Is Smoking Weed On Earth Better Than Going To Space Sober

Regret smoking marijuana, any thoughts?

Hi Nick,

When you get to the core of the issue, substance use, including marijuana, has little to do with morals and more about what fits your personality and the particular stage of your life that you're in. You smoked weed. It doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you a person who has smoked weed. You had an experience, and you learned a little more about yourself and who you are. You learned that you are not someone who wants to smoke weed, and now you're moving on. If you keep thinking about it to the point at which you feel guilty for ever trying marijuana, you may have some underlying anxiety, especially if you feel isolated or if you are lacking in social support at home/school. Do you see a counselor/therapist/psychologist? A lot more people do than you would think; after all, it's kind of nice to have a completely unbiased person that you see once per week to talk about things that are stressing you out. Just a thought. A lot of times substance use is closely linked to stress/anxiety/depression and it may help to talk these thoughts out with a trained professional. If not, you should keep a notebook and log your thoughts. Self-reflection and learning from the choices that we make are great ways for all of us to get on the road to becoming better people.

What is your advice for a person who is smoking weed for the first time? What to do and what not to do?

here's what I would recommend as an ex-poly-drug abuser.  First of all, evaluate the risks. I think drugs are wonderful but the negative side effects tend to either be played down or over-exaggerated (both are harmful in my opinion, but that's not my point). There are some people who don't experience anything negative--and that's great--but for me, it has altered my memory and senses, possibly worsened my anxiety, and seriously messed with my thinking process. These effects seem to be permanent. I have also met people whose underlying disorders, like schizophrenia, were"uncovered" by weed. This isn't a scare tactic, I just want you to make informed decisions. As for what to expect, other answers seem to have covered pretty much everything: Have cold water on hand, don't give into peer pressure, be smart, be safe, take care of yourself, start at a low dosage, don't expect too much and don't expect too little. At first, it's going to feel as though you're being reborn in the sense that you're going to feel and notice every sensation your brain usually filters out. The air hitting your eyeballs, moisture evaporating from your airways, your tongue sitting in your mouth, every breath carrying the ever present smell of marijuana, etc. Then it might feel like reality almost fracturing into dimensions, little crystals of time and space spiraling away. At this point, do not panic.  Stop trying to claw back to reality, as this can trigger a bad trip. Instead, melt into the sensation, and know it's temporary. (this will all make more sense when you're high) Oh, and a couple of last things: Try not to do it somewhere where you're going to be worrying about being caught. It messes with the high, especially the first few times. Don't drive.Keep in mind that you might not even get high your first time (I didn't). But as the others have said, wait before you take more hits, because the effects can take a while to kick in. I think that's about it...Be safe, take care of yourself, and good luck!

When I smoke weed alone or with others I always over think about everything and zone out, how can I stop this from occurring?

A2A. Your not supposed to. Don’t want that feeling? Cannabis is not for you.Cannabis is a natural herb. We know our herbs can heal. We threw this one away, incorrectly. Made it illegal, used for recreation. Used badly, it is a problematic drug.The purpose of cannabis is to relax parts of your mind so you can go exploring. You have things in your mind that you need to resolve. Cannabis is helping you do that, but you want to hang with your buddies.Cannabis can be used for recreation, at risk, but its primary purpose, like LSD, is to help and repair the brain. You need to resolve those inner thoughts. It feels like cannabis speeds you up to much. Start the process sober.You have things in your mind to resolve. Emotional memories from bad experiences. Look within. Heal the brain. Its very plastic and will help you. Drugs are unnecessary. They can be helpful if used right.Ask around “How do you feel on weed”. Many different answers. Many different brain types and needs. A cannabis high is not a chemical induced high(altered consciousness) like crack cocaine. It works with the mind to give you what you need.A very misunderstood drug. As are all our psychedelics.

Is it possible for an astronaut to smuggle WEED to space??

You are either a troll or a drug numbed moron, either way, abuse report for you. Nobody intelligent and responsible and educated enough to become an astronaut would ever be stupid enough to do drugs. And NASA would never be stupid enough to entrust the safety of hardware that cost about a hundred billion dollars to a useless, worthless druggie!

Zach, I laid the hyperbole on a bit strong because the question was so moronic. I am aware that most people who smoke pot on a casual basis are not totally disabled by it. But I also have people in my life like one of my grandsons' other set of grandparents who are completely useless worthless meth addicts, the mom has been through rehab many times and none of them has worked. The sometimes live in their car, right now the mom lives with her son. Both of their lives have been totally destroyed by their inability to stay away from their drug of choice.

I am not accepting of illegal drug use because of the huge negative effects it has on society, and the wasted lives that result. About my intelligence you know absolutely nothing, last time I checked my engineering degree had not been revoked and systems I helped develop were still functioning on the ISS and in chem/bio agent detectors for the military.
And of course I did mention the distinct stench of troll.

But in a practical sense, in zero G it is pretty hard to get normal combustion to work, without convection to remove the combustion products and bring in fresh supplies of oxygen.

What is it like to be high on marijuana or other sources of THC?

I have been smoking weed once a week for about 4 years now. I 'll break down the effects in two categories although I know thay are connected:PhysicalPositive:- Your body feels more relaxed, mild muscular pains fade away- Your five senses, specially hearing, taste and sight are enhanced.- Sex feels specially connectedNegative:- Stuffy nose- Your mouth feels really dry, you feel thirsty- Your core abs and back muscles also relax, so your general posture gets weaker- You wake up a little disoriented and more tired than usual next morning. But nothing compared to the massive hangovers alcohol can give you.MentalPositive:- You become aware of the objects of your senses. Details of the landscape or music rarely pass unobserved. You are more aware during sex, you feel your partner reactions more naturaly. Food tastes incredibly great.- You become aware of all your thoughts and as a consequence of this, mental noise ceases. If you are in a high speed train of thought (which occurs quite often) you will be aware of everything. If you are able to put yourself in a state of mental tranquility it feels incredible.- Altered time perception. Events seem to take much longer in your mind than reality. I think this is connected to the last points, because you are so aware of everything inside your mind and outside your body that you rarely loose track of time.- You connect better with other people, animals and nature. Your sense of empathy increases.- You are in general more positive, you creativity and sense of humor increases. You make unusual and clever connections about different topics.Negative:- Sometimes you can get a little paranoid about being observed or people perceiving that you are high. I've had two minor panic atacks while high when really bad thoughts and fear of death terrorized me for about 5 minutes.- You get confused during more demanding tasks, caring too much about small details and forgetting about the general picture.- Your sense of likes and dislikes is distorted. You tend to feel over enthusiastic about everything and laugh about awful jokes. - When you really got the munchies your loose your perception on how full your stomach is.- Short time memory problems.That's my point of view while sober. Maybe I'll come back here once I am high and see if I can add more color to these descriptions.