Is Socialism An Evil Concept .

Why does everyone think socialism is bad?

First of all, not everyone does.Now to answer why I find socialism to be bad.It’s utopian. Yeah sure give all the power to the government and those smart politicians will make everyone happy. Actually, give all the power to politicians and you get corruption. Even anarchism, arguably the most utopian ideology agrees, “there is nothing more dangerous to a man’s morality than the habit of commanding” - Bakunin.Equality? Should we be equally miserable? Human beings are naturally unequal (in terms of intelligence, physical strength, potential, emotional spectrum etc).Capitalism is the root of all evil? Remove capitalism and people will become moral? Equality results to morality. Oh yes that is why crime rates in USSR were so low. Well they did decrease, since the big powerful not-at-all corrupt government killed everyone who disagreed.A stage before communism? In Marxist theory (not every socialist is a marxist) socialism is the stage after capitalism where the proletariat riot and throw off capitalism. Eventually our society will transform into communism and the state will not be necessary and will ‘wither away’. Of course it will, like it did in the USSR. Again, utopian. There is even a socialist strand called utopian socialism.High taxes for the succesful? You mean legalized theft? Whether you earned it or inherited it, your money should be yours, the government should not force me to help anyone. I would personally help the poor, but I disagree with making it a universal law. I’m in favour of helping the poor, but against hgh taxes, the same way I’m against abortion but support the right to choose. Just because I, or the government, feel a certain way, it does not mean it should be enforced upon everyone.Nationalization and state ownership? Bro do you even economics? Privatized and profit maximizing firms are always more efficient and that results to lower prices, better quality products/services, and more choice for us consumers.I’m a Government and Politics student. I study all ideologies, give essays, tests, and exams on them. Out of all of them, socialism is the most flawed one. I think socialists live in fairy land.Anything good that you may come up, or other people come up and attribute to socialism, first read up on what modern liberalism is.For a similar answer, check out Panos Shady's answer to Why do you oppose socialism?

What is the driving force behind socialism?

The driving force behind Socialism is the simple belief that people in a society make their own rules, rather than being bound by previous tradition.

Within that society, the argument goes that those who are wealthy are generally only able to obtain that wealth with the consent and cooperation of others within said society. In socialism, unlike communism, entrepreneur's are still rewarded for coming up with a new idea, however the concept of private property as a sacrosanct ideal above that above the good of the community is considered foul.

The driving force behind socialism and its origins are the robber barons at the turn of the 20th century, who forced those that worked under them to endure extreme working conditions whilst paying those that worked for them an extreme pittance.

Socialism has inherent flaws, but so does capitalism without government intervention. Socialism as a force has been practiced in the United States since the 1930's.

If you hate Socialism, should you tell your kids sharing is evil and give all your love to the one that works?

the hardest for your affections?

Socialism is about sharing. We know it ultimately won't work as the idealist want it too, but the constant struggle for equality is what good people have to accept as a daily personal struggle. To give up that struggle would be to accept a dictatorship, to accept extreme poverty and extreme wealth not unlike Tsarist Russia, or pre-WWI Ireland. Is that the world conservatives want? Zero humanity?

If you hate Socialism, should you teach you kids, loaning their brothers money or sharing toys is wrong? That only the strong should survive and that's who'll get your love?

What is socialism? Is the US Education system socialism?

All socialism is not Communism it is only a off shoot of socialism and in no way the only; look up Christian socialism whose proposer is God himself.
As a parent (an former student of a private school) I have witness parental input first hand. The majority of control has been with the religious right. In High School art history class we were not allowed to bring home our books because some parents would get upset by nude pictures. So I guess all the great art like the statue of David be covered by a burka. And yes the founders of this great nation did not specify education in the bill of rights, however they did say that we the people have the duty not just right but duty to make corrections when deemed necessary. if you can read; read about the history of our education system. The purpose of which is to insure a strong nation by providing all of its citizens a basic education. If it is not the governments job than whose is it?