  It doesn't change your emotional state (some anti-anxiety meds can make you a little TOO relaxed).    Be careful about any existing low blood pressure, etc.!  There's a whole host of anti-anxiety meds.Therapy, in many forms, can help guide you thru overcoming social anxiety in steps.    It's good, but even better with medication.Having just a few successful, less panicky interactions usually brings reward in itself.    You may even be self-congratulatory, which is fine--but keep it to yourself.   When you're comfortable in areas of lesser anxiety, push yourself to go to the next step.Exercise--my favorite is running--also calms you and gives you a strong, steady heartbeat at rest, thereby short circuiting some of the worst parts of an anxiety disorder--racing heart, sweats, palpitations.   See yourself in perspective with others.   This probably should be first.Years ago I was so paralyzed with social anxiety I could not get ANY words out of my mouth in a job interview.   None.   And I desperately needed a job.   Forty years later, after therapy, medication, and observing life, I stood in front of an audience of 500 educators, MD's, RN's, and other discussed the dangers of  blood thinning medication, made jokes, and enjoyed it.   I'm still shy, and will never be a butterfly.   But my very very deep and limiting social anxiety is gone.    My patients often told me I seem jittery--and my response is to tell them I am, I always have been.   I'm not careless, I'm just anxious on any given day.Hope you find this helpful.  And when you finish that speech in front of 500, pat yourself on the back for a job well done.  Keep trying.  Every success leads to confidence.

Can long-term depression be cured?

I suffer from chronic clinical depression.  My research a few years ago showed that if you have a severe depressive episode (longer than a few weeks or months) you have a 50% chance of having another.  If you have a second, 75% chance of having a third.  And on and on.I was in therapy for my 3rd episode which had already lasted a couple years.  One day, I told my therapist that I was tired of my 3rd episode and that I just wanted to skip straight to my 4th.  I had realized (at the age of 55 or so) that I was going to be depressed for the rest of my life and that I was ready to learn how to deal with it.  My therapist's response was "Now we're getting some place."That was in 2002.  For the last 14 years I've been doing really well, but recently started seeing a therapist again as a preventive measure to stave off my 5th episode.So, my answer to the question, yes, I think you CAN cure depression with the right therapy and/or drug.  In my case, it's mostly therapy, and a positive attitude.  Some days I have to tell myself when I wake up:  "Today, and today only, I will not be depressed."  It usually works.