Is Ten Skelaxin In Less Than 24 Hrs Lethal

What would happen if I used too much muscle relaxant?

Depends a little on what you mean by a muscle relaxant drugs. Baclofen and Orphenadrine are anti spasm medications. Over use causes sedation drowsiness and other side effects which are searchable on line.In my experience the most patients who are on muscle relaxants are actually taking diazepam or similar benzodiazepines in the mistaken belief they are muscle relaxants. Despite their effects on the GABA receptors and the 1974 Gate theory of pain it is now certain benzos do not relax muscles . They do sedate and cause you to lose memory and concentration however. Too much benzodiazepines will over sedate you. The real danger is that in combination with opioids such as codeine and Oxycodone there is a serious risk of death as you just stop breathing. The combination killed Heath Ledger.In brief so called muscle relaxants taken orally are only really useful in serious neurological conditions such as a broken neck.Hope this helps.

Can you take nexium and naproxen or other NSAIDs together?

Nexium isn't an NSAID. You can take it with any of them. I wouldn't take 2 NSAIDs together. Because they act the same way, taking 2 of them together is like overdosing on 1 of them. Best to stay at the top limit of dosing of one (for ibuprofen, it's 2400mg/24 hours, for naproxen sodium it's 1100mg/24 hours though you can temporarily use up to 1650mg/24 hrs).

Why is tizanidine considered a narcotic?

US FDA has redefined narcotic to mean opioid. An older and more widely accepted definition from follows :any of a class of substances that blunt the senses, as opium, morphine, belladonna, and alcohol, that in large quantities produce euphoria, stupor, or coma, that when used constantly can cause habituation or addiction, and that are used in medicine to relieve pain, cause sedation, and induce - The world’s favorite online dictionary!Based on this tizanidine is a narcotic. At high doses it produces stupor. Dependence is common, and even at normal, prescribed doses, taper is recommended to stop it. It is used in medicine to relieve pain. However, per the FDA’s revised definition it is not officially a narcotic.