Is Strength Training Better Than Cardio For Fat Burn

Is strength training or cardio better for weight loss?

Strength training allows to keep your muscles. If you have some decent amount of muscles, dieting without strength training would mean a massive loss of muscle, much more important than your fat loss (and then once you start eating normally again you'll gain back the fat loss much more easily than you'll gain back the muscle loss, so you'll end up fatter than before your diet). For an athlete, strength training would therefore be compulsory. If you are currently totally sedentary and have little muscle, then maybe you don't need to worry as much about strength training.

Cardio training is primarily designed to improve your *heart*, as its name explicitly states. Using cardio during a fat loss period is just a cheat to compensate for your eating too much. It's certainly not compulsory, it's just a matter of choice but you would essentially have the same result on your fat (but not on your general health) if instead of doing cardio you simply eat less.

Is strength training better than cardio in losing belly fat?

Fat loss from mid-section directly connected to your current nutrition and way of life and how you behave around food. Before you change your lifestyle (nutrition and adding rigorous physical activities), I recommend visiting with a Medical Doctor. You can have a big belly but metabolically still mostly healthy, or you may have some underlying medical issues. See your Doctor.The primary focus of strength training is to build connective tissues and increase mobility and conditioning, improve physical sturdiness and durability, and as a bonus,strength training can increase metabolism and trigger natural hormones leading to fat loss. If done right (frequency of training and volume of weight training) and if combined with a proper diet, strength training can help you lose body fat leading to a smaller diameter of belly fat and a better health. Strength training alone, however does not target fat loss from the belly. Spot reductions not possible.Strength training can expedite the process of fat loss.Cardio training is also an excellent way to speed up the process of fat loss if combined with specific quantity and quality of nutrition. Cardio exercise will not directly target fat loss either.A superior method to accelerate the fat loss is to combine the cardio conditioning mixed with strength training routines. Your nutrition, frequency of training and the rate of recovery will determine the results.I recommend a diet consisting of fresh food, reduction of stress, increasing physical activities while keeping an eye on your nutrition and sleeping habits.I use a lifestyle of weightlifting. I cook all my meals using fresh ingredients.Mansour’s disclaimer:Don't do anything stupid and get hurt lifting big weights after reading some of my answers. This would make us both quite unhappy. Consult a Medical Doctor, a Strength Training coach and common-sense specialist before doing anything you may read in some of my answers.

Which burns more fat: strength training, HIIT, or normal cardio?

If you only consider the calories burned during the workout, it will be 100% HIIT cardio especially if you do HIIT cardio right. If you consider long term metabolic boost and the calories you will burn due to increase metabolism, then definitely strength training. You can learn in details on why HIIT burns more calories than normal cardio here:You can also learn in details on why strength training burns more body fat in the long run as compared to cardio workouts in general below:Hopefully this helps and here are some strength training and HIIT cardio workouts if you are interested:Strength Training Workouts:Resistance Band Workouts Dumbbell & Barbell Workouts & Tutorials ( a free 3 phase program you may be interested in : 12 week free weights muscle building workout routine )HIIT Cardio Workouts:Tabata Workouts - YouTube Outdoor Workouts Body Weight Only Quick Fat Loss Workouts Take care!

Is strength training with compounds better than cardio for fat loss?

To lose body fat you must focus on your current nutrition. Strength training using compound exercises is very effective to speed up the process of fat loss.Plan on one pound of fat loss every week. That is the safe zone.A better way to promote a healthy and safe rate of fat loss is to combine a suitable nutrition with both Cardio and Strength training.Strength training exercises are very intense and a caloric deficit combined with sleep deficit can cause injuries. To ensure safety I recommend you visit with a Medical Doctor and seek assistance from A Strength Training Coach to supervise your athletic programming.If you rely on compound (Multi-joint training) to lose body fat, I suggest you think again.You must master your nutrition first.Mansour’s disclaimer:Don't do anything stupid and get hurt lifting big ass weights after reading some of my answers. This would make us both quite unhappy. Consult a Medical Doctor, a Strength Training coach and common-sense specialist before doing anything you may read in some of my answers.

Cardio vs weight training - which is best for fat/weight loss?

A combination! You need cardio for your heart and to burn calories at the moment, build stamina, etc. You need weight training to built lean muscle and burn calories after working out as well, hence fat loss.A good combination will include at least 3x a week weight training.

Cardio after weight training or before?

i always do cardio after weight training. i'll explain in a minute, first.. weight training will lead to gains in muscle, but before you stop doing the weights, consider this. women do not have enough testosterone in their bodies to develop big ugly muscle mass. when women weight train, they are going to end up with a lean, tone appearance, not a big bulky look. secondly, weight training will lead to increased calories burned every day.. by developing your muscles via weight training, you will increase the number of calories you burn every day. muscle tissue needs a steady supply of calories to exist. they burn calories all the time, even during sleep, so by weight training, you are increasing your metabolic rate. third, muscle tissue is smaller in size than fat tissue, pound for pound. if you took 1 pound of muscle and 1 pound of fat, the pound of fat would be about 3 times as big as the muscle. so even if you add 5 pounds of muscle to your entire body, you would appear thinner. 4th... weight training for women helps increase bone density. look it up online, it is a proven fact. thats all i have on weight training, now for the other part of the question. i do my cardio after weight training for this reason: your muscles and blood store energy that you get from food in the form of glycogen. this is the primary fuel source used for activity. i like to weight train first when glycogen levels are high. this allows for a high intensity workout. after weight training, your glycogen levels have fallen and your body needs to turn elsewhere for energy. it will get that energy from your fat stores. so, by doing cardio after weight training, your body will tend to burn more fat calories as opposed to doing cardio before weight training.
if you do cardio first, you burn up all your available energy, and barely tap into the fat energy stores, and when you go to weight train, you are low on energy, leading to a fatigued unproductive weight training session. your body is not very good at pulling fat stores to use during weight training. i have been bodybuilding for a couple years and when i am reducing bodyfat%, this is the way i do it

Does strength training burn calories?

Muscle burns more than fat so if you can reduce you overall body fat, you will be increasing your muscle and will therefore burn more when you exercise and boost you metabolic rate to allow you to burn more throughout the day.

What burns fat faster, weights or cardio?

I am pasting the words of fitness expert Suneet Sebastian. This will answer your question


Weight training is not purely for building muscles. As a matter of fact, weight training is far more efficient at burning fat than running is because :

a) Weight training causes you to increase the energy you burn at rest (BMR) due to EPOC (Excess post exercise oxygen consumption). This means that your metabolism will increase and you will burn more fat simply while resting (who doesnt want that ;)

b) Weight trainign will help you preserve lean muscle tissue. Lean muscle mass is a significant contributor to BMR. More muscle you have, the more fat you will burn simply at rest.

c) Doing a lot of aerobic activity such as running will help you improve your cardiovascular endurance but will do very little to burn fat since you are only burning fat for the duration you perform the activity (say 1 hour). But pales in comparison to the enhanced fat burning through weight training that occurs upto 36 hours after an exercise session

d) A lot of cardio will also make you lose lean muscle mass which will not only slow down your BMR resulting in lesser fat loss...but it will also make you weak, scrawny and you will end up looking and feeling miserable

So I hope it is very clear that weight training can and MUST be included in any and all fitness regimes irrespective of your goal
