Is Silicone Spray Safe For Toddlers And Infants

Which glue is safe (and which one is not safe) to use to make or fix baby toys?

All of the Elmer's type wood glues are safe for baby toys, indeed, I am unaware of any commercial adhesives which would not be suitable once they were cured. If in doubt, read the label and go online for an MSDS

Is silicone spray safe for toddlers and infants?

Want to waterproof a new $300 stroller and baby car seat. Worried maybe a residue may drip off or the fumes, etc. We cannot afford a rain guard. It would be a pain anyway.

Is silicone spray safe for children? Thanks.

How do I use nasal aspirators in a baby?

Cold and cough are one the common thing you will hear from your little one in the day to day life. Babies breathe through their nostril and due to the cold babies tend to have the nasal blockage. So nasal aspirator would be really helpful to clean the nasal congestion that they are suffering from. But one should always choose the right nasal aspirator. Always use the nasal aspirator which is BPA free and made up of silicone because those tiny nostrils are very sensitive. Hence I would suggest Buddsbuddynasal aspirator as the perfect one to use on babies nose. It gently removes the mucus and helps the young one to breathe easily.

Doctors please help me...orgasm using faucet or showerhead?

i am 18 years old and i am a virgin and one time i was in the shower and i decided to lay back on the floor in the shower and let the bottom faucet run over my vagina. i did it many times for the past two years and every single time i did it, i reached orgasm but i just read on here by a doctor that i was doing it wrong, instead of letting the water spray over my clitoris i let the water run inside of my vagina, i just thought that since this is where the hole, and the hole is where the penis is supposed to penetrate, that's the only place it would feel good and it did!! so i thought that i was doing it right, at that time i didn't really have any knowledge about where the clitoris is, and what the vulva and cervix is, so i read from a question about orgasm using water and a doctor replied and said "be careful not to let the water enter your vagina or you may end up having a vaginal infection" before i even read about that i knew that something was wrong, or i did something wrong because my panties are always wet, there is no smell or anything like that but there is always a watery liquid and i noticed that before i started using the showerhead that my panties were not as wet, and sometimes when i lay down or watch tv or sit down i feel like there is a shock that runs through my vagina, like it stings a bit, it happens once in a while and especially when i am on my period, it feels like electricity passes through the vagina and it shocks but it does not last long, for only a few seconds.. when i feel it, i close my legs really tight and it stops!! i am really scared now because i am afarid that i have given myself an infection, but i am not sure, i am really scared to go to a doctor, from the time that happened i never used that faucet anymore, it has been at least 3 months since i haven't used the showerhead and now i plan to never masturbate or do anything to my vagina so that means i will not be reaching an orgasm until i get married because i want to remain abstinent. so if i stop using the showerhead to reach orgasm will that eliminte the problem of my panties always being wet and that shock that i get? i hope that does not prevent me from having children in the future or anything like that, oh gosh i hope that i am okay and i did not harm myself by doing that!!! what is a vaginal infectional feel like, what are the symtoms?? i would like doctors or people with experience to answer this question, for i cannot stand ignorance!! thank you!

What are the Side effects of using Johnson baby oil on beard?

Baby oil is a scented mineral oil, meaning it is derived from petroleum-based products. That doesn't make it inherently evil, but it is different from plant-derived oils such as Jojoba and Argan oils.Mineral oil is used in a whole host of cosmetic products -- even eye makeup, so humans have been safely using it for a long, long time. One of its useful properties is its ability to resist the absorption of moisture. This would be a good thing on a baby's bottom, but I'm not sure that's the attribute I want at work on my beard.As for the warning label, that reads like it was written by a lawyer to protect against litigation. You really don't want any kind of oil, mineral- or plant-based, in your lungs. But realistically, since we generally measure out our beard oils in a small number of drops per application, this isn't likely to be any significant inhalation risk.There are countless hair and skin products that use mineral-based and silicone-based oils, and people use them every day without apparent ill effect. I choose not to use them since they are not as easily biodegradable in the environment as plant-derived oils, and that makes me wonder how my body deals with them in the long term.

Are today's aluminum cans bad for our health?

Aluminum cans have a thin plastic lining. This lining prevents the leeching of aluminum into the liquid it contains.

The big health scare over aluminum was over research done on Alzheimer's disease. Autopsies revealed a higher concentration of aluminum in the brain of some patients with Alzheimer's. It is unknown whether aluminum was a possible culprit, or the diseased tissue for some reason just held onto more aluminum. Further research has not been able to duplicate these results; autopsies of some patients show no increased levels of aluminum. [1], [2], [3], [4]

Aluminum toxicity is rare and usually found in patients with renal failure. [5]

The amount of aluminum you would be exposed to even if cans were not coated wouldn't cause you any harm.

How does silica gel kill you?

Silica gel is a drying agent, meant to  remove moisture from an enclosed space. Silica gel packs may be found in  boxes containing electronics or new shoes and inside purses or medicine bottles.

Can anyone tell me is it harmful to us when we wash our pets in flea shampoo or put flea products on our pets?

Read the instructions on the bottle of flea shampoo. Usually there will be warnings, or age/size guidelines. It can be dangerous to wash young kittens in flea shampoo.

Also, when using a spray product like frontline, usually there is an age recomendation, plus the product specifies the number of squirts per pound.

If you are not sure, there are safe alternatives, such as a flea comb. I defleaed my kittens using a flea comb and a plain water bath to drown the fleas as I was removing them. Putting animals in a bath usually forces the fleas to higher ground, and they will usaully move to the head or face. I would not recommend a flea comb for large animals, because it is time consuming.

Can you use saline to moisturize your eyes?

Yes you can use NORMAL SALINE (sterile solution) in your eyes. This is done in the ER frequently to rinse /irrigate eyes that have toxic chemicals splashed in them- if BALANCED SALT SOLUTION is not available. However Normal Saline solution is not made to go in the eyes because it is the wrong pH and does not have the correct balance of electrolytes. It stings and causes the corneal epithelium to swell after enough is put in.So use drops or eye washes that are made for eyes or BSS (balanced salt solution) if available. You can use Normal Saline in an emergency if the only other option is tap water.